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Motion Picture Images II

Continually Under Construction, Keep Checking Back for the further ADVENTURES of

Captain Harry Flashman

Click the image for a larger view.

"Coronation Day in the Duchy of Strakenz."

"Rudi, Prince Carl of Denmark ('Flashy'), and Bismarck on Coronation Day."

"Prince Carl ('Flashy') and Duchess Erma during Coronation and Wedding Day."

"Duchess Erma and Prince Carl ('Flashy') on their wedding night."

"Rudi and 'Flashy' exchanging cuts."

"Royal Flash" one sheet on the paperback cover."

Please me with comments and/or suggestions .

Or, if you have any pictures of Malcolm McDowell as Captain Harry Flashman.

And, of course, any of the other cast members of "RoyalFlash."



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