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With tear-filled eyes we watched her
suffer and fade away.
Although we loved her deeply,
we could not make her stay.
A golden heart stopped beating,
hard-working hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us
He only takes the best.
Send a card bearing Diana's image to your friends. The Cardmaster: Princess Diana
The infamous automobile crash that claimed the lives of Henri Paul, Dodi Fayed, and Princess Diana occured around 12:45 am, Paris time, on Saturday, August 31, 1997. There are many factors that could have caused this accident.
First, and what the world believed Sunday the first, the Paparazzi (freelance photographers), believed to have been chasing Fayed and Princess Diana. Even after Fayed and the Princess had sent out a decoy car to lure the Paparzzi away, it is believed at least seven of them followed the Mercedes carrrying Fayed and Diana, hoping for a picture. No one could have imagined the awful pictures they'd get.
Secondly, since Fayed and Diana set out their driver in the decoy car, Henri Paul, driver of the Mercedes, was a replacement. Paul had been called at home to come get the Princess and Fayed. It is believed that Paul had an alcohol level three to four times the legal French limit. He had had the equivelent of ten glasses of wine. The family of Henri Paul refuses to beleive this is true and are requesting another blood test.
Thirdly, neither Diana nor Fayed were wearing seatbelts that night. Not even Paul. Only Diana's bodygaurd was wearing a seatbelt. Had the others been wearing their seatbelts, their lives would most likely have been saved.
Lastly, Paul was speeding through the streets of Paris. No one knows for sure if it was to escape the Paparazzi or because he may have been drunk.
Princes William and Harry remained in Scottland with their father, Price Charles, until Friday morning (September 5) when they returned to England. The Princes went to visit Diana's body at St. James before walking out among the crowds outside of Kenzington Palace where Princess Diana lived with Prince William and Prince Harry. Charles, William, and Harry talked with the people, shook hands,and accepted flowers. Even Queen Elizabeth came out to shake hands for a couple of minutes.
The funeral for Diana, Princess of Wales, began at 9am (4am eastern) with the two hour, three and a half mile procession from Kenzington Palace to Westminister Abbey on Saturday, September 6. Prince Charles, Prince William, Prince Harry, Prince Philip (Queen Elizabeth's husband), and Earl Charles Spencer (Diana's brother) walked the last mile behind Diana's casket. The eyes of Princes Charles, William, and Harry were never taken off Diana.
The funeral ceremony began at 11am (6am eastern) in Westminister Abbey. Diana's sisters read poetry, her brother gave the euelgy, songs were song (including "I Vow to Thee, My Country," a favorite of Diana's that William requested be played), Elton John rewrote and preformed "Candle in the Wind" to be for Diana, England's rose, and prayer's were said. The ceremony ended at 12pm (7am eastern) and Diana's three and a half hour trip to her resting place began. Her body reached the Althrop Estate, belonging to the Spencer family, about 4pm (11am eastern) and the burial began, behind closed doors.
After a week of mourning, the world said goodbye and laid to rest the people's princess and queen of hearts.
Whether the paparazzi, carelessness, drunk driving, or speeding are to blame, it doesn't really matter. What does matter is that the world has lost Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales.
Prince Charles has requested that the cameras not be put on the boys for awhile. So far, they seem to agree.
It is rumored that the throne could go from Queen Elizabeth II to the current Prince William, but such an event is unlikely to occur.
The new test results of Henri Paul's blood have been announced. He was legally drunk and there are new reports of anti-depressents in the blood. Keep checking this page for further details.
Mahamad(?) Al Fayed, father of Dodi Fayed, was reported as having said he had no idea Henri Paul was drunk and taking Prozac and prescription drugs. He says if he had known, Paul would have been fired.
Prince Charles took Prince William and Prince Harry back to their schools on Thursday, September 11. Keeping their word, no photographers invaded the boys' privacy to take pictures.
Trever Reese Jones, soul survivor of the August 31 crash that claimed the lives of Princess Diana, Dodi Fayed, and Henri Paul, is now fully conscious (don't know how to spell it) and able to communicate with others. He has had observable recoveries.
Trevor Reese Jones spoke to authorities Friday. He said Henri Paul looked "very fine." Reese Jones does not remember anything after entering the Mercedes Benz. Authorities will question him again later this week.
Prince Charles made his first public appearence since the death of ex-wife Diana Spencer. Among other things, he said he was proud of the brave and courageous way Princes William and Harry are handling the death of their mother.
Henri Paul, driver of the Mercedes that Paul, Princess Diana, and Dodi Fayed were killed in, was buried Saturday, September 20. He was originally sechulded to be buried on September 6, the same day as Diana, but it was postponed for further blood testing. Family and friends of Paul had a private service, remembering him for his "kindness and generosity," not the role he played in the deaths of Diana and Fayed. Twelve wreaths of flowers were left for Paul. One wreath contained the message "You have not fooled your friends."
Reported from London Monday morning is a witness who claims to have seen a small black car fleeing the site of the accident that killed Diana, Fayed, and Paul on August 31. The soruce says he was vacationing in Paris with his wife for her birthday and he saw a black car speeding away from the accident through his third floor hotel room window. Authorities say there was plastic from tailights at the scene of the accident that did NOT come from Diana's car. Two other unidentified witnesses also report seeing the speeding black car leaving the accident.
1\4\98-- Prince William and Prince Harry have had their first Christmas without thier mother. Although they usually spend Christmas with their father anyway, Diana had always telephoned and talked to the boys for a while. This year, William and Harry were going to spend the holidays with Diana and she was going to bring them to Disney World.
(From USA Weekend, October 26, 1997)
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This page was last updated July 28, 1998.
(Information last updated July 3, 1998.)
This page was created September 7, 1997.
All information on this page is unauthorized and is probably inaccurate or outdated. It is the understanding I have recieved from the hours of coverage I have seen and the dozens of newspaper articles I have read. He Only Takes the Best reprinted without permission.