Animation - American and Japanese is a web site with essays about animation, as well as reviews of 115 animated films. This site is not and will not be an image archive. There are already several fine archives on the Net,and it would be foolish to compete with them. Instead, the goal is to provide some food for thought for those interested in the art of animation.
Most of the material included on this page is related to theatrical cel animation, although I've also included a few references to TV and computer animation. If you'd like, you can see my Frequently Asked Questions. There are some links to other pages about animation,and about movies in general, and there is even a bibliography for those of you who still like to read books.
My latest review is of a truly weird, oddball Tim Burton movie called Tim Burton's Corpse Bride. If you like that one, you might want to try reading my review of Mad Monster Party? which is a truly strange animated film from the minds of Jack Davis, Harvey Hurtzman, and Rankin/Bass. My most recent anime review is of the beautiful Memories My latest essay, entitled Hirschfeld Remembered, is a tribute to the master caricaturist who passed away months ago
Thanks for coming by my page for the first time, and thanks for coming again if you've been here before. To learn more about the purpose of the page, click on the Essays link below. Or, you could just wander around for a while. Either way, I hope you enjoy! Feel free to add to my guestbook.
copyright 1997 -
This page was created by Dan Patanella (with a bit of help from Eva Nottage) in August 1997 and last modified on April 2, 2006. Lisa Crandall provides additional editing services for this webpage. All character names are the property of their respective copyright holders. Any graphics on this page featuring copyrighted characters are used within the guidelines of the Fair Use Doctrine. No infringement is intended. Henry the Mouse is a copyrighted character created by Dan Patanella. This page is the work of fans, and the opinions expressed within are not those of Geocities. All essays, reviews, and articles posted to this page are copyright Dan Patanella 1997-2006 (unless otherwise noted) and are not available to be reprinted without the author's written permission. Dan Patanella is not an employee of nor affiliated with the Walt Disney Corporation, Warner Brothers Animation, Toei Animation, or any other professional animation company or school in the United States, Canada, or Japan. Opinions expressed on pages linked to Animation - American and Japanese are those of their respective page maintainers and are not necessarily mine. In addition, please note that the GeoGuide atop the main entries to my site are Geocities' creation, not mine, and that I do not necessarily endorse any of the sites or products advertised there. Also note that my counter is often hilariously inaccurate. The Geocities Watermark was not my idea, either and I didn't cast any votes in favor of this Yahoo merger.
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