IE4 Users:
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You are cadet numberto access the database since
since July 30th 1997!
Oct/1/98 - The Winner of the Database Great Site Award is Beta's Voyager Database , voting has begun for the month of October so vote and submit your site for November!:)
Sept/26/98 - Well sorry for not updating I'am quite buisy, I have recieved an award and it is in my awards page , my new shorter address check out my new
Enter the Academy's realm of Star Trek movies-- .mov's .avi's.
LAST UPDATED Aug/18/1998.
"The Ways of the Treks" offers some funny things that even you your self can contribute to!!!
Last Updated Dec/8/97
Here is a list of some of the cool and interesting webrings that I'm a part of.
Last updated Dec/15/1997
The database has a multitude of image files.
"Sound" Audio file transmission interception!
LAST UPDATED Jan/11/1998.
The Holo Tours a joint opperation between the "Starfleet Academy Database" and "Garak's Tailor Shop"!Here we have only four ships at the moment , Enterprise-E, Defiant, Prometheus, Romulan Warbird , , a Bird of Prey and now the Starship Voyager!Don't worry though their are more to come!!!
Updated April/20/98
The Academy's Holographic Battle Simulation Deck! here you can play my new online battle sim sort of neat , browser must support java Netscape 3.0+ or IE 4.0 is required in order to play, so have fun belive me it's tough.
Last updated Feb/5/98.
Awards here there is a list of my awards.
Last updated Sept/26/98.
Here is The "Database Great Site Award" for those who want an award , or want to see the past winners!
Last Updated Oct/1/98
This is the databases new upto date news service!
Last Updated May/12/98
A brand new "UPCOMING Episode's" for Voyager & Ds9 Episodes!
Last updated
Episode review for the episode "Valiant"!
Last updated May/10/98
Beam to another starship from the links page!!!
Last Updated Aug/3/98. .
Starships of the 90's!
This page is best viewed with and was created by David Little
with the help of his friends, Ben Embely and Jon Gaudet!
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