Dewey & Randy

Randy Let's get down to business, the way I see it someones out to make a webpage, cash in on all the movie murder hoopla, so its our job to observe the rules of the webpage...
Dewey What are you talking about?
Randy There are certain rules that one must abide by in order to make a successful webpage!

Rule Number 1The Graphical images are always higher...
Rule Number 2The content is always much more elaborate...
Rule Number 3and never under any circumstance assume the WebMaster is DEAD!

Dewey How do we find the webpage Randy? Thats what I want to know!
Randy Well we'll just have to wait until January '99 as thats when Still Screaming is re-launched!

Still Screaming
Coming Soon... Jan '99

hudson productions - hit and run
Hudson Productions proudly present... Hit and Run