The Denizens of Llanview
This page is designed to briefly acquaint newer viewers with the relations
between One Life to Live's characters.

Victoria Lord Davidson (1968-present)
The matriarch of Llanview; married seven times to five different men and mother of five. (Her eldest, Megan, died in 1992). Daughter of newspaper tycoon Victor Lord, Viki has dealt off-and-on for thirty years with a split personality disorder. She was last married to Dr. Ben Davidson who died after being two years in a coma which was caused by Niki Smith (Viki’s alter ego) who pushed him from their bedroom window. Viki was diagnosed with a heart disorder and after Ben's condition turned to the worse he offered her his heart for transplant. Like she always did, Viki is standing by her children and brother and is trying to help them with everything they are going through. Now she's dealing wih te fact that her youngest, Jessica is sufferingfrom DID as well and with her ex-husbund, Clint, they try to get her to hill and integrate.

Todd Manning (1992-present)
Long lost son of Victor Lord and Irene Manning, Todd was given at birth to be raised by Irene's brother, Peter who abused him as a child. Todd grew up in Chicago and moved to Llanview when he was a college student. In college Todd lead a gang rape on Marty Saybrooke and was sent to jail afterwards. Since then Todd has committed many more crimes some bigger like blowing up a yacht and killing a millioner. However, Todd has a good side too, his love for his family. Todd and Blair had their share of weddings and are the proud parents of Starr and Jack. Todd has returned from the dead twice and the last time he even returned with a new face, Walker Laurence's face. Currently Todd is blamed for the murder of Margaret Cochran and their unborn child (Margaret help Todd prisoner and raped him). Todd is on the run from death row and his lawyer, Evangeline is doing her best to prove his innocence.

Kevin Riley Buchanan (1976-present)
Kevin is Viki & Joe Riley's first born son. He was adopted by Clint Buchanan as a young boy and grew up to be a true Buchanan. As a teenager Kevin got involved with the much mature Lee Ann. The woman got pregnant and young Kevin married her. The marriage was over soon but Kevin got a son, Duke. Kevin became a reporter in the family's newspaper where he fell for fellow reporter, Cassie - the minister's wife. They married eventually but this marriage also didn't last long. Kevin fell in love with his brother's wife, Kelly which in the end left Joey for him. They got married but after they had their share of problems they divorced. They are now trying to get back together and they even got engaged. However not all is good, Kevin found out he got an exotic virus which made him steile and besides that his only son, Duke has fallen for his girl, Kelly.

Jessica Buchanan Santi [Laurence] (1986-present)
Jessica was kidnapped by a religious cult member (Allison) as an infant and when she was returned she was believed to be Viki & Clint’s youngest daughter. The truth is that Viki gave birth to twin girls and Jessica was one of them. However Jessica wasn’t Clint’s baby, she is the product of a rape (Mitch raped Viki). Jessica lost her virginity to Will Rappaport while they were drunk, she got pregnant and lost the baby, Megan due to a car accident. Jessica married mobster Tico Santi on the rebound from her brake up with Antonio Vega but this marriage was short since Tico was murdered after Jessica found out the truth about him. After his death it turned out Jessica has DID like her mother and her alter ego Tess was stalking her. Tess refuses to let go of Jessica and remained in control. In the mean time she also fell in love with Nash and became pregnant, only no one knows who's the baby's father (Nash or Antonio). The reason why Tess was created was because Jessica was abused as a young girl by a child pedophil named Norman Leads who filmed her as he was taking her from the bar Niki Smith use to bring her to.

Natalie Buchanan Vega [Balsom] (2001-present)
Natalie was raised by Roxanne Balsom. She came to Llanview seeking to get back at Jessica who she believed took her place as the Buchanan baby girl. The truth came out and it turned Jessica and Natalie were twins (not by the same father). Natalie has a brother Rex (Roxie's son) and she works at the LPD. Natalie fell for Cristian Vega and after many troubles (including marrying her twins sister's father, Mitch) the two were finally married only Cristian was kidnapped on their honeymoon. Natalie returned alone and after a few months with no new lead on Cris's whereabouts he was presumed dead. Natalie started dating Lt. John McBain. After a year Cristian came back from the dead and Natalie was the last to know (John kept that from her). She's now trying to investigate John's father's murder from 20 years ago and still haven't decided with whom she wantsto be Cris or John.

Duke Buchanan (1992-present)
Duke is Kevin's son with Lee Ann. As a baby his divorcing parents had at least two custody battles over him, he was kidnapped by his mother and her friend Jason Webb but in the end it was agreed by both sides Lee Ann will raise him in Texas. Kevin visited but not very often and Duke always resented him for that. Even when Kevin moved to Texas he never took the time to get to know his grown son better. Instead Duke and his father's wife, Kelly became good friends and he grew to like her a lot. When Duke came to Llanview, he immediately fell in love with Adriana Cramer, but Adriana chose to be with Rex after Duke wasn't giving her enoug attention. Duke fell for his father's fuance, Kelly Cramer and admitted his feeling for her only to find out they weren'y mutual.

Asa Buchanan (1979-present)
The patriarch of Llanview, oil tycoon Asa is arguably the richest man in Pennsylvania. He is also one of the most-married, having been wed and divorced to ten different women. He is head of Buchanan Enterprises. Asa has three sons Clint and Bo with Olympia and with Renee he had Ben Davidson who was given away for adoption at birth and recently died. Asa has always hoped his son Bo will remarry his true love, Nora and he has done many tricks to get these two back together. Asa is married to Renee, the only woman who can stand him and his moods and his best friend is Nigel who recently agreed to to come back and be his butler again.

Clint Buchanan (1979-present)
Clint wasthe first Buchanan who came to Llanview to work as an editor for The Banner. He is Bo's brother, Asa's eldest son, and father of five (his eldest, Cord is from a teen affair). He adopted Viki Riley's boys and married her. Together they had Jessica (later it turned out they had twins and Natalie was his biological daughter). Clint was always there to support Viki and the kids whether they were married or not. He had a short lived marrige to Lindsay Rappaport and left town for London for a couple of years. Recently he returned to help Jessica with her DID and Viki deal with the situation. It looks like there are sparks between him and Dorian Lord (they were involved before 25 years but who knows maybe they can light up the fire again).

Bo Buchanan (1979-present)
Bo has had a lifetime of interesting occupations, including cowboy, owner of a record label and producer of a soap opera. Most recently, he is the police commissioner. He is Clint's brother, Asa's younger son, and was married five times his last wife was Nora. Bo is currently dating Dr. Paige Miller. He had one son from an earlier relationship, Drew, who was murdered and recently he found out he is Matthew Rappaport’s biological father. Bo, Nora and Matthew have their quality time together but it seems something is always stopping them from becoming a family. Bo has a special relationship with Rex Balsom who helped him in a case or two and is now trying to prove who was behind Margaret's death. Besides that Paige is keeping many secrets from him but she asked his help in finding her long lost son.

Renee Divine Buchanan (1987-present)
A former madam, Renee has cleaned up her act since coming to town. She was married for several years to Asa Buchanan, but divorced him after he had an affair and took the Palace Hotel in the settlement. She and Asa got married again and Renee revealed that years ago she gave birth to Asa's son but gave him up for adoption. Their son turned out to be none other than Asa's rival, Ben Davidson. Eventually father and son reconciled but they lost Ben when he fell down to a coma for two years and in the end he died. Renee and Asa married yet again for the third time, lets hope this time its for good.

Dorian Cramer Lord (1973-present)
Dr. Dorian Cramer came to town back in the 70’s with her sick sister. Right from the start she was a trouble maker: her medical license was taken from her after she gave a patient an overdose and tried to pin it on Larry, she married Victor Lord for his money and gave him the wrong medication so he’ll die and she will inherit his fortune. Since then she made herself a rival for life, Viki. Besides Victor she was married to five other men. She has two daughters Cassie and Adriana and two nieces Blair and Kelly and she’ll do anything to protect them, she even killed her own mother to protect Cassie. Her other half so it seems turned out to be David Vickers who is at least half her age and their goal together is to get as much money as possible. She was sent to jail twice for murder; the first one was self defense and the other she was exonerated from. "The Cramers are divided to two: Fighters and Feelers" as Dorian once said, Dorian is definitely a fighter. Dorian and David's reltionship fell apart when he ditched her at the alter and she's now having some sort of relationship with Clint Buchanan, when she's not interfering in Adriana's love life.

Blair Cramer Manning (1991-present)
Blair is Dorian Lord's niece. She is also one of Llanview’s most well-known vixens. She has had affairs with many of the town's men, married Asa Buchanan and Todd Manning for their money, faked pregnancies, and has two children with Todd: Starr and Jack. I guess Blair found her second half in Todd, these two had their share of weddings and divorces but they're always get back together. Most recently Blair is started an affair with Dr. Spencer Truman (against her daughter's will) after she failed to believe in Todd's innocence on the murder of Margaret Cochran.

Kelly Cramer Buchanan (1995-present)
Kelly came to Llanview in 95 after spending her life in a boarding school in Paris since her mother was too sick to take care of her. She had a half brother, Paul, who was a big trouble maker but he died. Kelly fell for her aunt's husband David and tried to seduce him. David tried to take advantage of the young woman but she was saved by Joey Buchanan. Kelly and Joey became an item and got married only afterwards she found herself drawn to his brother Kevin. Kelly left Joey and married his brother. Kevin and Kelly moved to Texas where she became a good friend to his son Duke. They returned and divorced after many fights (Kelly couldn't carry a pregnancy till the end so she passed another woman's child as Kevin's). They recently got back together and became engaged only Kevin got some sort of virus which made him sterile and his son, Duke realized he was in love with Kelly.

Adriana Santi Cramer [Colon] (2003-present)
Raised by the Colons in Puerto Rico, Adriana came to Llanview to live with her godmother Carlotta Vega. While living with Carlotta, Adriana found herself falling in love with Dorian's grandchild, River. Carlotta and Dorian did their best to keep the two from seeing each other, they were keeping a secret: Adriana was adopted; she was the biological daughter of Dorian and Carlotta's brother, Manuel. Dorian was involved with mobster Manuel Santi and got pregnant. She ran away from him and gave the child to his sister who gave her to her friend Ramona Colon. Dorian revealed the secret when her Aunt Betsy offered her inheritance to the Cramer who has never been married. Everyone thought Dorian was lying to get the money but it was true. Adriana met her new family, the Cramers and the Santis. She dated both River and Duke but now she's seeing Rex Balsom despite of her mother's disapproval.

Starr Manning (1996-present)
Starr is the daughter of Todd and Blair. This girl had suffered many ordeals: She was diagnosed with e-plastic anemia, she was kidnapped by her own father, there have been many custody fights over her between her parents. She started a virtual relationship with a young boy from NY named Travis and once she ran away from home to meet him. She was kidnapped in the process and her loving parents found her. She's now upset with her mother for starting a relationship with someone else while her father is on the run from death row.

Jack Manning (2001-present)
Todd and Blair’s son and Starr’s younger brother. At first he was thought to be Max Holden’s child but Blair kept the truth away from everybody and when she got into labor Todd took the child, gave him away and told her he was dead. Later on he figured out the boy was his and he located him and brought him back. However he didn’t want to tell Blair the truth so he told her he brought him so they can adopt him. Jack got ill, it was e-plastic anemia and that proved he was Starr’s biological brother. Todd tried to cover and lied to Blair but eventually she’d found out the truth. She left him but reality brought them back together again. Jack along with his sister Starr hope their parents will get back together and they will be a normal family but now Todd is on the run from the law.

RJ Gannon (1994-present)
Randall James Gannon is the younger brother of Hank, and has a very shady past. He came to town a loan shark and has been tied up with such criminals as Carlo Hesser. He kept busy running his jazzy Club Indigo, until the business went under...and up in flames. He has opened a new club "Break Bar" which isn't that legal and now he's running "Ultra Violet". He has found out that he had fathered a child years ago, Keri. RJ hated the fact Keri had fallen in love with his rival Antonio Vega but when she bore his child he had nothing to do or say. Keri committed suicide but RJ will always blame Antonio for her death. For Jamie's sake RJ and Antonio are in some sort of truce but who knows what the future is for these two. RJ dated Evangeline for a while but she left him after finding out RJ never stopped his shady business. He started a relationship with Lindsay Rappaport (finally a woman he can have a relationship with that would last). RJ proposed and her answer was yes.

Nora Hanen Buchanan (1992-present)
Bo's fifth wife, Nora has proven to be a keeper. A hotshot attorney, Nora is most widely known for defending Todd Manning and Dorian Lord in their trials. She is the ex-wife of Hank Gannon, with whom she has a daughter Rachel. She shares a son, Matthew with Bo. Nora is the DA of Llanview. She was married to the former DA, Daniel Colson who trned out to be a double murderer and also cheated on her with a man. Nora tried to get over all that Daniel has put her through and buried herself in work only she collapsed and became comatised.

Matthew Buchanan [Rappaport] (1999-present)
Matthew is the son of Nora & Bo Buchanan. He has two half siblings: Rachel and Drew. Matthew was conceived while Nora and Bo were still married and Nora wanted to give Bo a child after Drew died. Thinking Bo was sterile (thanks to Lindsay) Nora slept with Sam and tried to pass the baby as Bo’s but the secret came out and the two were divorced. Two DNA tests were thrown and Sam was declared as the baby’s father but after Sam was murdered he left a letter for Bo & Nora with the truth of Matthew’s paternity. Matthew currently lives with Bo but he hopes his parents will be together some day, though it doesn't stop him from bringing this day closer with Starr Manning's help and tips. His mother is lying now at the hospital trying to recover from a long coma and Matthew is there for her all the way.

Lindsay Farrell Rappaport (1998-present)
The vindictive ex-wife of Sam Rappaport and mother of Will and Jen, she came after Sam to Llanview and apparently liked it. She has since become Mrs. Clint Buchanan and almost Mrs. Bo Buchanan too. She served some time in prison after many crimes between them kidnapping and drugging Nora and changing Mathew's paternity tests. She escaped from jail and ran off to kill her ex-lover Troy but she made a mistake and shot the father of her children, Sam. She was sent to St. Anne’s but eventually she was free and she returned to her art gallery. She lost her daughter Jen after she was murdered by Daniel Colson. Recently she got involved with RJ Gannon and when he proposed she said yes.

Carlotta Vega (1995-present)
The owner of the CK Diner in Angel Square, Carlotta Vega has a good heart, an open mind and two shoulders for many to cry on. She has two sons, Antonio and Cristian, whom she raised as best she could in the disadvantaged community of Angel Square. She suffered a stroke after a robbery in her diner but returned with full strength to work. After "losing" Cristian when he was presumed dead we found out Carlotta had two big secrets in her past. The first was about her goddaughter Adriana; Carlotta gave the child to her friend Ramona to raise as her own but she was really Carlotta's niece, her brother Manuel's child with none other than her ex-employer, Dorian Lord. The second secret was about her son Antonio; Carlotta was really his aunt, he was Manuel and Isabella Santi's son. He was presumed dead after an explosion occurred in their car but Carlotta found him as a baby and raised him with her husband as their own and away from her mobster brother. Recently she was reunited with her not so dead son, Cristian, and she's trying to keep her family close and safe.

Antonio Vega (1995-present)
Antonio was raised as eldest son of Carlotta and the big brother of Cris. His biological parents were Carlotta's brother Manuel Santi and his wife Isabella who named him Manny Jr. As a baby he was in an explosion and was thought to be dead only his aunt Carlotta found him and raised him without telling him he wasn't really hers. Antonio was the head of a gang, "The Prides" and was called "El-Le'on". He spent some time is Statesville Prison for murder but it was proven later to be self-defense. Tonio had married Det. Andy Harrison and the couple moved out west for Antonio's law studies. Tonio came to Llanview again, divorced Andy after she's cheated on him and became a police officer. He fell in love Keri Reynolds who was later found out to be RJ Gannon's daughter. Keri had Antonio's daughter, Jamie but she got close to her father and started playing dirty (faking her death and stuff, framing him for abuse). Keri committed suicide but Antonio was charged with her murder. With the help of Jessica Buchanan he was proven to be innocent and he started dating Jessie. Antonio resigned for the police force after finding out he was a Santi and he's running a club "Capricorn". He's now trying to help Jessica with her DID but her alter ego, Tess, hates him and doesn't let him come near her or the baby who might be his.

Cristian Vega (1995-present)
Cristian is Carlotta's younger son, Antonio's brother and a talented artist. He and Jessica Buchanan were highschool sweethearts but in the end he married his childhood friend Roseanne Delgado. After a short time the marriage fell apart and he got involved with young Jen Rappaport only he didn't like all her lies and deceiving and left her for his true love, Natalie Balsom (Jessica's new found twin). They had a rough start including Natalie being tricked into marrying Mitch Laurence but they finally married - only Natalie lost Cris on their honeymoon when Flynn tried to kiddnap her and Cris went after him and was presumed dead. Cris returned a year later when Natalie was a suspect at the Paul Cramer murder only he had no memory besides paitings of Natalie. He was also acting very strange, while in the year of his absence he was programmed to kill someone. He pulled out the plug from Tico Santi's life support and tried to kill his own brother. He finally confessed of being a fraud who was planted with Cris's memories and was sent to prison only the DNA tests proved otherwise - he was really Cris Vega but only John knew the truth and Cris swore him to say nothing. Another year passed till Evageline found out and freed him from jail - there he found out Carlo Hesser was the one who ordered his brainwash. He got out of jail and back to his family only Natalie didn't hurry to take her husband back and filed for divrce since she was angry the truth was hidden from her. Cris developped a close friendship with Evangeline and started a boxing career but he still cares a lot for Natalie.

Jamie Vega (2002-present)
Jamie is Jamie is the daughter of Antonio Vega and Keri Reynolds. At first she was thought to be Liz's (Keri's mother) child. Liz had a one night atand with Antonio and became pregnant only she couldn't carry the pregnancy. Her daughter, Keri, pffered to carry it for her (without knowing it was Antonio's child) and they preformed an embryo transplant. Only weeks before she was born Keri found out it was really her own daughter she was carrying. Before Jamie was born her mother and grandmother were on a plane crush and were all presumed dead. Only Keri was alive and she gave birth to Jamie. At first RJ was the only one who knew they were alive and he tried to keep that from Antonio. Soon Antonio found out and Jamie's parents had a custody fight over her. Not even one year old and little Jamie already lost her mother after the latter committed suicide. Afterward it was her grandfather RJ who sued for custody over her but after Antonio found out he was a Santi he gave RJ his daughter since she would be safer with him. After another custody fight Antonio got his daughter back, let's hope for good this time.

David Vickers (1994-present)
Brother of Spencer Truman, David changed his last name when he was a teenager. David came to town to save Dorian from death row with a fake diary. He pretended to be Victor Lord's long lost son only he fell in love and married "his own" sister, Tina. Soon his lie was exposed and Tina dumped him but then Jean (Viki's alter-ego) forced Dorian to marry him. Living with Dorian was great for David and would could be more fun than playing with his wife's young niece, Kelly who had a crush on him. Dorian finally found away to divorce him without loosing anything, she "forged" a picture of him making adultery without his knowledge it was really Dorian. David left town with nothing but its ex-mayor. We saw him again when Todd gave him Jack (When he thought he wasn't his son) and David sold the baby to someone else. Eventually Todd succeeded in bringing his son back and framed David so he was arrested by the Moroccans and was sent to jail there. David came to town again seeking for the Badrah diamond and in the race trying to get it he held his ex-wife hostage till she'd tell him what she knew. He came back yet again and this time the love blossomed between him and Dorian. Only a shade from the past stopped him from marrying Dorian, his brother Spencer blackmailed him with the knowledge David and Paige were responsible for Thomas McBain's death many years ago. Dorian can't forgive David for ditching her at the alter and David still tries to make up with her. He's now trying to understand his brother's plot against Todd and the Buchanans.

Spencer Truman (2005-present)
Mystery doctor, brother of David Vickers and ex-husband of Paige. Spencer came to town with a whole lan against the people of Llanview. He blackmailed his ex-wife and brother with the fact they were responsible for a man's (Thomas McBain) death many years ago. He planned to frame Todd for murdering Margaret and their baby and on the way he began romancing Todd's woman, Blair. Another vandetta his running is agaist the Buchanans: He infected Kevin with the virus which made him sterile, He planted some picture from the past at Asa's. He keeps interfering in Paige's and David's lives subotizing their relationships and all the way looking good and honest infront of Blair.

Paige Miller (2004-present)
Dr. Miller became Asa's doctor when he was trying to make his family think he was mentally ill and that he was dying. She became the Chief of Staff at Llanview Hospital and she started dating Bo. Thngs were going well till her ex-husband, Dr. Spencer Truman came to Llanview and held a secret from her past. She and his brother were responsible for a man's (Thomas McBain) death on the operation table many years ago. Paige has a secret of her own, she gave up her and Spencer's child for adoption after their marriage fell apart (without Spencer's knowledge) and she's now looking forhim with Bo & Rex's help. Paige knows Margaret is really alive and she's keeping that fact sice she fearsSpencer will reveal her secret.

Roxanne Balsom (2001-present)
Roxy was the wife og GYN Walter Blasom and is the mother of Rex. She raised Natalie as her own daughter but found out she was switched at birth. She scammed with Allison to get money out of Jessica and she spent it all on gambling and booze. One night in Vegas she caught up Max Holden drunk and from this to that they woke up married. The marriage was soon over and Roxy won half of what was Max's. Roxy and Nigel were hypnotized in Atlantic City and they planned to elope but the spell went off. Asa helped Roxy start her own hair saloon, “Foxy Roxy” and she helped him break the spell from Nigel and Renee. Since then Roxy has befriended Llanview's teens who come to her for advices and so far she's sober. She now tries to advice Natalie about her love life and keep her from getting into troubles.

Rex Balsom (2002-present)
Rex is the son of Roxy. Unlike his then thought to be sister Natalie, Rex was raised by his Aunt Corrine. When Jessica and Seth found out Natalie had a brother they located him and he followed them to Llanview. He lives with Roxy and was involved in some illegal things: he stole from The Palace Hotel’s guests and also got involved in RJ’s scam to steal some art peaces. He married Jen Rappaport while she was on the rebound but that was over before it has begun, although Rex really cared for her. Rex also got involved with Jen's mother, Lindsay. He also dated Shannon McBain for awhile but that didn't last either. He's now seeing Adriana although Dorian is doing everything in her pwoer to stop this relationship. He helped Bo in a couple of cases: Paul & Jen's murders, Paige's son and he now tried to help Todd Manning prove his innocence only he got himself locked up and dissapointing Bo for not telling him he knew Todd's whereabouts.

John McBain (2003-present)
The first McBain to come to Llanview, John a FBI agent came to catch Flynn Laurence. He was working undercover and dragged Cristian and Natalie to Vegas were Natalie was kidnapped by Flynn. With Cristian he tried to save her only Cristian was presumed dead and Natalie returned home as a widow. At first Natalie blamed John for Cristian's death but then she forgave him and the two started dating. John got involved in the Music Box Killer investigation. John was once engaged to a woman named Caitlin Fitzgerald who was murdered in the same way this murderer's victims were. He decided to stay in town till he was caught. John and Natalie fell in love only it didn't last long. He began seeing Evangeline Williamson, still he cared a lot about Natalie. He joined Llanview's Police Department and he's helping Bo arresting the bad guys. His now obsessed with his father's murder which accured 20 years ago and he's trying to reopen the case. He also believes Todd is innocent and his trying to help him.

Michael McBain (2003-present)
Michael came to town after his brother John. He was soulless and after he took the wrong medication and almost died, Al Holden's soul entered his body. In order to stay in his body Al needed Marcie to understand who he was although he was inside Michael's body and he had only one month. Marcie finally understood it was Al's soul in Michael's eyes on Valentine Day but on the day after, Marcie and Michael forgot the whole ordeal but were drawn to each other. They became an item and Michael started working in Llanview's Hospital. Together they uncovered organs selling organization which was ran by the chief of staff Dr. Long. Michael helped Marcie with her family problems when her father and brother came to town. Michael and Marcy broke things off for a while but he was still there for her when her book started to come alive and there was a serial killer around town copying the murders from it. Michael recently proposed to Marcy and she agreed.

Evangeline Williamson (2003-present)
Daughter of Lisa and sister of Layla. Ms. Williamson came to town as Mitch Laurence's lawyer but since then she made herself a reputation of one of the best lawyers in the area. She became involved with RJ Gannon and became a partner in his club. Later on her defending the law and his breaking it got in the middle of their relationship and she left him and sold her part to Rex. Evangeline represented many of Llanview's residents between them: Todd, Kelly and Antonio. She dated John for a while but it was over since he needed time to find who he really loves. She became a good friend of Cristian after she got him out of jail but her feelings for John are still strong. She represented Todd when he was acused og murdering Margaret and when he was found guilty she still did everything in her power to help, including hiding him and braking the law.

Layla Williamson (2005-present)
Daughter of Lisa and sister of Evangeline. Layla came o town after her sister, trying to become an actress. She fell for Antonio Vega who was in a middle of a custody battle with RJ Gannon. She decided to play as his girlfriend in order he would look good at court (since his real girlfriend was sick and running away from him). They succeeded and Jamie was returned to her father but Antonio got back to Jessica. Layla was the one who found out Cristian was really alive and she delivered these news to her sister. It seems like she & Duke are starting to become good friends but who knows what tim will bring.
Other Residents of Llanview

Marcie Walsh (2002-present)
First introduced as Jen’s best friend and The Diner’s waitress, Marcie became a part of Llanview’s community. She's the daughter of Charlie and has three brothers. Marcie supported Jen all the way with her love for Cris and the games she played with Al. She fell in love with “The Voice of the Night” with out knowing he was really Al. She fell in love with Al and gave him her virginity. Sadly, Al died leaving Marcie heartbroken and hurt. However Al's soul stayed on earth because the love he shared with Marcie was so strong. Al's soul entered the soulless body of Michael McBain and after short time Marcie realized it. She and Michael fell in love and became an item. Marcie started writing a book and Michael put all his time at work and they barely saw each other. They took a brake but then her novel "The Killing Club" was starting to have life of its own. Her agent Hayes Barber was really an old friend from high school who started to copy the murders from the book and kill Marcy's friends. After ths awful ordeal was over Michael and Marcy got back together and they became engaged.

Margaret Cochran (2004-present)
Sister of Ellen and Ginger's aunt. Mad Mags was a Buchanan Enterprises employee who Todd usedin order to get back at Kevin, only Margaret really fell for Todd. She mastermized a plan where she obducted him from his own wedding shot his legs and help him prisoner in a cabin. She later raped him and also kidnapped Blair and locked her in a car. Todd was finally saved but Margaret ran off carrying his child and sending him messages from time to time, untill she came back. Todd threatened her not to come near his family but Margaret kidnapped Starr. Todd took Margaret on a boat and from there she supposedly died drowning. Only Spencer and Margaret schemed to make it look like she was dead and to get Todd out of Llanview. Margaret gave birth and name her son T.J. Spencer sent her away so no one will find her and ruin his plan.

Nash Brennan (2005-present)
Nash encountered Tess in a party when she was on the run. The two had fallen in love and Nash knew nothing about her true identity. They lived together and were on the run from Tess/Jess's famiy. When they finally succeeded in bringin Jessica back to Llanview Nash followed and fought back for the woman he loved. Jessica foun out she was pregnant but she doesn't know who's the father, Nash or Antonio. Tess found out Nash was engaged once to Claudia Reston and went to visit her in a mentall health hospital. The girl was really hurt by Nash and her father was threatening his life. Nash helped Tess deal with the cause of her being and is waiting for the baby with her.

Hugh Hughs (2005-present)
Llanview's ADA and since Nora was admitted to the hospital he is currently the DA and theprosecuter on Todd's trial. Hugh was adopted by the Hughs as a little boy. He started seeing Marcie Walsh after her brake up from Michael but it didn't lasted long since Marcie still had feelings for Michael. He's now seems to become very friendly with Kelly Buchanan and he'd do anything in his power so Tood would be executed since he was found guilty of murder.

Andrew Carpenter (1991-present)
Reverend and Rector of St. James Church, Andrew has taken his share of stands in his time in Llanview. He has been accused unjustly of molesting a young male parishioner, and of having an affair with another woman. Through it all, he has emerged vindicated and, while sometimes sanctimonious, he always has an open mind. He adopted River along with his ex-wife Cassie and he's now raising him. River recently moved to NYC after Tico Santi sent him there so Andrew is rarely seen these days.

Nigel Bartholomew-Smythe (1991-present)
Nigel has been Asa's butler for years. He went along with the old coot through all his scheming, lies, death faking and what else. He's Asa's best friend but even he had enough of Asa's lies and he quit his job and bought a hotel. He became a good friend of Roxy Balsom's and she's teaching him to have a mind of his own and to stand up for what he believes and wants. Asa had many problems with what Roxy made out of Nigel but he gave in, apologized and offered Nigel to come back. After seeking advice from Roxy, Nigel returned to his place at the Bucahanna mansion.

Larry Wolek (1968-present)
Long-relegated to the dustbin of history, veteran viewers are occasionally treated to an appearance by Larry Wolek, Llanview Hospital's longtime chief-of-staff. Long ago, he was married to Viki's deceased sister Meredith with whom he had a son Danny who’s also a doctor. Today, he dishes out bad medical jargon.
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