Well, we all know in the media is Keanu's favorite place to be--NOT!! But, unfortunately, this is one of the few places, like it or not, we get to see our hero. So here I will tell where you can find Keanu, and then I can also give my "CRITIQUE" of the journalist's efforts, and we all know in what direction that will be going!!!

IT'S OFFICIAL!! Keanu is one of LA's 100 Coolest according to BUZZ magazine, the October issue. I say he is THE coolest!!!!!

Check out the September issue of US magazine to see some cool shots of Keanu on the road. There is one of him with the wool cap that I think a fan gave him with his shades carrying his bass, a beautiful one of him on stage, a candid of the band with Keanu posing, one precious one of him on the bus holding his CHEEZ-IT, and one of him with his fans signing autographs (does anyone recognize themselves?). There is also a little text which is weird but cute.I love you in your rocksatr role Keanu! Now if you would only get back to the theatre as well so I can see more of you!

Rush to your bookstore and check out Hollywood's 5 Hottest Hunks ! It has a cool, long article on Keanu's career, cool photos, and even has a reference to Zero Distortion ! It's a must for any fan's collection!

I literally screamed when I went to the post office to pick up my mail after a relaxing vacation and found the most breathtaking picture of my man on the September issue of Premiere magazine! The article inside is just as awesome. Written by James Kaplan, it goes into playing chess, yet another interest of Keanu's, working with Pacino (whom it is mentioned the producer said "Keanu came across"- YES!!). Keanu, as he always does, had nice things to say about Pacino. There is a quote from Charlize Theron stating that Keanu is "really funny" and " very, very comfortable with his body". AHHHHH! I was dying. I think that is what is most appealing physically to me about him. I definitely agree with her. The author states that "It's fun hanging out with Keanu Reeves". I couldn't agree more!! I felt that the author was respectful and very cool in his article on Keanu and brought out a lot of the things I see and love about him. Thanks Mr. Kaplan for the article and of course to Keanu for a great interview. Check out the photo on page 68. Good thing I don't have a heart condition!! Keanu looks and seems, as the author says, a modern day Hamlet!

Keanu, Bret, and Rob were on E!'s Howard Stern show on September 3rd and 4th. It was a good interview, although Keanu seemed a little nervous.It was amazing how Keanu turned the attention away from him towards the band. I think Keanu finally put some of those awful rumors to rest! And boy did he look hot! A totally class act our Keanu is!!

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