Anastasia's Web Ring

Welcome to the Anastasia Web Ring.

Please make sure that if you are submitting a site to be added to the ring that you have a child friendly site.

You must have some mention of Fox's new animated movie, Anastasia on the page where you place the ring graphic and codes.

P.S....Don't steal these codes and graphics. You have to be added to the ring, officially, before they will work!

Your Homepage Name:

Your Homepage Address:

Your Name:

Your E-Mail Address:

Your Password:

That's it! You'll receive an e-mail with the code in it for the webring -- copy the code EXACTLY to your page. Once you have it up and it's right, e-mail me and I'll add you to the ring!

This Anastasia ring site is owned by Maggie.

See other parts of Maggie's Kingdom here!