HB House: by Cullen Pittman.


Episode 3:  Fishin’ Impossible


Our story begins with Wally Gator walking into the living room holding a can of fish food. “Oh fiddle dee dee!” smiled Wally. “It’s my day to feed the house’s fish.  I just love my little fishies!”


As Wally approached the fish tank, he noticed that the tank was empty. “Say, where’re all my fishies?” asked Wally as he saw that there were no fishes swimming at all in the tank.  “Little fishies”, asked Wally. “Where are you?  Are you hiding somewhere in there?” and he poked his snout into the water, but found it bounced right out.


“What kind of weirdo water is this?” asked Wally as he tore off a piece of the water and found it was wiggly and soft.  He quickly put it in his mouth. “Blueberry Jello?” asked Wally. “How’d this stuff get in our fish tank?”


“Hey, somebody’s been eating my Jello”, called out Yogi who came into the room holding a spoon and a can of whipped cream. “And you’re certainly no goldy haired-type girl, neither.”


“Yogi”, gasped Wally. “You put all this Jello in our fish tank?  But, why?”


“Sorry about that”, said Yogi. “It’s just that our dishwasher’s broken and we were out of clean bowls.  And I had this bear-type craving for some blueberry Jello.  So I had to improvise.”


“But what did you do with the fishies?” asked Wally. “Don’t tell me you put them in a cowboy hat, like that orange puppet guy with the striped shirt did on that kids’ show.”


“Relax, they’re in good hands, or fins”, smiled Yogi.


“What do you mean fins?” asked Wally.


“Jabber said he’d take good care of the fish”, said Yogi.


“Well in that case…” said Wally relieved, but then became shocked. “Jabberjaw’s taking care of them?!  My fishies are in the hands of a shark?!” And he quickly zoomed up the stairs leaving behind a cloud shaped gator that slowly dissolved.


“Did I do something wrong?” asked Yogi and then looked at the whipped cream and spoon. “Oh well.  This bear-type fellow has a craving for Jello!  Hey hey hey!” And he scooped out his first spoonful of fish tank Jello and was about to eat it until he noticed some tiny green specks in the Jello cube. “What are these things, mint leaves?” asked Yogi, but then got an even closer look. Yeech!  It’s algae!  I guess the dirty bowls in the sink would’ve been much better to use.  You don’t have to worry about fish doing their business in those things.”


Just then, Dynomutt came in.  He was wearing an apron and was studying his hands.  They were sparking and showing off a little circuitry. “I sure hope that dishwasher repairman comes soon”, sighed Dynomutt. “I got a bad case of dishpan paws!”


“Hey Dyno, I need your help!” called out Yogi.


“Someone needs my help?” asked Dyno eagerly. Dynomutt, Dog Wonder, to the rescue!  What’s the problem Yogi?  Did you get mugged?  Did a thief steal your picnic basket?  Or did you steal a picnic basket and want to turn yourself in to the world’s greatest superhero?”


“Oh no, nothing like that”, said Yogi nervously. “I need your help in cleaning the algae out of this fish tank.”


“Oh, just that”, sighed Dyno. “I guess once again, no real crimes are happening.”


“But algae is a crime to innocent fish tanks”, said Yogi. “Not to mention a bear’s snacktime treat”, he whispered to himself.


“Okay”, said Dyno. “The great Dog Wonder will stop the injustice of evil algae.  And I can do that with my special fish tank filter.” And he opened up his chest door and took out a small filter attached to a cord.  He plopped it into the tank and it started to hum and make the Jello bubble.


“Say, what kind of freaky water is this?” gasped Dyno as he saw the Jello started to rise out of the tank like a huge bubble.


Heh, heh, heh,”, said Yogi blushing while trying to hide his spoon and whipped cream in the pot of the house plant.


*      *      *      *      *      *


Wally had just rushed upstairs and started pounding on Jabberjaw’s door. “Jabber, are you in there?!” shouted Wally in a panic. “Have you got my fishies in there?!”


“I’m in the bathroom Wally”, called out Jabber’s voice. “And I got the fish in here with me.”


“Oh no!” gasped Wally. “He might be planning on eating the fishies while on the toilet!  How gross!” and he burst into the bathroom and saw Jabberjaw holding a pitcher of water filled with 10 different colored fish.


Sheesh!” groaned Jabber. “You’re supposed to knock before entering a bathroom!  No respect!  WOO WOO WOO WOO!”


“Forgive me Mr. Shark”, said Wally sarcastically as he started knocking on the open bathroom door. “Now that that’s taken care of, just what are you planning on doing with those innocent little fishies?!  I hope you’re not going to make them your meal and turn them into waste matter!”


“Me, eat these little guys?” laughed Jabber. “YUK, YUK, YUK!  Oh Wally.  You should know by now that I’m a shark who doesn’t like to eat live fish.  These are my little brothers and sisters.  Aren’t you my little siblings?” He asked while cuddling the pitcher while fish-shaped hearts fluttered around him.


“Gee, you really do love those fishies”, said Wally. “And I don’t mean with tartar sauce.”


“You bet”, smiled Jabber as he lifted up the toilet seat. “Now go ahead and say goodbye to them, Wally.”


“Wait a minute!” gasped Wally as he got in Jabber’s way. “You’re gonna flush them down the toilet?!  But why?”


“I’m just gonna to liberate my little siblings”, said Jabber. “One thing I can’t stand is seeing tiny little fish trapped in small spaced fish tanks!  They’re like little prisons or even POW camps!”


“What about that huge fish tank in your room that you sleep in every night?” asked Wally.


“Oh, that’s just my water bed”, said Jabber. “But at least I have the freedom to leave it every morning.  But unlike these poor fish, they’re trapped in that little tank prison, swimming around while probably going stir crazy!  So I’m gonna flush them and send them back to the wide open free sea!  Now stand aside please.”


“No, I can’t let you do that!” cried Wally as he slammed down the toilet seat and stood on top of it. “Dontchaknow that you’re gonna send your little siblings to their doom?!”


“I’m just gonna send them to their freedom”, said Jabber. “So they can explore the wide open seas, meet new friends, and maybe even marry some cute foreign fish.  YUK, YUK, YUK!”


“Your intentions may be good”, said Wally. “But no one should ever flush their live fish down the toilet!”


“A fish expert like me should know what’s best for these little guys”, said Jabber.


“You sharks may be experts on fish, but we gators are experts on the sewer systems”, said Wally as he pulled a blackboard out from nowhere and started scribbling some stuff on it. “You see Jabber”, explained Wally as he took out a demonstration stick and pointed to the chalk drawings of fish and a whole sewer system. “Some people think that toilets are magical gateways that’ll send their pet fish back to the sea.  But they’re wrong.  They don’t realize that they’re actually sending their poor fish down into dirty, unsanitary, sewer water.”


Yeech!” gasped Jabber seeing all the disgusting looking chalk drawing sewage. “You mean my little siblings would be tasting filthy sewage water if I flush them?!”


“Only if they’re lucky”, said Wally. “First, they gotta survive going down the pipes.  In order to make waste go down the pipes smoother, our sewage system is equipped with special grinders to chop it all down so it’ll flow better.  And can you imagine what would happen if a poor little fishy went through all that?” Jabber watched in shock and sickness as he saw a chalk fish get sucked into a grinder and get turned to chalk particles.


“Double Yech!” gasped Jabber covering his mouth with his flipper.  He was about to release his sickness into the toilet, but then swallowed it for he didn’t want those grinders he just learned about starting up. “You’re right Wally”, gasped Jabber looking at the fish in the pitcher. “I can’t flush these guys down the toilet!  I’d be signing their death warrants if I did that!  WOO WOO WOO!”


“Now can we put them back in the fish tank?” asked Wally.


“But that’ll still make them prisoners!” cried Jabber still clutching onto the pitcher.


“I’d think they’d be much happier in that tank than out there in that big scary ocean where they could get lost and eaten by hungry predators”, said Wally.


“Do you really think so?” asked Jabber staring at the innocent fish.


“Let’s let the fishies decide”, said Wally. “Those of you who want to return to the scary sea, do some flips”. None of the fish flipped.


“Those of you who want to go back to the safe and secure tank in the living room where we’ll take good care of you, flip!” said Wally.  All ten fish started doing happy flips while plopping back into the pitcher.


“Okay, you win guys”, sighed Jabber. “I’ll put you all back in the tank.” All the fish smiled while a pretty goldfish jumped out of the pitcher, kissed Jabber on the nose, and dove back in. “YUK, YUK, YUK!” said Jabber blushing.


*      *      *      *      *      *


“Thanks for educating this shark on the lessons of fish safety, Wally”, said Jabber as he and Wally were walking down the stairs while Jabber was holding the fish filled pitcher. “Are you sure they’d be happier in that tank?”


“Maybe we can add stuff to the tank to make the fishies more comfortable”, said Wally. “Like a video game system, a TV-VCR-DVD combo, and a whole collection of Sealab 2020 DVDs.”


“Just as long it’s the wholesome Sealab from the 70s”, said Jabber. “Not that mean spirited adult version that airs late at night!  I don’t want my siblings to get corrupted by it!”


“You got it, Jab”, smiled Wally. “Let’s just hope Yogi gets all that Jello out of the fish tank soon.”


“Knowing Yogi’s stomach, that’ll probably be a lot sooner”, said Jabber. “YUK, YUK, YUK!”


When they got into the living room, they were surprised to see a gigantic cube of blue Jello with Yogi and Dynomutt trapped in there like in a block of ocean sea.


“How’d all this happen?” gasped Jabber.


“I don’t know”, said Wally. “But we’d better get those two out of here and get rid of all that Jello before Wendy gets home.  You know how she is about snacks before dinner!”


“Leave that to me”, smiled Jabber as he took a deep breath and opened his scary jaws causing Yogi and Dyno to shake in fear as well as making the Jello wobble.  But Jabber was very careful to eat around our friends and just eat up the Jello setting Yogi and Dyno free.


“Oh, thanks Jabber”, said Dyno patting his head so he could shake the extra Jello bits out of his ears. “It felt like my brain was turning to jelly.  And it’s funny.  That’s what my old partner says my brain is like.”


“You could’ve left some Jello for me, Jabber”, sighed Yogi. “After all, I made that Jello.”


“Your welcome, Yogi”, sighed Jabber as he poured the water and fish back into the fish tank. “Welcome home my siblings.”


“You know Yogi”, said Wally. “You could’ve just taken a bowl out of sink and rinsed it over the faucet with hot water, soap, and a wash cloth and used that to make your Jello instead of our fish tank.  That’s what they had to do in the old days, dontchaknow?”


“People actually washed dishes without a machine back then?!” gasped Yogi. Sheesh!  I have been living in a cave way too long!”


Just then, Boo Boo and Sneezly entered the room. “Hey guys”, they both said and then they started sniffing around the place. “Say, why does the living room smell like blueberries?” asked Boo Boo.


“It must be my breath”, said Jabber looking in the nearby mirror and looking at the blueberry Jello stains on his teeth. “If you’ll excuse me, I gotta go back to the bathroom and pull out my dirty teeth so brand new clean shark teeth can grow back.” And he rushed upstairs while Boo Boo and Sneezly look puzzled.


“Say, that’s a neat video camera you got there Sneezly”, said Dyno.


“Oh, this thing?” said Sneezly looking at the small vid-camera he was holding under his arm. “Yeah, we think it’s pretty neat too.”


“Where did you get it?” asked Wally.


“Our teacher lent it to us”, said Boo Boo. “Sneezly and I have this class assignment.  We have to find a public place in our town and do a short film about it.”


“Did you film anything good yet?” asked Yogi. “Hopefully, a new five star restaurant?”


“Actually, I think there’s something here you all should check out”, said Boo Boo. “First of all, is Wendy around?”


“No, she’s out shopping”, said Wally. “Why?”


“Because we really don’t want her to see what we’re about to show you”, said Sneezly taking a tape out of the camera.


“You boys didn’t sneak into a House of Naughty, did you?” said Dyno sternly.


“Oh no, nothing like that”, said Sneezly popping the tape into the VCR.


“This is where we went to”, said Boo Boo as he clicked on the remote and a huge building appeared on the TV screen.


Bubbleland Aquarium”, said Wally. “Say, I’ve heard about that place.  That’s where you get to see lots of neat fishies.  And sometimes, they’ll put on shows, liking jumping through huge rings.”


“The only fish I really like seeing through rings are delicious fish sticks in onion rings”, said Yogi. “Hey, hey, hey!”


Then they watched as Boo Boo walked into the screen. “Have you got a good shot of me Sneezly?” he asked.


“Oh yeah”, said Sneezly from behind the camera. “Go ahead and start.”


“Okay, thanks”, said Boo Boo. “Hi class.  Sneezly and I are about to take you on a tour of the Bubbleland Aquarium.  One of the most popular places to visit in Yabbadabbaville.”


“AN AQUARIUM?!!” growled Jabber who just came back into the room after pulling out his dirty teeth and sprouting new ones really quickly. “WOO WOO WOO!  I hate those things!”


“But, why Jabber?” asked Boo Boo as he paused the VCR.


“I believe it has something to do with fishes stuck in tanks”, said Wally remembering the conversation he had with Jabber.


“You’d better believe it!” scowled Jabber. “Aquariums are just huge prisons where they capture innocent marine life from their beloved ocean homes and put in cramped tanks where they can be stared at by the public with no privacy and no respect at all!”


Sheesh!” said Yogi. “I’d hate to see how Jabber acts when we show him a movie about a seafood or sushi restaurant!”


“Then you’re probably not gonna like what we’re about to show you on this tape”, said Sneezly.


“I’ll fast forward to the part that really got our attention”, said Boo Boo as he hit the FF button.  The screen showed Boo Boo speeding past all the tanks filled with different colored fish while Jabber started to turn red with rage.


“No respect!” whispered Jabber.


“Ah, here we are”, said Boo Boo as he let the VCR play at normal speed.  It showed Boo Boo standing next to a tank window. “The next fish we’re going to learn about is the..” And he looked down at the name on the metal tag under the window. “Aquarius Manius?” asked Boo Boo wondering what that was.  He looked up and saw it was a human with blonde hair and was wearing an orange scaly shirt and tight green pants.  He was swimming around, looking like he was trying to find some way to escape.


“That doesn’t look like a fish, it looks more like a man”, said Sneezly from behind the camera.


“That’s no ordinary man”, gasped Boo Boo. “That’s Aquaman!  One of the Superfriends!”


Aquaman looked down at the bear cub and seal and quickly started to trace something on the tank window. “9M ql9H?” asked Sneezly. “What do those letters and numbers mean?  Maybe he’s giving us some kind of code for those Superfriends decoder rings.” Aquaman just made an annoyed huff.


“No, I think he was trying to tell us something”, said Boo Boo. “But when he traced it, it turned out backwards on our side.  I think he’s saying, Help me!” Aquaman nodded in eager yes.  Then he pointed over to a huge anchor on the far end of the tank.  Attached to the anchor was a long chain, and the chain was clamped onto his ankle.


“Uh oh!” said Boo Boo. “I think Aquaman is trapped in that tank!”


“But how did he get that way?” asked Sneezly.


“I’ll bet one of his arch villains put him in there when the Bubbleland staff wasn’t looking”, said Boo Boo. “Hurry Sneezly!  We gotta find the manager of this place and get him out of there!”


“Yeah, before he drowns to death!” said Sneezly!


“Don’t worry, he’s Aquaman”, said Boo Boo. “He has the power to breathe underwater.  But we’d still better get him out of there!” And the camera shut off and there was static.


“Were you able to find the manager and free Aquaman?” asked Wally.


“No, that was the problem”, said Boo Boo. “It was the manager of Bubbleland who put Aquaman in that tank!”


“He says a half-man, half-fish is his biggest attraction yet”, said Sneezly.


“WHAT?!” gasped Jabber as his huge jaw dropped down to the floor in shock. “First people imprison little fish in their homes, and now greedy aquarium owners put brave and noble heroes of the sea in cramped tanks?!  Is that how you show heroes respect?!  Let me at ‘em.  Let me at ‘em!  WOO WOO WOO WOO!” and he started to punch the air with his fins.


“Did you tell the manager that he’s imprisoned a super-type hero and a member of the Superfriends?” asked Yogi.


“Yes, but he wouldn’t listen”, said Boo Boo.


“And he gave us a bunch of coupons, told us to come back and visit again soon, and shoved us out the exit”, said Sneezly holding some crumpled coupons. “And I think these expired in 1970!”


“Maybe he’ll listen to me”, said Dyno. “Me and Aquaman both belong to the Superheroes Guild of America.  And I’ll use my superheroing authority to intimidate that manager to set my Aqua buddy free!”


“Well, what are we hanging around here for?!” demanded Jabber. “Let’s go free a Superfriend of the sea!”


“Shouldn’t we wait till Wendy comes back?” asked Wally. “After all, Aquaman was part of her past, dontchaknow?”


“You know how touchy Wendy gets when we bring up her Superfriends past”, said Boo Boo. “She’s told us many times, she doesn’t want anything to do with them anymore!  That’s why we didn’t want her to see that video.”


“Okay, we’ll all go there right now under my superhero authority”, said Dyno. “Forward march, everyone!” But before they could reach the front door, Jabber was the first one to zoom out of there.  Everyone turned around and saw a cloud shaped like an angry shark and then dissolved.


“And I thought those Jaws-type movies were scary”, said Yogi as he and the others followed the vengeful shark out of the house.


After they left, Wendy came in through the kitchen door bringing in some grocery bags. “Hello, I could use some help bringing in the groceries”, called out Wendy. “Uh, guys?” She walked into the living room and found it empty.

“That’s odd”, she thought. “Whenever I go food shopping, Yogi’s always the first one in the kitchen ready to help, actually to snatch food.  Where is everybody?” Then Wendy noticed a red light blinking on the VCR.  She curiously clicked onto the remote and watched the tape her housemates had watched earlier.  Then looked at what she saw with wide surprised eyes.


*      *      *      *      *      *


Soon, our heroes had entered Bubbleland.  They all stepped into the front lobby and saw the amazing things this aquarium had to offer. “Just look at this!” growled Jabber looking at the countless tanks fill with all sorts of fish. “It’s like an underwater Alcatraz!  Where’s that manager!  I’ll give ‘em a right and a left!” And he started boxing the air again.


“Uh, we’d better find that manager before Jabber causes a scene”, said Boo Boo.


“Now if I may say an old Scooby Doo catchphrase”, said Dyno. “Let’s split up gang.  Me, Sneezly, and Jabber will search the west side of the aquarium.  Yogi, Boo Boo, and Wally will search the east side.  Got that?”


“We sure do!” said Yogi. “Especially since I smell the food court on the east side.  Hey, hey, hey!” And he followed the aroma of delicious food while floating in the air while Wally and Boo Boo ran after him.


Jabber, Dyno, and Sneezly walked through the west side of the aquarium looking at all the funny and weird shaped fish. “Hey, look at this one!” gasped Sneezly staring at a fish that was gray as steel and wore a green mask like Dynomutt.  Then a bank robber fish wearing a robber’s hat and mask and holding a bag of money in its fins started to swim by fast.  The Dyno-fish ejected a police siren from its head and used its extendable fins to seize the robber fish and throw him in a clam shell that closed up and the word, JAIL, was painted on its shell.


“Did that crime fighting fish remind you of someone?” Sneezly asked.


“He does kind of”, said Dyno. “But I can’t figure out who.” Then they looked back at the tank and saw what looked like a Yogi bear fish swim by quickly holding a picnic basket in its fin while a fish wearing a ranger’s hat was swimming after him spurting out angry bubbles.


“I guess those, Do not feed the fish, signs are really serious here”, said Sneezly puzzled.


“Can we move on here people, I mean dogs and seals?!” grumbled Jabber while impatiently stomping one tailfin on the floor. “We got a manager to find.” And so the 3 friends continued their search.


However, a Bubbleland employee saw the huge shark walking around and got nervous. “Oh no!” he gasped. “A dangerous shark has escaped from its tank!  I gotta warn security before he eats any innocent people!”


*      *      *      *      *      *


On the east side of the aquarium, Yogi, Boo Boo, and Wally were also searching for the manager. “I think I remember seeing him around this section”, said Boo Boo.  But all they found was a purple squid in a sailor’s suit mopping up the floor with a bucket and mop.  And it looked like he had a sad look on his face.


“You mean they let the exhibits here do the chores?” gasped Wally.


“Hey, I recognize that squid”, said Yogi. “He’s an old friend of ours!”


“Yes, he is”, said Boo Boo. “I remember him during our flying ark days.”


“SQUIDLY DIDLY!” shouted Wally happily.  The squid turned around and smiled when he saw the two bears and the gator.  He rushed over there while his tentacled legs spun around like two wheels and grabbed our heroes with the rest of his sticky arms.


“Yogi, Boo Boo, Wally!” shouted the squid all happily. “It’s so great to see you guys again!”


“Likewise for us!” gasped Wally for Squidly was hugging them a little too tightly.


“Would you mind loosening your grip before our lifespans go snip-snip!” gasped Yogi who could still rhyme even in life sucking situations.


“Oh, sorry my captain”, gasped Squidly blushing as he let go of our heroes. “I’m just so excited to see my old arkmates again.  Especially you Captain Yogi.” And he saluted with all his tentacles.


“Please, just Yogi now”, said Yogi. “My captain days are over and I’m just a civilian like you.”


“If only I were a civilian”, sighed Squidly.


“What was that?” asked Yogi.


“Oh, nothing”, said Squidly. “What brings you all here to Bubbleland?”


“We’re here to speak to the manager” said Wally. “Can you please get him for us?”


“Uh, no.  I can’t right now”, said Squidly sweating. “You see, the chief’s busy at the moment all day today.  So there’s a possibility you won’t see him at all today or even tomorrow or for a week.  Hopefully for a year even!”


“But we really need to see him now”, said Boo Boo. “A superhero’s freedom is at stake!”


“Did you say steak?!” asked Yogi taking out some barbecue sauce and a knife while everyone looked at him funny. “Oops, sorry”, said Yogi blushing. “I forgot I was in a fish-type place and not a cattle-type place.”


“I wish I could help you guys”, said Squidly twiddling his tentacles. “But I’m afraid it would be a mistake right now to bother….”


“SQUIDLY DIDLY!” shouted a blustery voice.


“Chief Winchley!” gasped Squidly jumping up startled in the air like a floating spider.  And in marched an angry man with a red mustache and wearing a white captain’s suit.


“It’s him”, whispered Boo Boo, “The manager who threw me and Sneezly out.”


Squidly”, said Winchley calmly. “Why is there an unattended mop and bucket out there in the middle of the floor with no slacker squid working?!”


“Sorry Chief”, said Squidly nervously. “I just wanted to stop for a second to talk to some old friends.”


“How many times have I told you not to talk to the customers?!” shouted Winchley.


“But they’re my friends”, pleaded Squidly.


“That’s no excuse!” growled Winchley. “Maybe those idle tentacles would do better served as sushi for our Bubbleland food court!”


“Oh no, not again?!” cried Squidly holding his dear tentacles.


“Yes again!” bellowed Winchley. “Report to the chef to have one your tentacles chopped off!  NOW!”


“Aye aye, sir!” said Squidly sadly as he saluted his tyrannical boss. “Sorry guys.  I have to be going now!” Squidly said to our heroes as he rushed down the hallway.


“And make sure you keep that saluting tentacle of yours!” shouted out Winchley.  The he turned to our heroes. “I’m sorry you all had to witness that.  I just hope Mr. Didly’s poor performance didn’t ruin your fun stay here.”


“Gee sir”, said Wally. “Don’t you think you were a little harsh on Squidly?  Not to mention kind of Hitlerish?!”


“Aw, relax”, laughed Winchley. “Squidly will be all right.  When a squid’s tentacles get chopped off, they quickly grow back.  So hopefully, Squidly’s new arms will be less lazy.”


Sheesh!” groaned Yogi. “I don’t think I ever want to eat sushi again.  Not that I ever did in the first place!”


“But it’s still kind of mean, Dontchaknow?” said Wally.


“Well, um, uh”, said Winchley trying to change the subject. “Here, have some free coupons.” And he threw a huge pile of coupons at the two bears and gator. “And I hope you’ll all come back to Bubbleland real soon.”


“You already gave me coupons a while ago”, said Boo Boo.


“Oh, I remember you”, said Winchley grimly. “You’re one of those kids who told me I needed to release my Merman back into the wild sea.  Well forget it!  I told you before, I’m not giving up my cash sea cow!” And he marched over to the tank that had Aquaman contained in it.  There they saw poor Aquaman trying to play a game of tossing cards in the pirate’s hat.  But the cards kept floating up to the top while Aquaman gave a sorry sigh.


“But Mr. Winchley, sir”, said Yogi. “That’s one of the Superfriends you’re holding prisoner.  Is that anyway to treat a hero who’s saved the world a million times?!”


“One of the Superfriends?” laughed Winchley. “Don’t make me laugh!  I’ve seen the mighty Superfriends fighting crime on the news lots of times.  They consist of Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman and Robin.  But I’ve never seen this guy in the scaly suit save the world!”


“That’s because he mostly does his world saving underwater”, said Wally. “Where news reporters and camera men can’t really find him, dontchaknow?”


“And what kind of super powers does this Superfriend have?” asked Winchley.


“Um, he has the power to talk to fish”, said Yogi.  For it was the only thing he could think of.


“He talks to fish”, said Winchley unimpressed. Oooh!  Beware all you evil dictators.  Here’s a guy in tights who can talk to the fish!  He could bribe your pet goldfishes or guppies into overthrowing you in your sleep!”


“I don’t think you’re taking us seriously”, said Wally.


“I’m not”, said Winchley as he took out a document. “It says here in the laws of Yabbadabbaville, whatever fish I catch in my fisherman’s net becomes property of the Bubbleland Aquarium.  I was sailing around in my fancy snooty yacht the other day and my net caught this fine specimen of unique fish.  So that makes him mine, so there!”


Just then, an alarm went off and a whole bunch of Bubbleland employees were storming through the hall.  Winchley grabbed the arm of one of them. “What’s going on?” demanded Winchley.


“One of the sharks has escaped from its tank!” cried the employee holding a huge net. “We gotta put him back in before he harms somebody!”


“Great Ceasar’s salad!” gasped Winchley. “Lead me to this man eater!  I’ll be right behind you when that shark eats you first!” And they both left leaving our HB friends standing there puzzled.


“A shark roaming around free?!” gasped Wally. “I sure hope he doesn’t come by our way.”


“But Wally”, said Boo Boo. “The only shark we know who can roam around free is…”


“JABBER!” gasped Boo Boo, Yogi, and Wally together.


“Hurry gang!” cried Yogi. “We gotta protect a shark from the misunderstood people of this park!” And he and Wally rushed off while Boo Boo approached the still imprisoned Aquaman.


“Don’t worry Aquaman”, said Boo Boo. “We’ll find a way to get you out of there, somehow.  Please don’t give up on justice.” And he rushed off while Aquaman traced the words, Bless You, on his window.  The last of the rushing employees saw the message on the tank and it was backwards to him.


Uoy ss91B?” asked the confused employee. “Oh goody.  Some kid must’ve left a code for us grown up employees to figure out.  I’ll go get my decoder ring!” And he ran off while Aquaman shook his head in disgust.


*      *      *      *      *      *


On the other side of Bubbleland, we see a bunch of security guards trying to subdue Jabber with a bunch of shocking sticks and fisherman nets. “Hey, what are ya’ trying to do?!” shouted Jabber. “WOO WOO WOO WOO!” he cried as he got shocked by one of the sticks causing a shark’s skeleton to appear.


“Don’t you even think about trying to eat our valued paying visitors!” said the captain of security. “We’re putting you back in your tank where you belong!”


“But I don’t live here!” cried Jabber trying to pull away the shocking sticks while struggling in the tangled nets. “I have the right to live free on the land!  WOO WOO WOO WOO!”


“Quick Dyno, you gotta do something!” cried Sneezly. “Before they lock up poor Jabber!”


Dynomutt to the rescue!” said Dyno in his heroic superhero pose while an American flag appeared behind him.  But unfortunately, he was standing next to the electric eel petting tank.  One of the eels looked at Dyno’s tail and took a bite out of it. “WAA HAA HAA HOO!” cried Dynomutt as the eel gave the surprised bionic dog a shocked and drained him of his power causing him to collapse.


Dynomutt?” asked Sneezly.


“Sorry, that number is unavailable at this time”, said Dyno in a girl’s voice and then passed out.


“I guess it’s up to Sneezly Seal to save the day”, said Sneezly in a brave, yet nasally voice as he slid under one of the guards’ legs and in front of the helpless shark who had been netted, tied up, and muzzled. “Please, you don’t understand!” pleaded Sneezly. “Jabber’s not a dangerous shark who eats people.  He’s my friend and doesn’t deserve this treatment!”


“Oh no!” said a guard. “Now one of our seals has escaped from its cage.  And you know how much sharks love the taste of seals?!  Come on little fella”, said the guard picking up the little seal. “We’ll get you back to the safety of your seal family.”


“But I don’t live here!” cried Sneezly wriggling around in the guard’s hands. “I live in a boarding house with Jabber over there and I go to school!”


“Right”, laughed the guard walking away from the other guards who were still trying to keep Jabber down. “We’ll take you back to your school.  School of fish that is. Heh, Heh!”


“Oh no!” cried Sneezly. “All of this is making me so upset, I just want to snee-sneeze.  AH, AH, AHHHHH!”


“Are you all right, little guy?” asked the guy as he saw Sneezly’s nose starting to puff up.


“CHOOOOOO!” sneezed Sneezly as he blew away the guard causing him to get dropped.  The supersonic sneeze even blew away the rest of the guards, not to mention the nets that covered Jabber.


“Jabber, are you all right?” asked Sneezly as he rushed over and undid the latch of the muzzle that held Jabber’s mouth shut.


“Yeah, thanks Sneezly”, said Jabber adjusting his jaw. “No respect! WOO WOO WOO!”


Just then, Chief Winchley, his employees, along with Yogi, Boo Boo, and Wally came rushing over to the mess that was caused.  Winchley turned over to the moist covered security guards who had crashed into the wall.  Then he turned in shock at the huge shark standing in front of him. “You there, shark!” said Winchley shaking. “How dare you get out of your tank and scare my customers.  Not to mention chewing up and spitting out my employees!”


“Hey, your employees tried to tie me up!” protested Jabber. “And I didn’t chew them up!  I’m not that kind of shark!”


“But why are they covered with shark saliva?!” demanded Winchley.


“Actually, that’s seal snot and also, that was my fault”, said Sneezly humbly. “They upset me, so I couldn’t help release one of my uncontrollable supersonic sneezes!”


“Well, okay”, said Winchley as he studied the guards, but dared not to touch them. “But I still want to know why a shark is wandering around on dry land!”


“I’m allowed to live on the land”, said Jabber reaching into his scaly pocket. “And this green card here proves it!” And he showed his card to Winchley.


“Okay, this cards prove that you’re a legal land citizen”, said Winchley. “But are you interested in living in the Bubbleland Aquarium?  You’ll get to be displayed by the sea loving public and you’ll get to live in a cozy little tank.”


“You mean a tight little prison!” growled Jabber. “No thanks, but I’ll pass!  Just politely tell me where I can find the manager of this place, please!”


“Chief Winchley here is the manager”, said Wally.


“YOU’RE THE MANAGER?!!” growled Jabber as he picked up Winchley by the coat and shook him. “You were the one who put my fellow fish, Aquaman, in that tank?!!”


“Take it easy Jab”, said Yogi as he and the gang tried to pry the enraged shark off of the frightened Winchley.


“Violence never solves anything Jabber”, said Boo Boo as he and the gang tried to hold the angry shark back who was punching the air.


“There’s no reasoning with sharks”, said Winchley. “All of them are vicious killers in my eyes!  Which is why it’s a mistake for them to roam on land!


“I’ll have you know, that I’m a friendly shark!” growled Jabber. “And I’m here to fight for the freedom of the great superhero of the sea, Aquaman!”


“Not this superhero business again!” groaned Winchley. “Listen, I’ve told your animal friends over there that the law states that since I caught that merman in my fisherman’s net, he’s my property!  And does this blond headed guy with the tight pants look like a superhero to you?  He’s not wearing a cape!”


“But not all superheroes need capes”, said Sneezly.


“Yeah, dontcha realize that capes could shrink in the ocean?” asked Wally.


“And besides”, said Yogi. “Our pal, Dynomutt, can prove Aquaman’s a superhero.  Say, where is our hero vouching friend anyway?”


“Oh no!  I forgot!” cried Sneezly. “He’s over there, but his power’s been drained!” Everyone rushed over and saw the unconscious bionic dog lying right next to a huge tank.


“An electric eel petting tank?!” gasped Boo Boo.


Dontcha know that’s dangerous?!” asked Wally, “What if someone gets electrocuted?!”


“Aw, don’t worry”, said Winchley. “Touching an electric eel is perfectly safe.  It’s just like getting a small shock on the doorknob.”


“But it certainly didn’t seem like that for poor Dyno here”, said Sneezly.


“Hmm, I see”, said Winchley. “Maybe it was a good thing I decided to go with an eel petting tank instead of a piranha petting tank.”


“Now about releasing Aquaman!” growled Jabber.


“Listen all of you”, sighed Winchley. “Since my eels harmed your dog friend there, I’ll go easy on all of you and pretend that all of this commotion that happened today never happened and I won’t call the police on you.”


“Call the police on us!” shouted Jabber. “Let me at ‘em!  Let me at ‘em!” and he started his boxing again while the others tried to hold him back.


“Now I suggest you leave Bubbleland and never come back before I change my mind!” And he took out a remote control, pushed a button, and a huge fire hose popped out from the ceiling.  It sprayed a huge flood at our heroes causing them to get swept out through the front doors.


“Oh, look at this!” sighed Winchley. “They got my floor all wet.  Something’s gotta be done about this!  SQUIDLY DIDLY!”


“Yes, Chief”, said Squidly as he walked in with one of his tentacles shorter and covered with a bandage.


“Did you learn your lesson?” asked Winchley sternly.


“Yes, Chief”, said Squidly sadly. “And the chef you sent me to learned a new recipe for my fifth tentacle.”


“Fine then”, said Winchley. “Now mop up this mess right away!”


“But can’t I wait until my tentacle grows back?!” pleaded Squidly.


“Oh sure”, said Winchley. “If you want the rest of your tentacles to be punished for slacking off!”


“Right away Chief!” said Squidly nervously as he reached for some mops and buckets and started mopping with his remaining tentacles.


“Ah, I love being the king of the sea!” smiled Winchley as he marched off leaving the sad squid working like a dogfish.


*      *      *      *      *      *


Our heroes found themselves outside of the aquarium all soaking wet. “Oh great!  I hate getting wet!  WOO WOO WOO!”


“But you’re a shark”, said Sneezly. “It’s natural for you to get wet.”


“Yeah, I know”, groaned Jabber. “I just hate it when jerks like him get me wet the wrong way!”


“Now how are we gonna get Aquaman out of there?” asked Wally.


“I don’t know what we can do now”, said Boo Boo. “The law says that Winchley owns Aquaman legally.”


“I know”, said Yogi. “Let’s go see the chief of the ranger-type police and convince him to set Aquaman free!”


“Good idea Yogi”, said Boo Boo. “What do you say, guys?”


“To the police station!” they all shouted as they marched off to the police station. “Say, what do we do about Dynomutt?” asked Sneezly pointing to the energy drained robo-dog lying on the pavement all soaking wet.


“Maybe this can help”, said Yogi as he took out two combs and gave one of them to Boo Boo. “Start combing up static, Boo Boo-boy!” smiled Yogi as he started combing his furry body building up static.


“I get it Yogi”, smiled Boo Boo as he started combing as well.  Soon, the bears were now holding two electric sparking combs.  Yogi opened up Dyno’s chest door and he and Boo Boo threw the combs inside.  Suddenly, Dyno jumped up from a full static recharge.


“That was a good idea, Yogi”, smiled Boo Boo. “You’re a genius!”


“Actually, I got the idea from an old episode of School House Rock”, said Yogi blushing.


“Hey, what’s going on here?” gasped Dyno who was looking around all fully charged.  “Is the action over?  And why am I all wet?  Oh gee!  I didn’t just wet myself and faint, did I?!”


*      *      *      *      *      *


Our heroes were now standing at the front desk of Police Chief Dibble. “So let me get this straight”, said Dibble. “You all want me to get off my seat and go over to Bubbleland and order an aquarium owner, who brings joy to a bunch of ocean loving people everyday, to set one of his prized catches free?”


“Yeah, pretty much”, said Yogi.


“Sorry, no can do”, said Dibble. “The law of Yabbadabbaville states that any fisherman who catches anything in their nets becomes their rightful property.”


“Well, what if a crazed fisherman catches a nuclear bomb in his net?” asked Wally. “Does that mean it’ll be his property to do with whatever he wants like blow up this station?”


“What?! Someone’s gonna blow up my station?!” gasped Dibble hiding under his desk. “I’m too young and authority powered to die!”


“No, that was just an example!” groaned Wally.


“And don’t you know that Winchley’s keeping a superhero who’s saved the ocean world for many years locked away?!” shouted Jabber. “Is that what you experts on justice believe in happening?!”


“I’ve never heard of this Aquaman character before”, said Dibble.


“Don’t you remember?” asked Dyno. “Aquaman was the one who cut the ribbon when this police station first opened.”


Uhhhh?!” said Dibble putting his finger on his mouth.


“And here’s even a photo of you and Aquaman shaking hands together on your desk!” said Dyno shoving the picture right in the police chief’s face.


“Oh, him”, said Dibble. “I always thought he was Olympic athlete, Bruce Jenner.”


“Why won’t you help us Chief Dibble?” asked Boo Boo.


“Sorry kid”, said Dibble. “I’m afraid it’s out of my hands”, and he started grabbing some donuts from a nearby gift basket.


“Out of his sticky hands is more like it”, thought Wally.


“Oh, those mouth watering donuts!” said Yogi who was tempted to snatch a donut when the cop wasn’t looking.  But then he saw a tag attached to the basket and read it out loud. “A gift from you friends at Bubbleland?!” shouted Yogi.


“Oh, I didn’t notice that tag”, said Dibble who was actually lying. “I wondered who sent me that nice gift basket.  And now I know.”


“Hey, I bet Winchley sent you that basket as a bribe!” shouted Jabber.


“And he must’ve sent it by rush delivery before we could even reach your station!” said Wally.


“I have no idea what you’re all talking about”, said Dibble sweating like a pig.


“Pig is right!” thought Yogi.


“How can you, the head of truth and justice in this town, do this, Dibble?” asked Dyno. “After all those crimes I helped you solved.”


“You’ve never helped me solved any crimes”, said Dibble. “You mostly always got in the way and bungled the police’s missions!”


“Well, yeah”, said Dyno as he opened up his chest and took out his embarrassment meter that was rising high on red. “But still, not giving my fellow superhero his deserved freedom is still pretty low!”


“Yeah, you’d better march your blue butt down to that aquarium, aka, prison and give my buddy, Aquaman, a full pardon before you feel my wrath!” shouted Jabber as he started his shadow boxing again.


“Are you threatening the chief of police Mr. Jaw?” asked Dibble sternly. “You know, that could almost cost you your green card and you’ll have to go back to the sea or even worse, locked away in Bubbleland!”


“YARRARRAH!” gasped Jabber nervously as he stopped his violent behavior, folded his fins, and sprouted a halo.


“I almost forgot”, said Dibble. “The Bubbleland chief also sent me another gift as well.” And he pushed a button on a remote control and out of the ceiling popped a huge hose.  Just like the one Winchley had.


“Uh oh”, said Yogi as he and his friends got blasted out of another chief’s office by water once again.


“No respect!” growled Jabber while he and the others were lying on the wet sidewalk outside the station. “Not even from the chief of police!  WOO WOO WOO!”


“There is no way I’m selling any policemens’ ball tickets after that!” groaned Dyno as he ejected a faucet from his snout and started pouring out the excess water.


“Gee, now that the head of the law enforcement can’t help us, what do we do now?” asked Boo Boo.


“What else?!” said Jabber as he stood up looking really determined. “I’m gonna do what I first intended to do with my underwater siblings back at the house!”


“You’re not gonna flush Chief Winchley down the toilet, are you?!” gasped Wally.


“No, but it’s a tempting thought”, said Wally. “I’m gonna go free Aquaman myself!”


“WHAT?!” gasped everyone.


“You heard me!” said Jabber. “I’m gonna break in into Bubbleland during the middle of the night and plan a rescue mission!”


“But that’s crazy, Jabber”, said Sneezly.


“Yeah”, said Boo Boo. “If you get caught, they could take away your green card and have to go back to the ocean!”


“Or even worse, on display to the public in Bubbleland!” said Yogi.


“It’s a risk I’ll have to take!” said Jabber as an American flag appeared behind the shark while trumpets played the American anthem. “This surface dwelling country has taught me the true meaning of freedom and independence.  And Aquaman also had the power of freedom too when he helped protect both the surface and the ocean world, giving both natives that wonderful feeling of freedom from crime and evil!   And I’m not just gonna standby and watch a fellow water native living the rest of his life in a cramped tank just inches away from both surface and ocean freedom.  Even if the law forbids him to ever be free!  Which is why as soon as that fish prison closes down, I’m gonna bust in there and free my aqua-buddy.  In the name of surface and ocean freedom!”


“Yeah, yahoo, whoopee!” called out the HB gang as they applauded Jabber’s patriotic speech.


“That was some cool motivational speech!” said Sneezly with tears in his eyes.


“Thank you”, said Jabber who was puffing from lack of wind. “I bet that took a lot out of my voice actor though.  Sorry about that, Frank!”


“Then count me in too”, said Wally. “I’m joining you on your breakout mission.”


“You are?!” gasped Jabber. “But I thought you believed fish would be happier in tanks.”


“Some fishies, like the ones in our house”, said Wally. “But after seeing how Winchley mistreated Squidly, I have a feeling he does that to all his other fishies too!  I believe it’s not the tanks that make certain fish miserable, it’s the people running them!”


“And this bear wants to get in on the rescue-type mission too”, said Yogi.


“Why, because the Bubbleland food court will be empty at night?” asked Boo Boo.


“Boob, how could you think of your bear buddy that way?” said Yogi. “Well, yeah, to tell you the truth.  But I too want to rescue Aquaman too!  Trust this bear!”


“Maybe I’d better join in too, just in case”, said Boo Boo.


“Me too”, said Sneezly. “You’ll never know when my supersonic sneezes will come in handy.”


“How about you, Dyno?” asked Wally. “Are you in too?”


“Well”, hesitated Dyno. “We superheroes don’t like breaking the law by breaking into aquariums and stealing rightfully caught property.  But Aquaman is a fellow hero, and after what Dibble did with that hose incident, I say corkscrew Dibble’s laws!”


“Great!” smiled Jabber. “I’m glad to have you all on my team.  It’ll be called, Fishin’ Impossible!  Now let’s go back to the house to get some supplies!”


Fishin’ Impossible?” asked Yogi. “Sounds like an always unlucky fishermen team!”


*      *      *      *      *      *


The gang had arrived back at the house where Jabber opened the door and were about to enter the living room. “We’d better not let Wendy find out we’re going on a rescue Aquaman mission”, said Boo Boo. “Otherwise, she might stop us.”


“Aw, come on Boob”, said Yogi. “Wendy can’t be that bitter because of what the Superfriends did to her.” But as soon as they entered the living room, they saw Wendy standing there with her arms crossed, her foot tapping, and looking very annoyed.


“Oh, hi Wendy”, said Boo Boo nervously as he saw the annoyed look on her face.


“And just what are you boys up to?” asked Wendy.


“Oh nothing”, said Wally nervously.


“Yeah”, said Dyno. “We certainly didn’t go to a place to investigate somebody from you past.” Jabber quickly elbowed Dyno in the stomach causing his neck to extend. “Did I just let the cat out of the bag?” asked Dyno sheepishly as a tiny robot cat escaped from his mouth.


“I already know”, said Wendy as she was holding a video tape.


“Our video!” gasped Sneezly.


“Yes”, said Wendy. “I watched it while you all went off to Bubbleland without leaving me a note saying where you went to.”


“Then you know about who’s being locked away like a prisoner?” asked Jabber.


Aquaman”, said Wendy calmly.


“We’re sorry Wendy”, said Boo Boo. “We didn’t want you to know about this because we know how angry you get whenever somebody brings up the Su-, I mean, them!”


“I appreciate your thoughtfulness”, said Wendy. “But now let’s get down to business.  Freeing Aquaman!  While you were out, I got some rescue mission equipment ready for you the minute you all got back.” And she pointed to a pile of tools, supplies, and black colored clothing in the corner of the living room.


“Hey, that’s neat!” said Jabber studying the equipment. “All this stuff should do the trick. YUK, YUK, YUK!”


“But why do you want to help Aquaman?” asked Wally. “I thought you hated the Superfriends after they kicked you out because you didn’t really have any superpowers.”


“Look, just because I’m mad at the Superfriends and don’t want to be reminded of them doesn’t mean that I don’t care about them anymore”, said Wendy. “Right now, Aquaman needs help, and I want to do whatever I can to save the day.  Even if he is my ex-teammate!”


“That’s really noble of you Wendy”, said Sneezly.


“Yeah”, said Dyno as a tear ran down his eye. “You’re still a Superfriend at heart!”


“Yeah”, said Wendy. “To tell you the truth, I also want to show those other so called Superfriends that I can be a heroine without super powers.”


Dyno then pushed a button on his nose and a tiny vacuum tube popped out of it and sucked up the tear.


*      *      *      *      *      *


It was now around midnight.  Bubbleland was closed for the night and no one was hanging around.  Except for some figures dressed in black sweaters and ski masks and holding bags of equipment. “Okay men”, said Wendy. “This is it.  We gotta break in here undetected.  Is everyone here accounted for?”


“I am”, said Boo Boo, dressed in a cute blue turtleneck and a ski mask.


“I’m here for sure”, said Jabber trying to pull his ski mask over his huge face, but it would only cover the tip of his snout.


“The same for Wally”, said Wally whose mask only covered the top part of his long snout.


“Yogi’s here my comman-dear!” said Yogi as he was about to stuff a piece of pie in his mouth forgetting that he had a ski mask covering his mouth.


“So, is Sneeze-Sneeze”, said Sneezly. “SNEEZE!  AH AHHH CHOOOOO!” And his ski mask suddenly got all big and puffy like there was some kind of liquid flooding it.


“EYEEEW!” gasped Wendy. “None of the Superfriends ever made this kind of casework interesting.  Say, where’s Dynomutt?”


“Sorry I’m late”, said Dyno rushing over to the group. “I wanted to get the right kind of wardrobe like the rest of you are wearing.” And they became shocked at what the bionic dog was wearing.  A psychedelic colored sweater and ski mask with all the colors of the rainbow along with some red flared boots.


“Somebody’s getting trippy about this mission”, said Wally.


Dynomutt!” shouted Wendy. “We’re supposed to wear black to blend in with the darkness!  You’re sure to be spotted wearing all those bright funky colors!”


“Oops, sorry”, said Dyno blushing as his clothes started to turn red too.


“Those wouldn’t be mood clothes, would they?” asked Yogi.


“Yeah”, said Dyno feeling pretty sad as his clothes turned blue. “I got them from the Retro 70’s Discount Store.”


“Maybe you can turn them black if you act like an emotion that’s based on that color”, said Boo Boo.


“Yeah!” said Dyno as his clothes turned pink with happiness. “But how should I act to make myself black?”


“How about acting mysterious, like a dark phantom of the night?” asked Wendy.


“Right-e-o”, smiled Dyno as he adjusted his eyes to look really scary, made a sinister snarl and made a pose like a dark menace as his wardrobe turned black as night. “Let’s get it on”, said Dyno in a creepy voice.


“How do we get inside?” asked Sneezly. “The doors are probably locked and those mean old security guards we met today might be marching around inside.”


“We’ll go through that vent up there”, said Wendy pointing to a ventilation shaft near the roof of the building.


“Leave that to me”, whispered Dyno trying to keep his mysterious personality as he stretched his extendable steel legs up to the shaft, ejected a screwdriver from his nose, and started to undo the vent window.  Then a huge escalator sprouted out of his back and down to our heroes. “Going up?” asked Dyno.


Our heroes got on the Dynomutt produced escalator that led them to the ventilation shaft.  First Wendy climbed in, then Sneezly, Boo Boo, Wally, Yogi, and finally Jabber.  But Jabber ended up getting stuck in the window for he was too big. “They should build these things bigger so sharks can sneak around in them much better!” mumbled Jabber. “Those architects have no respect!  WOO WOO WOO!”


“Oh boy!” grumbled Dyno as his mood suit changed to purple for he was little irked seeing the shark stuck in the shaft with his huge fishy butt showing.  Dyno opened up the top of his head and injected a butter knife covered with melted butter and started spreading it all over Jabber’s sides.


“Is that butter I smell?!” cried Jabber from inside. “You’re not gonna put lemon juice on me too, are you?!”


“This is just to give you the slip”, said Dyno as he pushed the greased up shark into the shaft much easier.  Then Dyno climbed into the shaft and started tasting the melted butter on his hands. “You know, shark flavored butter does taste kind of yummy”, whispered Dyno. “What am I thinking?!  Jabber’s my pal!” And he reached into his head, took out his computer-like brain and erased the memory of shark flavored butter from it. “Why are my hands all buttery?” asked Dyno for he no longer remembered what just happened a second ago. 


*      *      *      *      *      *


Our heroes continued to crawl through the ventilation shafts until they came across 4 passageways. “Which way should we go?” asked Sneezly.


“The one that’ll lead us to Aquaman”, said Jabber impatiently, “Where else?”


“But we don’t know which passageway that is”, said Wendy.


“Then we’ll split up and take each one”, said Dyno. “Yogi and Boo Boo will take the first passageway, Wally and Jabber the second, Wendy and Sneezly the third.  And I’ll bravely take the last passageway alone.  And we’ll keep in contact with our wrist communicators, okay?”


Everyone thought that was a good deal and they all went their separate ways.  Dynomutt crawled through his passageway and came across something below him.  It was a vent window that was overlooking a tank of water. “That might be where Aquaman is being kept”, said Dyno as he ejected his screwdriver from his nose, undid the window and dove into the tank. “Hey Aqua, are you in here?” asked Dyno searching the tank.  He turned on his headlight eyes and came across some unfriendly faces.  Faces of ten power hungry electric eels. “Hi guys”, said Dyno as his mood suit turned yellow with fear. “Licked any good wall sockets lately?” Then the eels started to charge at the poor bionic dog, bit down on his steel body and started to drain him of his power again.  Soon, the great Dynomutt floated up to the tank’s surface with his mood suit wet and a dull gray colored for he was out for the count.


*      *      *      *      *      *


Meanwhile, Yogi and Boo Boo were crawling through their passageway. “Look Boob”, said Yogi pointing to a vent window.


“What, did you find Aquaman?” asked Boo Boo.


“Not exactly”, said Yogi. “But I found something ever better. A food-type court all to myself!  Hey, hey, hey!”


“Yogi”, said Boo Boo annoyed. “This is no time to eat.  We’re on a mission!”


“Oh, okay”, sighed Yogi. “For the Aqua-ster”, and he and Boo Boo continued to crawl through the shaft while Yogi was sadly looking away from his unguarded food utopia. “Someday, I’ll have that dream again”, he sighed.


*      *      *      *      *      *


“In passageway 2, Jabber and Wally were still exploring with Jabber leading the way. “Just you wait you dirty Winchley”, grumbled Jabber. “When I get my fins on your fish catching, guppy abusing hide….”


“Say Jabber”, said Wally looking down at the floor of the shaft seeing little cracks forming. “These shaft floors seem a little thin.  Dontcha think it’d be safer if we turned back?” But Jabber was still grumbling to himself to listen to his gator partner.


“Just a suggestion, dontcha-NOOOOOO!” cried Wally as the floor underneath him collapsed and he fell through it.  But Jabber was still in his grumbling trance to notice Wally was gone.


Wally ended up landing safely in a small wading pool. “That was a lucky break” said Wally standing up in ankle high water. “But I wonder what kind of fish lives in this dinky pool?  Probably something really small.”


“No, not really”, called out a familiar voice.  Wally looked down and saw he was standing on the head of his old friend Squidly Didly. “Oh, sorry Squidly”, said Wally as he jumped off the squid’s big rubbery head.


“Not a problem”, said Squidly rubbing his head. “I hardly ever get any visitors to my little home.”


“This pool is your home?” asked Wally. “But it’s so small!”


“Chief Winchley says fish with small brains deserve small places to live”, said Squidly sadly.


“Gee!” gasped Wally. “What a tyrant that chief of yours is!  By the way, is your tentacle okay?  Because of what happened?”


“Oh, sure”, said Squidly removing the bandage from his tentacle showing it was back to normal. “The Chief said it’ll grow back, like it always does.”


“Say, I was wondering”, said Wally. “Don’t squids usually have 10 tentacles?  And ever since I’ve known you, you’ve only had 6.  Winchley didn’t cut those off too?”


“He did a long time ago”, said Squidly with a tear in his eye. “The Chief cut off 4 certain tentacles so much that they’re too scared to grow back!  Why couldn’t I’ve been born a legless clam?!  Wait a minute.  If I were a clam, I’d have no eyes and I wouldn’t be able to watch TV.  But that doesn’t matter.  The Chief doesn’t like me watching TV.”


“No TV?!” gasped Wally. “Now that’s totally being cruel to animals!  Squidly, why do you let that nasty human bully you like this?!”


“Because he’s my chief”, moaned Squidly. “I was drafted into his Bubbleland navy whether I liked it or not.”


“A draft?!” gasped Wally. “This ain’t a military organization.  This is a aquarium where people go to have fun!  How can you get drafted into an aquarium?!”


“I was caught by Mr. Fishing Net”, said Squidly. “A few days ago, I was swimming peacefully and carefree in my ocean neighborhood, when all of a sudden, I got snagged into a net, dragged out of the nice cool water, and I was looking into the fuzzy mustached face of my old tormentor, Chief Winchley.  When he saw me, he suddenly remembered me and how I left Bubbleland to become part of Yogi’s ark crew.  He certainly was mad and he took me back to Bubbleland where I became his squid slave once again.”


“That’s horrible!” gasped Wally. “You’re one of the nicest guys I know, Squidly.  You shouldn’t have to go through all this abuse!  You should leave this heck hole right away and go back to the free open sea!  I don’t believe this!  I’m sounding just like Jabberjaw!”


“I would so love too”, sighed Squidly. “But alas, that cannot be.  The law says that any fish caught in a fisherman’s net becomes property of the fisherman.  Chief Winchley caught me so I’m his property whether I like it or not.”


“Gee”, said Wally. “There must be some loophole that’ll get you your freedom.  And Aquaman’s too!  Nobody deserves to be mistreated, whether the law says so or not.”


*      *      *      *      *      *


Meanwhile, Jabber was still crawling through his shaft pathway still grumbling about fish imprisonments unaware that Wally was no longer behind him.  Just then, he came across another vent window.  He peeked through it and to his anger, he saw Chief Winchley standing next to a pool of water while holding a bucket of sardines. “Come on up Mr. Gilbert”, said Winchley dangling a sardine over the pool. “I got your dinner right here.”


“Mr. Gilbert?!” wondered Jabber.  But then his Jabber-JAW dropped when he saw whose head rose out of the water.  It was Aquaman.


“How many times do I have to tell you, my name is not Mr. Gilbert?!  It’s Aquaman.  King of Atlantis!” said the merman in a heroic voice that tried hard not to show any grief.


“Here you go my prized catch”, laughed Winchley as he threw the fish into Aquaman’s face making a loud smack. “Care for some hushpuppies to go with that?”


“No thank you”, grumbled Aquaman, “Superfriends don’t eat fried foods.”


“Again with the Superfriends bunk?!” said Winchley. “Can’t you get it through your blond head that you’re just a mere merman who can only talk to fish and do nothing else?”


“By Poseidon’s beard!” shouted Aquaman. “If I ever escape from this tank, you’ll feel the wrath of Atlantis at your air breathing throat!” And he tried to charge at the chief, only to forget that he was still chained to the anchor below, so all he could do is make clawing fingers that didn’t even reach Winchley’s white uniform.


“That’s perfect!  Why don’t you save that viciousness for tomorrow?” laughed Winchley. “The public will really go for you being as mean as a barracuda!  Pleasant dreams Mr. Gilbert.  And no wetting the bed.  Oh yeah.  Silly me!  You can’t help it down there!  HA HA HA HA!” and he dumped the rest of the sardines into Aquaman’s tank and marched off.


“Why that miserable little land dweller!” growled Jabber. “Don’t worry Aqua-buddy.  Help is on the way!” And he bust the vent window open and dove into the tank.


“Great Poseidon’s Trident!” gasped Aquaman. “Now they’re putting a hungry shark in there just to be sadistic.  But I need not worry.  I’ll just use my telepathic powers to communicate with this vicious monster!”


“Vicious monster?!” gasped Jabber. “No respect!  Is that anyway to show gratitude for a guy who broke in here to save you.. you.  YARRARRARRAH!” stuttered Jabber for he was suddenly under the spell of Aquaman’s telepathic rings. “Hey, that feels good!” smiled Jabber as he twisted and turned his body around like someone was touching a spot he liked.


“Wait a minute”, said Aquaman. “You can speak land creature!  You must be one of those land dwelling sharks that mean people no harm.  So there’s no need for telepathy!” and he shut off his power and Jabber turned back to normal.


“Aw, why did you stop it?!” groaned Jabber. “I was enjoying that!”


“Did you say you came here to save me?” asked Aquaman.


“Yep, that’s right”, smiled Jabber. “Fear not fellow fish friend!  You’re about to be rescued by the brave team of Fishin’ Impossible!”


Fishin’ Impossible?” gasped Aquaman. “Is that like my team, known as the Superfriends?”


“Sort of”, said Jabber. “And my team has a member who used to work along side of you.  Her name is Wendy.”


“Uh oh!” gasped Aquaman remembering how he and the other Superfriends dismissed Wendy many years ago and hadn’t heard from her since.


“First let me contact the other team members and tell them where I am”, said Jabber activating his wrist radio and contacting the others. “Attention team Fishin’ Impossible!” he called to his radio. “I’ve found Aquaman and I’m going to free him.  Everyone head back to where we last met and go through passageway 2 where me and Wally went through.  Say, where is Wally anyway?  I thought he was behind me.”


*      *      *      *      *      *


Wally was still with Squidly until he heard the announcement on his wrist radio. “Oh, fiddle-dee-dee!” gasped Wally. “I forgot!  I got separated from Jabber when I fell through the shaft.  Sorry Squidly. “But I gotta go help my shark buddy!” And he tried to climb back up the hole in the shaft, until Squidly pulled him back down.

“Hey Squidly”, asked Wally. “What’d you do that for?”


“Because I’m joining you in the rescue mission”, said Squidly. “I know a faster way to get to Aquaman’s tank without getting detected.”


“You want to free Aquaman too?” asked Wally. “But what will your chief do to you if you set free his most valued moneymaker?”


“I don’t care anymore!” said Squidly in a now fierce voice. “I’m sick of having that hairy lipped Hitler boss and abuse us innocent sea creatures around!  It’s time I stand on my own six feet!”


“Well, welcome to Fishin’ Impossible”, smiled Wally shaking Squidly’s tentacle. “Let’s go free us an Aquaman!”


“Wait”, said Squidly. “I know where we get a cavalry in case something goes wrong.”


*      *      *      *      *      *


Soon, all our heroes got Jabber’s message and were crawling back the way they came from to follow the shaft passageway that leads to Aquaman’s tank.  Dynomutt, who was still floating lifelessly in the electric eel tank got a quick recharge from his wrist communicator and became awake again.


“Hey, ho, whoa, what happened?!” gasped Dyno looking at his staticky watch and his mood suit turned white with shock. “Oh yeah!  Now I remember.  I fell in a tank and got drained by a bunch of….” Then he turned around and his suit turned yellow with fright. “ELECTRIC EELS!” And he ejected his spring legs that allowed him to leap out of the tank and back into the shaft, just before those greedy eels could have seconds.


“Will we ever see or taste of him again, Papa?” asked a little girl eel.


“Have faith little eel cub”, said a wise elderly eel. “Another blue moon will reflect in our ocean someday.  And we’ll have thousands of electricity producing creatures for us to feast on.” And the Bubbleland janitor walked by the eel tank and saw that the batteries in his walkman were low.  So he took out the batteries and thoughtlessly threw them in the tank with the eels.


“What did I tell you daughter?” smiled the father eel as he and the other eels started feasting happily on the power from the batteries.


*      *      *      *      *      *


Meanwhile, Jabber was trying to chomp away at the chain that was attached to Aquaman’s ankle, but with no luck.  The chain just made some of Jabber’s teeth come off. “Are you all right Jabber?” asked Aquaman studying the loose teeth.


“I’ll be fine”, smiled an almost toothless Jabber. “Shark’s teeth always grow back quickly.  But I don’t know about you though.  I can’t seem to break you free from this chain.  You don’t think it’s made of Kryptonite which weakens you?”


“Only Superman is vulnerable to Kryptonite”, said Aquaman. “Why do people think all us Superfriends are weak against Kryptonite just because our team is named after our leader?”


“Maybe when Dyno gets here, he might break out a special chain cutter from his bionic head”, said Jabber. “You know.  I’d probably be in hot water myself if one of those chains clamped onto my…”


But before he could finish his sentence, he felt something cold and metal clamp onto his.. “TAIL!” gasped Jabber.  He looked down and saw he was clamped to an anchor and chain as well. “Speak of the devilfish!” gasped Jabber.


“Only one evil doer I know would do this”, said Aquaman sternly.


“Again with calling me evil?” asked Winchley who was standing above the tank holding a remote control anchor clamper. “That really hurts my feelings you know.”


“You can’t keep me here!” shouted Jabber sticking his head up to the surface. “I got this green card, remember?”


“Oh yeah”, laughed Winchley as he snatched the card from Jabber’s fin and threw it in another open tank.  There a huge fish started to swallow it whole. “All growing fish need to eat their greens”, cackled Winchley. “Now it looks like you have no green card my sharky friend.  And I caught you, which makes you my property as well!”


“You will not get away with this Winchley!” shouted Aquaman as he rose to the surface too. “My shark comrade and I will fight you to the very end!”


“Yeah, what he said!” growled Jabber trying to punch at Winchley, but couldn’t reach him either.


“Actually, I won’t be the one you’ll be fighting”, said Winchley smiling wickedly. “For I’ve come up with a sure fire money making act for you both!  I bet the customers will pay to see a real merman do battle against a live dangerous shark!”


“What do you mean by that?” demanded Aquaman.


“It’s quite simple”, said Winchley. “For two shows daily, you and shark boy will put on a bloody, gory, underwater battle.  The paying customers will eat it all up!  Shark, you’ll be using your natural weapons known as your sharp teeth. And here’s your weapon Mr. Gilbert.” And he took out a sharp trident and threw it into Aquaman’s hands.


“Dream on land dweller!” said Aquaman throwing down the trident. “There’s no way I’m going to attack a noble shark like Jabberjaw.”


“And I’m a passive-fish”, said Jabber. “I don’t use my jaws to resort to violence!”


“We’ll see about that!” cackled Winchley as he took out his remote control and pushed another button. Suddenly some evil looking red dust started to spray into the water.


“Hey, what’s this, cherry cola?” gasped Jabber finding himself surrounded with the red stuff.


“What is the meaning of this?!” demanded Aquaman who started clutching his head in pain.


“It’s simple”, smiled Winchley. “A few days ago, an organization who called themselves The Legion of Doom took an office trip to Bubbleland.  They were so impressed with all the vicious fish I caught and imprisoned that they gave me a jar of homemade evil spores to make some of my fish even more vicious.  Now I can finally put the Legion’s gift to my use!  In just a few seconds, those spores will fill you both with such crankiness, that you’ll want to lash out at the person or fish that’s near you!”


“Are you kidding?!” said Jabber. “There’s no way your fake red sea is gonna corrupt this sharshar…. RAAARGH!” growled Jabber as his eyes turned red and his teeth grew larger.  He swam right at Aquaman and was about to bite him until the Aquaman dodged out of the way.


Jabberjaw, you can’t let his spores of evil control you like this!” cried Aquaman. “Try to be like me.  A superhero with a strong will like mi.. mi…RAARGH!” Obviously the spores were too much for the aquatic hero’s will, for Aquaman too grew red eyes.  He dove down and grabbed the trident he threw down earlier and tried to stab at the anger controlled shark who was trying to sink his jaws out to him.


“This is beautiful!” laughed Winchley with a tear of sadism in his eye. “I gotta go down and see how this looks in the tank window!” And he rushed off while the two good fish, turned bad, continued to fight.


Just then, Wendy and Sneezly arrived and peeked through the vent window and saw a shocking sight.  They looked below and saw Jabber and Aquaman viciously attacking each other.


“That’s Jabber!” gasped Sneezly. “But why is he fighting Aquaman?  I thought he was supposed to rescue him.”


“Oh no!” cried Wendy as she saw her former teammate trying to do away with her housemate. “Aquaman!” called out Wendy. “Why are you doing this?! You’re a Superfriend, and you don’t believe in harming nice fish!  And Jabber’s the nicest fish I know!”


“And look at all that red stuff in the water!” cried Sneezly. “I hope that’s not bl…”


“Please don’t say it Sneezly!” cried Wendy. “Besides, it doesn’t look like blood to me.  I think I’ve seen that evil red stuff in one of the files back in the Hall of Justice.  Certain supervillains use some kind of spores of evil to infect superheroes!  Oh no!  They’re done for!”


*      *      *      *      *      *


Down below in the spectators’ area, Chief Winchley was watching the merman-shark fight through the tank window. “This is a perfect gorefest!” cackled Winchley. “Just think of all the paying customers that’ll flock here to see these two body slammers of the deep fight every day!  And when the public gets bored with it, I’ll just add even more spores in their tank and make the fight even more deadlier!  And I believe my skilled merman will send that shark to fish heaven!  HA HA HA HA!”


*      *      *      *      *      *


Soon Yogi and Boo Boo had joined Wendy and Sneezly and they too were looking down below at the fighting friends. “Sheesh!” gasped Yogi. “Something like this would kill my appetite for seafood for life!”


“Should we dive in and try to pry them away from each other?” asked Boo Boo.


“No we should not!” said Wendy. “It’ll be like trying to pry away two fighting dogs.  Somebody could get hurt!”


“Not to mention we’d get spored if we go into that tank”, said Sneezly.


“If only there was some way we can stop them from fighting”, said Wendy. “Like a powerful paralyzing force field.”


“And this bear has just the thing”, smiled Yogi as he reached into his backpack and pulled out a box of instant blueberry Jello mix.


“Yogi, this no time for a snack!” said Boo Boo.


“Oh no, Boo Boo Boy”, smiled Yogi. “This isn’t a snack, it’s for stopping an attack!” And he ripped open the box and poured the Jello mix into the tank.  The fighting Jabber and Aquaman were making, caused the Jello mix to swirl around and in a few seconds, we find our battling heroes sealed in a huge block of Jello unable to move at all.


*      *      *      *      *      *


“Hey, why’d you both stop fighting?!” called out Winchley who just saw his prized catches floating there stiff as boards. “And why did my beautiful red spore water turn blue?!” And he started to rush back up to the top of the tank.


*      *      *      *      *      *


“Hey, you did it Yogi!” smiled Boo Boo. “Your Jello sure saved the day!”


“It weren’t nothing”, sighed Yogi. “This bear would happily sacrifice his snacks to help his friends.  Sometimes.”


“Now that we got them to stop fighting”, asked Sneezly. “What should we do now?” Just then, they saw Jabber’s mouth open up wide and started to eat up all the Jello leaving him in Aquaman in an empty tank. “Ah, all that sugar sure hit the spot”, smiled Jabber rubbing his stomach.


“Too bad sugar’s bad for you teeth though”, said Aquaman pointing to the rotted teeth falling from Jabber’s mouth.


“Aw, that’s okay”, smiled Jabber. “New teeth will grow back.  It’s the advantage of being a shark.  We don’t have to worry about cavities.  YUK, YUK, YUK!”


“Hey, they’re back to normal”, said Sneezly.


 “But how did that happen?” asked Boo Boo.


“I guess all that sugar in my Jello made their fighting personalities a lot sweeter”, said Yogi.


“And it must’ve cancelled out the bitterness of those evil spores”, said Wendy. “I’m disgusted that something unhealthy like sugar would end up saving the day.”


“I guess it goes to show you not to dis the power of sweets”, smiled Yogi as he took out a cupcake from his backpack and gobbled it up. “Hey, hey, hey!”


“Hey guys!” called out Jabber from the tank. “A little help here?”


“Oh yes”, said Wendy as she, Yogi, Boo Boo, and Sneezly climbed into the tank to try to get their friends free from their anchor captives.


“Oh, hello Wendy”, said Aquaman in an uneasy voice, for it had been a long time since they last met.  And it wasn’t under any pleasant circumstances.


“Greetings ex-teammate”, said Wendy quietly as she took some clamps out of her backpack and used them to snip the anchor chains that held Aquaman and Jabber.


“Hey, thank’s Wendy”, said Jabber trying to wiggle his tailfin back in shape to get back the circulation.


“Are you okay, Jabber?” asked Boo Boo.


“I’ll be fine”, said Jabber. “Thanks for showing me some respect!”


“Listen, Wendy”, said Aquaman trying to clear his throat. “I hope you’re not still mad about….”


“We can talk later”, said Wendy. “Right now, we gotta get you and Jabber out of this Bubbleland prison.”


“My Bubbleland, a prison?” called out Winchley from above the tank. “That’s a hurtful remark!”


“You should know about being hurtful you fiend!” shouted Aquaman.


“Now that my friends are here”, shouted Jabber. “You’re outnumbered!”


“Outnumbered?” cackled Winchley. “I got plenty of numbers right here!” And he took out his remote control and pushed the 8 button.  Suddenly, the top of the tank closed up with metal doors trapping our heroes inside.


“What are you doing now?!” demanded Aquaman.


“Something unpleasant”, said Sneezly pointing to the water that started to gush from the floor.


“He’s going to drown us!” cried Wendy.


“No, not really”, called out Winchley’s voice from an intercom inside the tank. “I’m not going to fill this tank up all the way.  I’ll leave a few inches for you air breathers.  But I am gonna fill it with more evil spores.  Just think about it.  A shark and a merman battling some land dwellers in a tank of water.  Now who do you suppose will win this event?  HA HA HA!”


Just as Winchley was about to push the button to release more spores, a tentacle shaped into a lasso snatched the remote away from Winchley.  The doors on the tank started to re-open, the water drained, and our heroes quickly climbed out of the tank.


“Hey, what happened to my remote?!” demanded Winchley.  He turned around and saw Wally and Squidly Didly standing there looking really peeved. “Squidly Didly!” demanded Winchley. “What do you think you’re doing you dumb squid?  Return that remote to me!  That’s an order!”


“All right!” said Squidly about to hand it to Winchley and then purposely dropping it on the floor breaking it. “Oops!” smiled Squildy. “My bad!”


“NOOO!” shouted Winchley as he picked up the broken remote that was totally useless now! “But why Squidly?!”


“Because you’re a tyrannical fish abusing bully!” shouted Squidly. “And me and my fish friends aren’t gonna take it anymore.  Right guys?” And out from the shadows came a bunch of angry abused fish of all kinds, marching on their tailfins ready to give their chief a piece of their minds.


“How did you all get out of your tanks?!” demanded Winchley.


“I let them out”, said Squidly. “With the little help from the Sledgehammer family!” And it showed him holding 4 huge sledgehammers in his 4 tentacles.  Then all the angry fish started to approach the scared chief ready to attack him like a sack of fish food.


“You can’t do this!” shouted Winchley. “I caught you fair and square in the ocean.  So the law says, you’re all mine!”


“True”, said Squidly balling up his tentacled fists. “But the law doesn’t say anything about the fish you caught not being able to tear you in half!  By the way, I believe you neglected to feed your piranha exhibit for over a week.”


And it showed a bunch of hungry piranhas, holding little knives and forks, wanting to chomp up a chief.


“Oh, look at the time!” said Winchley looking at his bare wrist that had no watch on it. “I gotta go save some whales!” And he was about to run the other way until he ran into the rubbery stomach of Jabberjaw.


“Now, I ‘m going to teach you to disrespect all us fish folk!” shouted Jabber as he opened his mouth wide, while our heroes watched in shock, especially Winchley who was watching in fear.


“Jabber, you’re not really gonna eat him?” gasped Boo Boo.


“Are you sure you’re free from those spores effects?” gasped Aquaman.


“Relax guys”, smiled Jabber turning to his friends. “I was just giving this creep the shark scare of his life.  And nothing is more scarier than a picture of a shark’s frown.  Ask my movie star pal, Jaws!  And now for some more scaring for….” But as Jabber turned back around, he found he was holding Winchley’s white jacket. “Hey, where’d he go?”


“There he is!” shouted Sneezly as they saw that Winchley had snuck past them and was running down the hallway.


“After him!” shouted Aquaman as our heroes and all the freed fish started chasing after Winchley.  Soon, Winchley entered a door marked, Chief’s bathroom, and slammed the door.


“Don’t think you can hide from us in your safe little haven!” shouted Jabber as he tried to open the door, but found it was locked.


“Don’t worry”, said Aquaman. “He can’t stay in there forever.”


“Unless he flushes himself down the toilet”, said Boo Boo.


“How can he do that?!” asked Wendy. “He’s too big to flush himself down a small little toilet.”


“I wouldn’t say that toilet of his is small”, said Squidly.


“What do you mean, Squidly?” asked Wally.


“Looks like this is a job for our own little locksmith”, smiled Yogi looking at Sneezly and then taking some pepper out of his backpack.


“Are you sure it’s the only way?” asked Sneezly nervously.


“’Fraid so”, said Yogi as he sprinked the pepper on Sneezly’s nose.


“I’ll do it for my… AAAAH…fellow….AAAAH…..ocean loving….AAAAAH....friends!” gacked Sneezly.  Then let out a final. “CHOOOOOO!” and blew down the bathroom door.


“Nice work Sneezly”, smiled Wendy as she and the others stormed into the bathroom while Wendy covered her eyes, fearing that Winchley might be on the toilet when they nab him.


“OH!  GREAT BEARD OF POSEIDON!” shouted out Aquaman. Wendy uncovered her eyes to see what was wrong.  Then she gasped as she and the others saw the biggest toilet in their lives.  And on the top of it was Winchley putting on scuba gear.


“Is that how big a men’s room toilet is supposed to be?” gasped Wendy.


“That’s even too big for my own big bear bottom!” said Yogi.


“And I have to clean that huge thing every day with a toothbrush”, moaned Squidly.


“Do you have some kind of bowel problem?” Wally asked Winchley.


“Don’t be so disgusting!” said Winchley snapping on his diving mask. “I use this huge baby to flush down the really huge fish that’ve passed away, so I can save on funeral bills.”


“You monster!” shouted both Jabber and Aquaman together.


“But now I plan to flush myself down to the safety of the ocean and rise from some unkown surface where you’ll never be able to find me!” cackled Winchley.  Then he jumped onto the huge flusher knob and dove in. “So long suckers!  HA HA HA HA!” he shouted as he got pulled into the watery suction.


“Oh, fishsticks!” grumbled Jabber. “He got away!  WOO WOO WOO!”


“If only we could’ve brought justice to that fiend”, sighed Aquaman.


“Oh, I wouldn’t worry about it”, smiled Wally with a toothy smile.


“What do you mean?” asked Aquaman.


“Obviously, no one taught Winchley about what happens when you flush living things down the toilet”, smiled Wally.


“Oh yeah!” said Jabber remembering Wally’s lecture from the beginning. “YUK, YUK, YUK!”


*      *      *      *      *      *


Winchley was smiling while riding down the water pipes like a waterslide. “As soon as I enter the ocean, I’ll find a new school of fish to take back with me.  One that won’t be disobedient and will take my abuse with joy!” snickered Winchley. 


Just then, he heard some strange buzzing noises. “What’s that noise?” asked Winchley. “Could it be a new species of bumblebee fish?” But he became shocked and frightened at was he was about to slide into.  A bunch of choppers and grinders ready to dice up any kind of waste either non-living or living.


“HELP!” cried Winchley as he spread his arms and legs out trying to hold onto the sides of the pipes. “So this is what happens to all those dead fish I’ve been flushing down here!” cried Winchley. “I truly am a bad man!” Then the suction of the grinders started to pull the trapped chief into it.  But luckily, a metal arm slid through the pipes and grabbed Winchley by the collar pulling him out from the suction.  Then Winchley found himself going back up the pipes and back into his own private bathroom.


“Thank you!  Thank you!” said Winchley as he looked into the eyes of his savior who was Dynomutt that had stretched back his expandable arm.  But then Winchley looked around and found he was surrounded once again by our heroes and all those angry fish. “Hi guys”, said Winchley nervously. “No time, no see?”


“It looks like your little escape plan failed you villain!” said Aquaman picking Winchley up by the mustache.


“My fish friends and I just thought up a new game”, said Squidly. “It’s called bait the fisherman!” And Squidly and all the fish started taking out some sharp pointy fishhooks!”


“YIPE!” whispered Winchley.


“There won’t be any need for that”, said Dyno. “I’m sure his cellmates will have some more painful prison games in store for him!”


“You’re forgetting”, said Winchley now smiling. “That Police Chief Dibble and I are good pals!  Once I give him another donut bribe, I’ll be back on the streets and the seas ready to re-catch all you dirty fish!”


“That reminds me”, said Dyno, “While I was searching your aquarium.  I ran into that same pal of yours. Oh, Chiefy!” And in stepped Police Chief Dibble holding a basket of donuts and looking very angry.


“Oh, hi my fellow chief!” said Winchley. “You’ve come just in time to save me from these hoodlums who broke into my precious caring Bubbleland!”


“Zip it!” said Dibble in an angry voice. “I came here to talk about this bribe.., no wait, donut basket you sent me!” And he broke open a donut to reveal a wriggling purple tentacle.


“GROSS!” gasped Wendy.


“I’ve heard donuts were unhealthy!” gasped Yogi. “But this?!”


“Hey, that’s one of my old tentacles!” cried Squidly as he picked up the wriggling appendage and hugged it.


“That stupid cooking staff!” mumbled Winchley. “They got the donuts mixed up with the sushi!”


“Well what do you know”, said Dibble as he studied Squidly’s attached tentacles and the recently chopped off one. “This is your tentacle.  Wait a minute!  You mean Winchley chopped off one of your tentacles as food?”


“Yes”, said Squidly sadly. “He does it all the time.”


“Care to explain yourself, Winchley?” demanded Dibble.


“Well, um, uh…” said Winchley nervously. “Squid is brainfood?!”


“Which you probably haven’t had at all!” shouted Dibble. “I know the law states that any fish caught in a fisherman’s net becomes their property.  But there is a law about live fish abuse in public aquariums!  A crime that cannot be paid for, not even for a million donut bribe!”


“Not even for jelly flavored donuts?” asked Winchley.


Which’ll probably be filled with jellyfish after your last gift!” said Dibble as he handcuffed Winchley. “I’m sending you up the river for a long time for your abuse against innocent marine life.  Let’s just hope your cellmates up the river won’t find you an attractive little guppy!”


“Little guppy?” gulped Winchley in defeat.  All the fish started cheering and clapping their fins together in victory seeing their tormentor getting taken away by the chief of police.


“And make sure you’re not slacking off when mopping those prison floors!” laughed Squidly.


“Finally, justice has been delivered to that enemy of the sea”, said Aquaman in triumph.  But then, he turned to Wendy. “I want to thank you and your friends for trying to help me escape”, said Aquaman in an uneasy voice.


“It’s no problem”, said Wendy in a neutral voice. “I got a great team of super friends.” Then she shuddered when she mentioned the name she was no longer part of.


“Listen Wendy”, said Aquaman. “I want to apologize for me and the other Superfriends for letting you go.  I guess just because you don’t have superpowers doesn’t mean you can’t be a superhero.  No wait.  I mean, heroine!”


“That’s what I wanted to hear”, said Wendy with tears in her eyes. “You’re forgiven!” and she hugged her old teammate.


“You know”, said Aquaman. “If you’d like, I can convince the other Superfriends in taking you back.  We really do miss your good cooking.  Hey, maybe that could be your super power.  The power to throw pots filled with hot grease at your foes.”


“Thanks”, giggled Wendy. “But I really do have a great team of super friends I belong with”, and she pointed to her housemates who were trying to help Dynomutt get a hermit crab off his nose, but ended up screwing it off like a wrench, while green oil started pouring out of Dyno’s unscrewed snout. “And as you can see, they really do need me!”


“Yes, I can see that”, said Aquaman seeing the unusual company Wendy now belonged to. “And I’m sure you’re the right heroine for the job.”


Thank’s Aquaman”, said Wendy blushing.


“Oh no!  I forgot!” cried Jabber. “Winchley fed my green card to a fish!  Without it, I’ll have to go back to the sea!  What a disaster!”


“Excuse me Mr. Shark”, said a fish tugging at Jabber’s tailfin. “But does this belong to you?  I coughed it up because it didn’t taste very good.”


Jabber took the piece of saliva colored paper and smiled when he saw what it was. “My green card!” shouted Jabber happily. “Now I don’t have to go back to the ocean!  Thanks little fish!”


“So it was a green card”, said the fish. “No wonder I hated the taste of it.  I hate eating greens!”


“I guess now that you’re all free fish”, said Boo Boo. “You’ll all want to go back to the sea.”


“Back to the sea?” asked a little kid goldfish. “I’ve never been there before.”


“It sounds all big and scary”, said another cute little fish.


“Who’ll feed us if we live on our own in the wide open sea?” asked a diamond fish.


“We could get eaten by predators even!” cried a paranoid zebra fish.


“That’s right”, said Wally. “Most of these fishies have been born and raised in this aquarium and they don’t know how to survive in the wild.”


“What about all of you who were taken away from your natural homes?” asked Jabber.


“I’ve forgotten how to survive in my natural habitat!” cried a nervous swordfish. “It’s been so long!”


“And I’ll have to go back to my nagging wife and 103 million kids!” cried a fish.


“There’s gotta be someone who can look after my fish friends”, said Squidly, but who?”


“I think I know the perfect guy, or squid”, smiled Wally.


*      *      *      *      *      *


A few days later, a new commercial was aired on TV.  It showed the regular Bubbleland building and it had a banner over the top that said, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT.  And out stepped Squidly Didly now wearing Chief Winchley’s captain’s uniform. “Do your and your kids have a 3 day weekend and have no clue on to where to spend your day?” asked Sqiudly. “Well why not spend the weekend at my happy family home of Bubbleland USA?  Come inside and I’ll show you around!”


And the camera followed Squidly into the building where it showed all the fish in luxury style tanks which contained large screen TVs, pool tables, video games, and even home bars where they served any kind of drink that was possible.


“But don’t worry moms and dads”, said Squidly. “We fish don’t believe in drinking alcohol!  Yes, here at Bubbleland, I treat my fish friends like family.  And we want you to be treated like family when you visit us.  See?” And he pointed to some kids riding on dolphins in a swimming pool while a crab was snipping paper dolls for some of the other kids. “So come to Bubbleland for some family fish fun!”


And it ended with Aquaman entering the screen, putting an arm around Squidly. “And trust me, my friend Squidly rules this place like the kind ruler of Atlantis.”


Then the commercial ended and it showed the HB gang turning off their TV. “Wow, Squidly sure has turned that prison for fish around”, said Sneezly.


“Especially that it’s been approved by a member of the Superfriends”, smiled Wendy who was no longer bitter about one of her ex-teammates. “And a close friend of mine.”


“I’m starting to have a better appreciation for aquariums”, smiled Jabber.


“You do, Jabber?” asked Boo Boo.


“Sure”, said Jabber. “I learned that it’s not the aquarium that’s evil, it’s the type of person or thing that runs it.  Good olSquidly has made me see that.”


“It’s what I’ve been saying all along”, smiled Wally. “Some fish like to live free in the ocean while others prefer being domesticated by living in safe fish tanks.  Kind of like us domesticated animals.  Right, Yogi?”


“You bet Wal”, smiled Yogi as he was gobbling up a plate of chicken wings. “Why live in the wild, when you can eat wings with a sauce that’s mild.  Hey, hey, hey!”


“And I think our little fish friends over there have the same idea”, said Boo Boo as he pointed to the house’s fish tank.  Everyone rushed over and became surprised at what they saw.  It was a miniature underwater city that almost looked like New York.  And the citizens were a bunch of fish driving cars and crossing streets like it was rush hour.


“I don’t believe this!” gasped Sneezly.


“It’s like a mini-Atlantis”, said Dyno ejecting his microscope eye to study it. “They even have movie theaters, shopping malls, schools, libraries, and sadly Houses of Naughty!”


“How could they’ve gotten the material to build this city?” asked Wendy.


“We can answer that”, said Wally and Jabber together.


“I suggested we give the fishies a few things to make them feel more comfortable in their tank home”, said Wally. “And we gave them some things like those little monopoly houses and some little toy tools this morning.”


“Obviously, they’ve learned how to build a city real fast”, said Jabber. “I think in about an hour, they’ll be living in the jet age!”


“Amazing”, said Boo Boo. “Look Yogi.  They’ve even got their own Burger Lord stand!”


“Burger Lord?!” asked Yogi licking his lips.


*     *     *     *     *     *


As we look into the fish version of Burger Lord, we see a teenage goldfish working the drive thru giving some food to a customer in a passing car.  Then as the fish turned his back, a shadow covered him. “Welcome to Burger Lord, may I take your order?  AAAAAAHHH!” screamed the fish as he saw the giant face of an upside-down bear peeking through the window.


“Yeah, give me a fish filet sandwich”, gurgled Yogi who had stuck his head in the tank to get some tiny food.  All the fish in the tank city panicked and swam around in circles.


“Yogi!” groaned Wendy as she yanked the bear’s head out of the tank. “What we’re you thinking?!”


“Hey, isn’t it every American-type citizens’ dream to have their own Burger Lord stand in their home?” asked Yogi finding a burger the size of a flea in his fur.  Then flicking it into his mouth and eating it. “I guess I’d better not go swimming for an hour.  Hey, hey, hey!” and everyone in the house groaned, including the elder fish in the tank who happened to be the 10 original fish who were the first ones in the tank.




AUTHOR’S NOTE:  I hope you enjoyed my latest HB House episode and I apologize for taking so long to get this chapter out.  My old computer malfunctioned a few months ago, so I had to get me a whole new system and retype this entire story.


I’ve also been really busy on other projects and things.  But I’ll try to come out with more HB House stories.  But I was thinking, if any fanfic writers out there would be interested in writing HB House episodes, you’re free to do so.  That way we’ll get to see more HB House stories.  But e-mail me first to get my permission so I can tell you some rules and things about my fanfic series.


Peace to you all. ^_^




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