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These are the most popular demons and vampires from the Hellmouth... got stakes or maybe a spell that could save you from being suck into hell ? Kidding ! They are from alphabetical. If you know famous demons I didn't name, tell me now !

  • Released when the seal that held her at bay was broken.
  • 500-year-old Incan mummy.
  • Ampata can only continue to live if she periodically drains the life out of an unwitting victim with a deadly kiss.
  • (Inca Mummy Girl)

    The Anointed One
  • Probably the most young vampire.
  • He, named Collin, is The Master's friend.
  • He usually wears is kid face.
  • Spike killed him by putting him in a cage and exposing him to the sun.
  • Season 1

  • Living in the school's basement, this horrible creature is the mother of tons of eggs.
  • When the egg breaks, a slimy parasite escapes and gets on the back of his victim, attaching themselves to the human hosts and take control of their motor functions.
  • (Bad eggs)

  • Mother of the witch Amy, she took possession of her daughter's body to relive her teenage years.
  • She got locked in the school's cheerleading trophee for ever, her eyes still moves.
  • (The Witch)

  • That cruel, blond vampire is the one who transformed Angel in what he is now.
  • She was his lover till Angel met Buffy.
  • She was jealous and bit Joyce, Buffy's mother.
  • (Angel)

  • Angel made her a vampire : first, he made her insane and killed her family, then, changed her into a vampire.
  • She wandered into the city until Spike came to recue her. They became lovers.
  • She has always been in love with Angel, in some way.
  • She took is energy.
  • Dru killed Kendra by cutting her neck with her nail. (Becoming 1)
  • She can hypnotise people and make them do what they want to.
  • After the battle to open the door of hell, they ran away.
  • She broke up with Spike.
  • Season 2

    Ethan Rayne
  • He created evil costumes that changed you in the real thing you are disguised, on Halloween night.(Halloween)
  • He created chocolat bars that change back the adults into teenagers.(Band Candy)
  • Giles and him went to college together.(The Dark Age)

  • An ancient demon who lives by possessing the souls of dead or unconscious people.
  • It seem that Giles is familiar with the demon. Back in college, they summoned the demon using an ancient ritual.
  • Ethan and Giles both bore the mark of Eyghon-a tattoo-on their forearm.
  • (The Dark Age)

  • This Los Angeles friend of Buffy moved to Sunnydale to be changed into a vampire in exchange of Buffy.
  • Spike and him made a deal.
  • He was the owner of a club who loves vampires and wants to be like them.
  • He got changed into a vamp, but Buffy wasn't caught.
  • He got killed.
  • (Lie to me)

    The Gorches
  • Two cowboy vampire brothers, sent to kill Buffy.
  • One got ate by the Bazor monster.
  • The other one wants his revenge.
  • (Bad eggs)

    Jack O'Toole
  • Tried to reanime his zombie friends.
  • He actually did it and tried to kill Xander because he scratched his car.
  • Than, he placed a bomb into the Sunnydale High School's basement.
  • (The Zeppo)

    The Judge
  • He was reunited by Drusilia and Spike.
  • He was detached, and they add to get all of his body parts. His arm tried to kill Buffy. (Suprise)
  • She killed him later.(Innocence)

  • He killed Faith's watcher in front of her and than drove to Sunnydale to kill Faith.
  • She stopped him with the help of Buffy.
  • A normal stake could not kill him, so she used a big wood post.
  • (Faith Hope and Trick)

  • Living in the basement of a fraternity house, this huge demon-snake wakes up once a year to eat 3 young womens.
  • The women are lured there by members of the fraternity, who gain power and rewards from the demon for their evil work.
  • (Reptile Boy)

    Marcie Ross
  • This invisible girl was beating up people at school and was hiding in the ceiling of the band room.
  • Marcie was in everyone's classes, but no one seems to even remember that she existed.
  • She explains to Cordelia that she intends to give her a face no one will ever forget.
  • (Invisible Girl)

    The Master
  • The most powerful of all vampires.
  • Trapped in a sort of dimensional prison, he was unable to enter our world, only able to act through his minions.
  • With the help of these vampire followers, he was able to cross over to our world briefly by luring Buffy to his lair and biting her.
  • Fortunately, Buffy wasn't dead and suprised the Master, impaling him.
  • His minions, led by the Anointed One, tried to resurrect him using human sacrifice, but were foiled by Buffy, who then smashed the Master's bones to bits. (When she was bad)
  • Season 1

  • Imprisoned magically in an ancient book, Moloch is a demon fond of charming his victims into believing he is their friend, using them to do his bidding, then killing them.
  • When the book was scanned into the Sunnydale High computer, Moloch escaped onto the internet. And Willow found him.
  • (I Robot, you Jane)

    Order of Teraka
  • A secret society of demonic assassins.
  • Once called upon to eliminate a target, they will not stop until they have completed their task.
  • There's a police lady, a bug man and a one eyed giant.
  • (What's my line 1-2)

    The Pack
  • An ancient spell allows the spirits of animals, in this case hyenas, to inhabit the bodies of humans.
  • After eating Principal Flutie, they run a rampage through Sunnydale.
  • (The Pack )

  • He used to hunt side by side with Angel, until Dead boy got his soul restored.
  • Then, he found Drusilia, the one he would do anything for.
  • When Angel got bad again, he was taking all the place between Dru and Spike. Spike was jealous.
  • He made a deal with Buffy to kill Angel while him and Dru were escaping. That's what they did. (Becoming 2)
  • Drusillia broke up with Spike. He got back to Sunnydale and asked Buffy's help. He came to a solution : torture Dru until she loves him again ! (Lovers Walk)
  • Season 2

  • A homicidal robot who charms women into trusting him, then kills them off.
  • Ted was human once.
  • A sickly genius whose wife left him, Ted created a robot version of himself to bring his wife back to him.
  • (Ted)

    Mr. Trick
  • Working with the Mayor.
  • He was staked.
  • Beginning of the Season 3

    Zackary Kralik
  • Buffy had to defeat him on her 18th birthday.
  • She had to be helpless.
  • He kidnapped her mom.
  • She killed him with holy water.
  • (Helpless)