"Tell me more! Tell me more. Did ya get very far?"

The Grease Club

This is the future site of the Grease Club. Right now, it's under construction, please add it to your bookmarks and check back later! In the meantime, you can join the club by filling out the form below!

Join the Grease Club

E-mail Address:
Homepage URL:
Homepage Title:
Sex: Male Female:
Favorite Grease Character:
Pick a Membership Name!
In the Event that one of the names you've chosen is taken, please choose another one!
Where do you want your member information listed?
Ok, here's where you tell me something about yourself or why you like Grease!
How did you find out about this club?
If you chose "other" or "friend" or "member", please explain:
Is your picture on the internet? Yes: No
If So, what's the URL???:
If you'd like to help out with the club, check as many as you want (we'll have an election for officers)


Vice President:
If you want an officer's possition, please write a paragraph about why you are best suited for the possition below:

Newsletter and Website Help

HTML Coder:
Newsletter Writer
Make a Page for the Newsletter
Welcoming Committee Member
Welcoming Committee Head
Grease Club Assitant RingMaster
Cool Grease Sites Scout
Graphics Preson
Public Relations Person
Poll Results Person
Comments? Questions? Ideas? Speak your mind below!

Thanx for your patience while I get this club going! Please give me a week to reply! If you have any questions you can send them to the Club E-mail. ---"Sandy", president of Grease Club (real name is Mary)
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