Some notes on this site
Personal things about this page I just want to say that don't fit anywhere else but here
- Hallelujiah, my email has been fixed! Yes, it has been a very very long year, but we finally got around to fixing whatever bug had gotten into my computer and damaged my email file last winter. Bad news though; every single email sent to me in the last year, including all the votes for favorite Al movie, were unfortunately erased, so if you sent me a message in the last year, I'm sorry if I don't respond but I can't help it! I'll soon be able to start updating the vote thing though, I've already received a couple of votes since this afternoon. Expect an update of that in a month or so. Oh yeah my email address is 2/17/99
- Wanna get cool Pacino movie posters for your room but don't wanna pay those outrageous prices? This is what I do: once the movie has stopped playing at your local theater, go and ask the management if you could have the poster since they don't need it anymore. Here in SE Connecticut, they give them away for free. Video rental stores also do this with posters and cardboard cutouts. Another good thing about video rental stores - you can get unwanted copies of used tapes for a discount even before the tape comes out for sale! I've had "Devil's Advocate" for a couple months now on home video because I bought it from the local video store when they were done with it :) ...8/10/98
- I've been an Al PacinoFreak since I first saw "Scent of a Woman" on ABC May 1996. I had wanted to watch it only because Chris O'Donnell was in it (he's SUCH a hottie! - sorry, my teenage feminine side shines through sometimes) but when it was over all I could think about was that cool guy Al Pacino. Could you believe it that I had never even heard of him before that? What a naive kid I was! Well to make a long story short, I fell in love and have been obsessed for the past year. Since then I've seen 25 of his movies and one of his plays on Broadway.
- I have a couple pictures from Hughie, along with the autographed poster. Hopefully some day I'll get in touch with a scanner so I can show everyone. Unfortunately, I only have two or three good photos of Al - eleven photos were damaged in Kodak's processing. #%#*&$@#!!! Don't use Kodak - they're evil! I don't think the pictures were damaged; I bet there was an employee who saw the pictures of Al and decided to take them for himself. STUPID KODAK!! UUUURRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!
- In case anyone cares, the Al Pacino movies I haven't seen are: "Me, Natalie," "The Local Stigmatic" (yeah, like I'll ever see that one) and "Jonas in the Desert."
- Hey, has anyone out there actually seen "Me, Natalie" or "Jonas in the Desert?" I can't find them anywhere! I'm going to try to put in special orders at Internet video sale places, but I'm a little low on cash right now...
- I'm desperately looking for a tape of the 1992 Oscars where Al Pacino won. I wasn't a fan back then, and I have no clue what he said. Please, if someone's willing to sell their copy or give it away, PLEASE CONTACT ME!!! Or even if you know HOW to get one, tell me that too. I sent a message to A.M.P.A.S. a few months back asking for info on how to buy old tapes, but all they said was "Sorry, we don't have them. Find a friend who recorded it." Or maybe if you have a transcript of his speech you could send it via email? I would be sooo grateful.
- I have tried to put as many spots on this web page for other people to post things as possible (i.e. "email me," "Close Encounters," "Vote!"), which I hope you people like. I like to hear from other Pacino fans, and I know that before I had my own site I always loved reading the guestbooks on other pages and posting my own messages. If somebody ever sends me some info or something and I post it up, I'll make sure to give credit to whoever gave the info to me. It's so much fun to find out about other people who love Al Pacino like I do!
In case you have a complaint or are ready to file a lawsuit or something against me, read this first
- If for some reason I violate any copyright or other infringement of the sort, please email me with the complaint and I will gladly dispose of the infraction.
- As I have a lot of pictures on this web site, some I have displayed without saving them in my own space and just directing my browser to get the image off of other sites. If I have borrowed your picture and you would rather have me save the picture on my own hard drive, please tell me and I will then save the image on my own hard drive.
Mail any responses to the above here

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