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Welcome to the newest addition to the Wing Commander series,  Wing Commander: Prophecy.   Your character is no longer Colonel Christopher Blair anymore, but that of Lance Casey, a young rookie, son of the well known Confed hero of the Kilrathi War, Iceman (Wing Commander I). Wing Commander Prophecy is expected to sport a brand new space combat engine, topping any space sim to date, using all new graphics and an all new alien threat designed by artist Syd Mead, ("Blade Runner", "Aliens") & has created an alien menace completely unlike the Cat-like Kilrathi and so hideous that you will take genuine pleasure in wiping them out, as Wing Commander: Prophecy sets the opening chapter for a brand new war.
With the Prophets of Kilraths' prediction of the destruction of their Homeworld, they envisioned the fall of the Universe in blood by the hands of a new alien threat, a future in which "fire shall consume the universe" - whose time may yet have come. Having received a distress signal from a Kilrathi carrier apparently under an attack of unclear, Confed decides to send in the Midway - your characters' carrier, designed by Christopher Blair himself, now working for Confed R&D, and which has the power of an entire battle fleet. By the time the Midway arrives, the scattered remnants of numerous Kilrathi ships lead to a stunning reveal - a Kilrathi Fleet on the verge of setting out to attack a new threat, only to be completely destroyed, with no apparent casualties to the aliens. The destruction of the fleet stuns Confed and the crew of the Midway, as they begin to realize the true nature of the alien menace. The game begins...
The Alien vessels are completely different from anything else ever seen before. While in combat with three or more of the alien vessels, suddenly they may combine into a bigger ship with considerably stronger firepower. Additionally, several missions may be required in order to destroy a capital ship, as they will require that you take out a ship's systems once at a time. Gone are the days of taking out a Cap ship with one torpedo, as in previous WC games, (no matter what Commander Blair may tell you about his past war experience...), and with some of these capital ships at over three miles long, it'll take a long time to fly past one of those targets.
Additional changes have been made, as unlike the previous Wing Commander games, you'll no longer need to jump back & forth anymore from your rear & side turrets, as the AI takes care of that now. Another radical implemented change is the lack of choice regarding ship or wingman, one which will no doubt result in different reactions among the fans. The cinematic sequences of  Prophecy have also changed, and while  you still have the occasional mid-movie questions, they are not as influential with regards to in-game events  anymore. The movies which are played, and plotline twists and turns, are mostly determined by the previous missions, as winning will result in a different outcome played than if lost.

The mission tree of WC Prophecy is supposed to be very dynamic, as the designers of WC Prophecy are fans of Wing Commander II, in which you often had to scramble and protect your carrier from alien attacks, so missions like those are expected to appear in the game. The radio communication has been greatly improved, and there will be a lot of dynamic sounds for every object in the environment, all of it in Dolby Pro Logic.
Prophecy will also be continued in an expansion disk, called Wing Commander: Secret Ops, which is expected to be released via the Internet.

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 General Information
* The Story takes place numerous years after the events of Wing Commander 4.
  include approx. 50 new missions, new ships & a brand new storyline following on the events of Prophecy.
* The full Prophecy demo was released in the March issue of CGW with
  the movies as well .
* The full featured demo is available for download at Origin's Prophecy homepage,
  and is about 65 megabytes, including the Movie files.
* Patches for various Joystick currently not supporteds will  be released soon.
* The Game was released on December 11, 2007.
* Completely new stunning graphics and brand new gameplay.
*The game supports both standard graphics mode as well as unique settings for supported 3DFX graphic cards

*A Voodoo 2  3DFX game card patch will be released soon.

* Despite Wing commander 4 covering 6 discs, Prophecy will only sprawl atop 3 discs.
* There is a new alien race to deal with.
* The Kilrathi are still around as well.
* Prophecy is planned to come out in DVD format sometime in the summer of 1998.
* Medals and Promotions have returned.
* Post-production ended in August 1997.
* Prophecy is a Windows 95 only product.
Update: A new expansion game, entitled Secret Ops,  will be released  and will

* New game engine.
* Missions especially crafted around a certain fighter and wingman.
* You can no longer choose your craft or wingman.
* Missions briefings may take place during missions.
* Missions have various degrees of success or failure, and affect future gameplay accordingly
* Thrust vectoring, rotational inertia, etc are all present.
* The game stands at approximately 50 different missions.

* Brand new ships are in the game, none of which are from previous games.

*Each ship has it's own specially crafted flying abilities and tactics.
The Movies

*There is approximately 3 hours of full motion, live action video
* There are no more more in-movie decisions.
* Filming was started and was completed in May 1997.
The soundtrack

* The game sound and music is in Dolby Pro Logic.
 The soundtrack of the game was composed by George Oldziey in an Orchestra Style Music, as in WC4, in addition to action tracks by Cobalt 60 .

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 WC:Prophecy Cheats

Wing Commander Prophecy cheat codes:
'DYNOMITE': This is the standard debug mode/cheat code. Type it during spaceflight.
 After typing this code and getting the "Cheat Activated" message, apply the following codes via keyboard during flight:
       *CTRL C: Click this to turn the collisions on or off.
      *CTRL I: Click this to use/disable the invulnerable mode.
       *CTRL F12: Click this to destroy whatever enemy has been targeted.
'GOODTARGET':  Type during the spaceflight to change the targetting mode in the  cockpit to one similar to that used on all of the turrets.
'MORETUNES': Type this during spaceflight to enable the music 'radio', which will allow you to   select individual Cobalt 60 or Orchestral tracks during spaceflight instead of the current track.

'ALSWANTSMORESHIPS': Type this at the simulator mission selection screen, and then  follow the on screen commands to allow yourself to fly enemy  ships in the simulated missions! This allows you to fly the Dralthi & Vaktoth, as well as the Devil Ray, Manta and Moray too.

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Following are the main characters that appear throughout Wing Commander Prophecy:

      Casey    Commodoore Blair   Maniac   Maestro   Hawk    Dekker
  Stilleto    Cag    Rachel Coriolis

The hero of the game, 2nd Lt. Lance R. Casey (Steven Petrarca) is a new pilot onboard the Midway & son of Iceman, a fallen hero of the Kilrathi war. Always' in the shadow of the great hero pilot, Casey decided to sign on a peacetime tour to be able to earn a name for himself. Having reached the Midway, it looks like peacetime won't last very long. 
Lance Casey 

Hero of both the Kilrathi & Border World wars, as well as one of the greatest pilots in Confed history, Commadoore Christopher 'Maverick' Blair (Mark Hamill) turned to work for Confed Research & Development, where he succeeded in designing the plans for the Midway, a new attack carrier with the power of an entire battle fleet. Unknown to all, his years behind the desk have brought forth an intense yearning to return to the seat of a cockpit once more, however improbable it may be...

A well known hotshot pilot who tries to live to his callsign in both ability as well as ego, Major Todd 'Maniac' Marshall (Tom F. Wilson) has had his flying & fighting style bring him a lot of success in combat,yet it has also given him a bad reputation among the top brass. He is a "Major" pain in the ass for everyone & that includes you.

      2 Lt. Max "Maestro" Garrett (Neill Barry) is Casey's best friend and frequent partner
      in crime.  He was moved  along with Casey to the Midway after trying
      to arrange a simple diplomatic assignment for both of  them, and is
      loyal as well as close to Casey as family.


Veteran of the Kilrathi & Border wars, Col. Jacob 'Hawk' Manley (Chris Mulkey) is a skilled fighter & is well known for planning out strategies in advance andfor flying in the heat of battle. Views all conflicts in terms of right or wrong, with him on your wing you can definitely feel safer, though the lack of genuine combat action has had him gnashing his teeth & may have slightly affected his sanity...

Col. John 'Gash' Dekker (Jeremy Roberts) is a hard-bitten, serious marine, well known for his role during the final days of the Border Wars & hasn't seen combat of any sort since, bringing him a newfound eagerness towards the action he has sorely missed.
1st Lt. Jean 'Stiletto' Talvert (Heather Stephens) is a pilot on board the Midway. She has high skill in strategy and tactics, as well as fighter piloting. Her competitive edge as sharp as her callsign, she takes her career very seriously, and she is a good pilot to have on your wing.

Cmdr. Patricia Drake (Lauren Sinclair) is the Commander Air Group (CAG) assigned to the Midway. A natural leader, as well as great strategist, this woman means strictly business. When she gives out the mission briefings, people pay attention. 


Brought aboard the Midway at the request of Commodore Blair, Chief Technician Rachel Coriolis (Ginger Lynn Allen) is a mechanic who can make a fighter engine outperform all expectation. She has married and divorced three times since her role during the Kilrathi War and she is sharp, talented, and gets the job done no matter what.
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Wing Commander Related Links
Tej's WC:P Homepage
Steven's Wing Commander Page 
The Homepage 
Wing Commander Data Downlink 
Virtual Pilot's Club Wing Commander Series 
Wing Commander Downloads 
Wing Commander IV Music 
Wing Commander IV Pics & Stuff 
Wing Commander Universe 
Mario "HCl" Brito' s Wing Commander Page
Nick's Wing Commander Page 
Privateer 2 Cargo Run Calculator 
Tony's Privateer 2 Page 
Tom's WC4 Gaming World 
The Wing Commander Card Game 
Wing Commander Armada Combat Universe 
Wing Commander Armada: Player's Database 
Wing Commander Headquarters 
Wing Commander Op Center 
Wing Commander Pilot's Lounge 



Assassin's Union of Border Worlds (AceNet)
Claw Marks - Wing Commander Resource Center
Earth Academy
Impact's Wing Commander Archives
Wing Commander Information Center
Wing Commander Universe
Terran Confederation Engineers Page
Steven's Wing Commander Page
The Homepage
Wing Commander Data Downlink
Wing Commander IV Music

Wing Commander Universe  


Clubs & RPG Sites 

Wing Commander Aces RPG Academy 
Wing Commander Alliance Homepage 
Wing Commander AOL Club: The Elite (WCCC)
Wing Commander Explorers Homepage 
BWS Redemption 
TCS  Hyperion (WCC) 
Official Origin & WC Related Companies 
Origin Systems, Inc. 
Baen Books Homepage (The Publishers of Wing Commander Novels) 
Buy WC Games from Electronic Arts 
Configuring Wing Commander III for Windows 95 
Jason Bernard Tribute Page (Worlds of Origin) 
Mark Hamill's Official Page 
Official Privateer 2: The Darkening Page 
Official Wing Commander IV Page 

Reviews & Articles
Gamespot's Wing Commander Prophecy Preview 
Adrenaline Vault's Wing Commander IV Review 
CDMag's Wing Commander IV Review 
Gamer's Ledge Super Wing Commander Review 
PC Gaming World's Prophecy Article 
Softnews' Wing Commander IV Review 

Wing Commander Prophecy Sites 

Origin's Wing Commander Prophecy Homepage 
Introspection's Wing Commander Home Sector
E3News' Wing Commander Prophecy Article 
Gamespot's Wing Commander Prophecy Preview 
Cobalt-60 on Wing Commander Prophecy Music 
Next Generation's Wing Commander Prophecy at E3 Article 

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Ship & Weapon Info

Here is all of the various information that has been gathered up about the ships and weapons that appear in Wing Commander Prophecy:


F-106A Piranha:

Ship Type: Scout Fighter

Mission Role:
Forward Combat Air Patrol (FORCAP), escort, and recon.

The Piranha is one of the most popular ships that you will fly in Prophecy. It is the  standard light scout fighter. The Piranha sacrifices protection and firepower in line of speed, maneuverability and acceleration. Designed mainly for short-range dog fighting. the Piranha can be deadly in the hands of a skilled pilot. Onboard the Midway, these ships are used most often used for various scouting missions, recon missions  and for light escort duty

F/A 105A Tigershark:

Ship Type: Multi-Role Fighter

Mission Role:
Targeted Combat Air Patrol (TARCAP), FORCAP, blockade, escort, recon, light strike, light anti-ship attack, and air defense suppresion.

The Tigershark is a multi-role fighter. This is a ship that can perform any kind of mission. Built with medium strength shielding, this fighter can withstand almost anything. although it isn't always as capable as more specialized crafts. Onboard the Midway, you may see this ship filling out a wing of craft that is particularly fitted to the task at hand.

F-110A WASP:

Ship Type: Interceptor

Mission Role: FORCAP and ship blockade

The Wasp - the one ship that you don't ever want to be in situations where it's needed. Designed mainly to knock out torpedo craft that get through capital ships fighter defences, the Wasp is the ship most often used in "scramble" scenarios, and it is well suited for that hellish task.Wasp fighters carry both regular missile arrays as well as a few cluster-rocket packs that make it capable of delivering some serius damage to the enemy fighters. The Wasp also has another special feature, a detachable booster rocket that enables it to fly at faster than afterburner speeds without burning any of the ships fuel, so the ship can then reach its target and then disconnect the booster to improve maneuverability as well as acceleration.

F-108A Panther:

Fighter type:  Space Superiority Fighter (class B)

Mission Role: Blockade,TARCAP, offensive counter-space, escort FORCAP, some recon and wild weasel.

The Panther is a great craft which is the choise of many pilots, With medium to light shields, excellent recharging and with exceptional accelaration annd maneuverability, this is a great ship. Designed to be a smaller  answer to the Vampire, the Panther is used mainly for light escort and for chasing down enemy ships.

F-109A Vampire:

Fighter type:  Space Superiority Fighter  (class A)

Mission Role: Blockade, TARCAP, offensive counter-space, escort, FORCAP, some recon and wild weasel.

Normaly assigned to heavy fleet carriers, this long- range fighter has the firepower and shields to take on an enemy in a distant missile duel and come out as the winner. Although it isn't as fast or as maneuverable as the panther, this is the ship that you want if you know that you are going to face heavy alien fire.

TB-80A Devestator:

Ship Type: Torpedo Bomber

Mission Role: Strike, anti-ship, anti-hangar,  and sometimes recon.

The Devastator is armed with a plasma cannon. The Devastator's giant plasma cannon, while ineffectual against fighters due to its slow rate of fire, can punch big holes through any capital ship that is unlucky enough to be nearby. Obviously, carrying all that firepower around slows the ship down, thus the Devastator is protected by anti-fighter turrets on its top, bottom, and rear, as well as on both sides  The ship of choice, for when the target absolutely has to be reduced to ashes.

TB-81A Shrike:

Ship Type: Torpedo Bomber (Class B)

Mission Role: strike, anti-ship, anti-hanger, sometimes recon

If you want to get rid of a serious Cap ship, it's time to bring in the Shrike. A light  bomber armed with a top-of-the-line targeting system & a whole bunch of torpedoes, the Shrike remains maneuverable enough to get out of the way when the plasma starts flying. Although it's not powerful enough to take out the bigger ships alone, its speed and flexibility make it the perfect weapon against most targets, and if you're the enemy, you might want to watch out for the top, bottom, and tail turret guns that are most likely going to deliver a lot of firepower into your windshield.

A Missile Info Section will be added soon

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Here are some images of ships in Wing Commander: Prophecy
        Confed:                                                      The alien threat:
     The Midway                                                               Alien Ship 1

     Another image of the Midway                                     Alien Dock
     Devastator                                                                 Killfire Class
     Vampire                                                                     Manta Class
     Panther                                                                     Alien Armada
In-game Screenshots:
Here are some of the screenshots from the game:

(click in the picture for a larger view)



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The following movie clips are in RealVideo Movie Format and you'll need the RealVideo movie player installed (version 5 is recommended). Just Click on the link of the movie clip you want to view and a seperate page with the movie will begin to load (depending on your connection speed, it may take some time for the movies to begin)..

Character clips:

    Commodore Christopher Blair                    Tod "Maniac" Marshall

               Lance Casey                                   CAG Patrisha Drake

                     Jacob "Hawk" Manely             1st Lt. "Stilleto" and  1 Lt. "Maestro"

     1st  Lt.  "Zero" O'hern                                Racheal Coriolis
Interview clips:
     Adam 1     Tom Wilson 1    Mark Hamill 1       Ginger Macbride-Allen 1   
 Adam 2     Tom Wilson 2    Mark Hamill 2      Ginger Macbride-Allen 2

  Mark Hamill 3     

The Making Of WCP 1    The Making Of WCP 2       The Making Of WCP 3
Additional clips will be added as soon as they become available
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         This page was created by Michael K.

The website was last updated on Monday, 20/4/98

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