Jeremy Bond Shepherd's Home on the Web

Welcome to my Home on the Web! This page is my electronic curio cabinet, with random bits and pieces about Things I Like. If anything here bears any resemblance to scholarship, it's undoubtedly a coincidence.

The James Whale Nexus 
James Whale was a man of many talents, but is best known for being a Hollywood motion picture director. He made four outstanding horror/fantasy films, and a host of other stylish works from his directing debut in 1930 until his retirement in 1941. 
The 1925 film version of The Phantom of the Opera is a film of many faces. Getting through the rumors and misinformation about the work reveals a fascinating true history of film production, preservation, and exhibition.
[Still from Da Da Da Commercial with Volkswagen logo]
"It fits your life, or your complete lack thereof." Wow, I can relate to that. Gotta get me a Golf 
My biography.
Random stuff about me.
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