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First of all: let me explain to you what the purpose of this website is! This is not intended to be an informative Hanson website. It does not contain astounding facts about Hanson, nor does it contain multimedia clips or many pictures. The purpose of this website is for the creator - me, Aaron Thompson - to express his gratitude for the sheer joy that the musical group Hanson has brought to his life!
Hanson is a musical group consisting of three brothers, Isaac, Taylor, and Zac, from Tulsa, OK. Their debut album - "Middle of Nowhere" - was released by Mercury Records in May, 1997. To date (May/98) their albums have sold over 12 million copies. Since "Middle of Nowhere" Hanson has already released two additional albums: "Snowed In" and "Three Car Garage". Three singles have been commercially released from the "Middle of Nowhere" album: MMMBop, Where's the Love, and Weird. Negotiations are underway to release Thinkin' of You as the next Hanson single. Well... This is probably old news to any Hanson fan, so let's get down to the purpose of this website!
The first time I ever heard tell of Hanson was on the morning television interview show, Live! with Regis and Kathie Lee. They performed two songs: MMMBop and Madeline. Initially, I didn't know what to make of the band. I was very impressed with their singing but was somewhat astounded by their age. Here were three young teenagers performing. But yet, in a way, they weren't performing teenagers. They had distinct quality in their singing; quality which usually takes years to obtain. The level of competency of three brothers was also very shocking to me. I am a third year university student and I felt that Hanson expressed more competency in their actions than many people in my classes!
So a couple of days went by, and I had temporarily forgotten what the band's name was! Thankfully, I had a radio in my car, and the song MMMBop was being played several times daily. I heard the song playing as I was driving to work, and I began "MMMBopping" along as I was driving! I soon lost control of the wheel and nearly plowed into an oncoming transport truck! Luckily I was able to regain control of my actions rapidly, and saved myself from impending disaster... I drove to a local record store instead of going directly to work (as I was supposed to). The shelves were literally filled to capacity with copies of Middle of Nowhere. I greedily snatched my copy from the shelf as a 90-year-old woman was looking on. In the background a Hanson song was playing: Lucy. At the time, I didn't realize that the song was even being performed by Hanson! I just thought to myself that it was a very nice song. So I was quite surprised when I arrived home and found out that the song Lucy was a Hanson song.
That's basically all there is to say! I faithfully play "Middle of Nowhere" everyday. I'm entering my fourth year of study at Mount Allison University where I have now completed a degree in chemistry, and I'm finishing up a degree in psychology. I find that after a long, stressful day at university, it's nice to come home and slip "Middle of Nowhere" into my CD player. The Hanson songs are fun songs which cheer me up considerably. I hope that they continue to enjoy success throughout the years to come, and I know that I will continue to be a loyal fan...
Feel free to e-mail me at I'd love to hear from you!
Make sure to check out my friend Mia's website:
©1998 Aaron K. Thompson
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