I was born in the Pride Lands a few days after Simba, to my mother, Sarafina and a rogue lion. I am, like my mom, tawny-golden in color and have the same striking blue-green eyes as she does. My father's name is unknown to me as my mother never brought up the subject and everytime I tried to, she just started to cry. It never really bothered me that I never knew him... I mean it's not like I didn't have a father-figure, Mufasa was like a father to me, sometimes I fantasized that he was...
I met Simba when we were barely old enough to venture out of the cave and we became the bestest friends. We did everything together. We ran all over the Pride Lands together, exploring every nook and cranny. I remember one time... when we were a little older, before everything was ruined, Simba found out about a great place for us to go to. I'll never forget it, for it was that day that I found out that I would become Simba's queen. We both were repulsed when Zazu informed us we were going to be married one day.
Simba and I both agreed that it would be too weird and Simba said that
he would do away with that rule once he became king. Zazu's feathers became
quite ruffled at that and he told Simba that as long as he was around nothing
would change. Simba and I hatched a plan to get away from 'Banana Beak'
and were soon on our way to the "really cool place"... the scary Elephant
We didn't get into too much trouble for going there, not as much as we should have. My mother was not pleased when Zazu informed her where we had actually gone. Considering how scary the adventure turned out to be and the scare I had received, my mother didn't punish me. Simba got a firm scolding from Sarabi when he and his father returned later that night, and the subject never came up again.
It was soon after this that Scar announced to the pride that Mufasa and Simba were dead... he was now the king... And then the hyenas moved in. Sarabi was devastated over the loss of her mate and only cub, I was grieving over losing my best friend. My mother did what she could to comfort both of us, until the sight of all those hyenas entering the Pride Lands changed all of our lives for the worst.
In the beginning it wasn't so bad, there was plenty of prey for us all and the hyenas did their own hunting. But, as time wore on, they became lazy and Scar ordered the lionesses to not only hunt for him and their families, BUT also for the hyenas. Soon, it became obvious to Sarabi and the rest of the lionesses that there was not enough food to go around and the hunting party had to travel further and further away from the lands in an attempt to find anything.
As the years passed, and I saw what was happening to my home lands, I became more discourged. I was an adolescent by now and it was evident by the herds moving away, the other residents of our lands had left earlier when it became clear to them exactly what kind of king Scar was, that we were in the middle of a drought. The beautiful lushness of the Pride Lands soon turned into a dry, parched land as the waterhole and other nearby pools slowly shrank up to nothing but muddy puddles. It kept getting worse and worse, eventually, some of the lionesses had had enough and during the nights one or two would make an escape to a better life. By now I was a full grown lioness and had seen first hand what hunting was like. I decided someone had to go find some help or we would all die.
I told my mother and Sarabi of my plans in private, since none of us was allowed to leave Pride Rock without an hyena escort or the king's approval I would have to sneak away under the cover of darkness when everyone was asleep. They wished me luck and told me to be careful. This would be my first time out on my own and I would have to cross a great desert if I was hoping to have any chance of finding help. It took me a few days to get across the desert, at the time not realizing that this was the same way Simba had gone all those years ago.
I found myself in a little oasis at the edge of the desert complete with a refreshing pool of water which I drank from, then laid down to rest after my long journey. I was so far away from my home and family and didn't have any idea on where to find the help we so desperately needed. Right now what I needed was something to eat, so I made my way into the jungle to scout something worth hunting.
I found my way through a small jungle into open grassland with another
jungle in the distance. I decided to make my way to the bigger jungle,
my stomach reminding me that it had been days since I had last eaten. Soon
enough I caught the scent of an animal... and crouching down low in the
grasses, I could see my prey, a warthog, who appeared to be playing with
an insect. As soon as the bug moved, the warthog spotted me and ran off.
I gave chase and soon the warthog was trapped inside of a tree stump. I
knew this would be an easy meal. Then a meerkat hopped over the log and
was trying to help the warthog escape. I would be getting quite a meal
for myself I thought as I closed in on the two. Suddenly a lion jumped
over the log, landing in front of me. I skidded to a halt and we began
to fight.
He was young and strong and his fighting skills matched my own. As we fought, I wondered to myself what a handsome lion such as this was doing alone in a jungle, let alone trying to steal the first decent meal I had in quite awhile. The lion soon flipped me onto my back and I counterflipped him, standing over him, and growling when he did the unexpected... he called me by name. I was estatic, surprised and a bit taken aback all at once... for this lion turned out to be Simba!
Simba had been living in the jungle for the past three years and the warthog and meerkat turned out to be his friends, Pumbaa and Timon, respectively. Introductions were made and I told Simba that everyone thought he was dead and will be thrilled he was still alive. I couldn't believe that Simba didn't want anyone to know. I asked the two friends if they would mind excusing us for a few minutes. Timon, of course expected Simba to side with them and let them remain. He was very surprised when Simba thought it best they left.
Once we were alone my true feelings came out and I told Simba how much his being alive would mean to everyone... and especially what it meant to me. Simba told me how much he had missed me and took me on a tour of his jungle home and we ended up at the edge of a beautiful waterfall. We carefully made our way under the falls to the little pool of water at the shoreline. As we drank slowly, I wondered what had happened to the fiesty little cub who couldn't wait to be king. I could tell there was something Simba wanted to tell me, but had no idea that whatever that something was, it was the one thing preventing him from returning home.
All thoughts of the purpose of my being here were forgotten as we frolicked and played like we did when we were cubs. We ran through meadows, pouncehugging and soon we were play-wrestling and tumbling down a hillside. We shared a laugh as we ended up at the bottom of the hill. Simba had landed on top of me and had me pinned and I must admit, it felt good to have his warm body pressed against mine. I licked his cheek slowly and gave Simba a comehither stare. The look on his face was priceless as he went from wide-eyed surprise to complete understanding and we shared a romantic and passionate night of love.
The next day we finished the tour and again I brought up the subject of why he had never come home. He made up some story about wanting to get out on his own and living his own life. I told him how much he was needed back home and he kept denying it, insisting that he wasn't needed and wasn't the king... Scar was. I told him that Scar had let the hyenas take over, that everything was gone and if he didn't do something soon everyone would die. He again said he couldn't go back. I didn't understand at the time why he was acting this way and told him he wasn't the Simba I remembered. We had quite an argument and I said something awful to him before we each took off in the opposite direction.
The next morning, after I had calmed down, I went looking for Simba and came upon the sleeping Timon and Pumbaa. Once they stopped yelling and remembered who I was, Timon said the last he knew, the two of us were together. Before I could answer, Rafiki, the wise old shaman from the Pride Lands appeared from out of nowhere and announced that Simba had returned to reclaim his kingdom. I was overjoyed and quickly made my way home with Timon and Pumbaa not far behind. I caught up with Simba at a ridge overlooking the Pride Lands. He hadn't wanted to believe me then... but now that he saw the devastation with his own eyes, he knew he made the right choice in coming back.
Timon and Pumbaa used themselves as bait to lure the hyenas away, and Simba and I snuck in behind them. I took off to find our mothers and the rest of the pride, Simba went to find Scar. I returned with my mother and the other lionesses to find Sarabi laying on the ground and Simba confronting Scar about stepping down. Scar claimed that he would gladly step down if not for the hyenas who thought of him as the king. I responded that Simba was the rightful king.
Amid the beginning strikes of lightning setting the dry timber aflame and thunder hinting at the end to the drought, the truth about Mufasa's death and Simba's exile came to light. Scar had gotten Simba to admit to us that he was responsible for his father's death. He and the hyenas had backed Simba to the edge of the promontory where he almost slipped and fell. Now, Simba was clinging to the rocky edge, his claws having nothing to dig into. It was then that Scar whispered into Simba's ear that he was the one who had killed Mufasa. Simba roared out a no and leapt at Scar. With Simba's help, Scar admitted his guilt to us all as the storm raged on. That was the start of the Great Battle as we referred to it later on. Meanwhile, Simba and Scar fought, and just when Scar thought he had Simba right where he wanted him, and was about to pounce, claws extended with deadly intentions, Simba used my flip techique to hurl his uncle over the side and down to the waiting hyenas below.
As the life giving rains began and started to soak the parched lands, Simba came down from the top of Pride Rock. We were so glad to see that he wasn't hurt as he nuzzled first his mother, then me. Rafiki rattled his stick to get our attention and motioned to Simba that it was time for him to take his rightful place as king. Simba took a deep breath and with all eyes upon him, made his way majestically up to the top of Pride Rock and roared triumphantly to let the kingdom and neighboring prides and residents know that the one true king had returned.
We gladly answered our new king with roars of our own and Simba let out another mighty roar. Later that night, once all the well wishers had gone home, and the pride was asleep, Simba asked me to be his mate and to rule by his side as his queen. I quickly said yes and we once more confirmed our love, fulfilling that long ago promise our parents made.
In time, the Pride Lands were green once more and teeming with life. Our
pride is florishing and here we are now, with all the animals of our kingdom
having been invited to Pride Rock for a celebration. Simba and I looked
proudly on as Rafiki presented our newborn daughter, Kiara... who would
one day carry on the royal tradition as the future queen. Again, the Circle
of Life continues on with the next generation. Somehow, I feel that Mufasa
is very proud of us all and especially of Simba.
This brings us to the end of your journey and the beginning
of a new one as Simba tries to be the best father he can be and to teach
Kiara the ways of the Circle. Which isn't easy with a daughter just as
michievous as her father. I thank you for allowing me to be your guide,
perhaps we can take another trip soon.
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