As you probably know I have another OLTL site and it’s hard for me to take care of both of them. At first when I took this site I wanted it to be not mine exclusively but to have a couple of long time viewers who’ll maintain it together that way there won’t be a lot of work. Things haven’t turned out to be as easy as I thought it would be it’s difficult to maintain a site with more people with the only connection between them is the Internet.
A long time passed from January (when I got this site) and I still haven’t finished updating all sections. I need help in the followings:
Yearly summaries of 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001 like the ones from 1988-97 (with a storyline’s name, date and summary) ASAP
Yearly summaries of 1968-87 (like the ones above) – There is already a short summary of each year but I want to expand them like the others. Ken (the former webmaster) started working on 1983 and I continued it a little bit but it’s not finished and it’ll take a while till it’d be done.
I’ll be glad to post any article you’ll send me (yours or from soaps magazines) or a transcript from the past or your idea to a mystery.
About all the others sections: If you see something that needs to be updated let me know and I’ll try my best on doing it as soon as I can. Usually there are small stuff like adding a name to the Family Tree or to the Cast List or add a character to the Denizens or a contract.
Any other suggestions are welcome just let me know
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