Hi yall please sign and view my Guestbook boy their sure are a lot of pantyhose lovers. Love Lorie |
mike - 01/28/00 13:46:35
My Email:mike_anderson1@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: new york
Where did you hear about my page?: surfed in
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: pantyhosed feet
i would love to cum all over your sexy stockinged feet and pantyhose! it makes me so hard to see your feet encased in sheer hose. please let me worship your feet!
mike fusaro - 01/03/00 22:37:27
My Email:mfusaro737@aol.com
Where are you from?: seattle, wa.
Where did you hear about my page?: lynn page
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: like rht hose
i would like to have seen pics but none were shown . i like shoe dangling and shoe play in nylons. i hope your site gets fixed soon.
mike fusaro - 01/03/00 22:36:59
My Email:mfusaro737@aol.com
Where are you from?: seattle, wa.
Where did you hear about my page?: lynn page
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: like rht hose
i would like to have seen pics but none were shown . i like shoe dangling and shoe play in nylons. i hope your site gets fixed soon.
Bob - 10/01/99 03:58:18
My Email:gripthis8@earthlink.net
Where are you from?: Pgh.
Where did you hear about my page?: surfing
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Pantyhose
Need better (sexier) pics.
Great legs though ! :)
sultan - 09/11/99 23:06:32
Where are you from?: uk
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: dont know
could'nt see any free pics, not good ,my time will come.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pied piper - 08/04/99 23:46:33
My URL:http://Hamlen
My Email:www.me.@home
Where are you from?: England
Where did you hear about my page?: stumbling
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Womens feet on mens faces
Give ure feet to me & I will lick & sniff away those smells!! more more more!!
yo - 07/30/99 14:59:33
My URL:http://upskirts.com
My Email:main@deux.de
Where are you from?: nowhere
Where did you hear about my page?: somewhere
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: pantyhose
no comments
- 07/26/99 05:45:14
- 06/25/99 04:49:21
- 06/19/99 03:30:31
Walt - 06/18/99 02:37:12
My Email:wjb1957@aol.com
Where are you from?: CT
Where did you hear about my page?: surfing
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: toes in hose!
keep in touch!
arturo ruiz - 06/08/99 11:20:57
My Email:arturofromtx@webtvnet
Where are you from?: houston texas
Where did you hear about my page?: browsing
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: legs with whp cream
i thought all those legs looked mighty tempting
- 06/05/99 07:04:04
- 06/05/99 07:03:16
Theodore Vick jr - 05/29/99 23:54:39
My URL:http://NA
My Email:tedjrmesa@uswest.net
Where are you from?: Mesa AZ
Where did you hear about my page?: Pantyhose Search
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Pantyhose
Can you please send me a free autographed picture?
My address is - 5230 E. Brown Rd #102 Mesa AZ 85205..
timothy poole - 05/27/99 02:05:14
My Email:cooltimothy@webtv.net
Where are you from?: danville ,va
Where did you hear about my page?: a friend
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: feet
I think your is wonderful the best I have seen.
thank you
timothy poole - 05/27/99 02:03:53
My Email:cooltimothy@webtv.net
Where are you from?: danville ,va
Where did you hear about my page?: a friend
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: feet
I think your is wonderful the best I have seen. thankyou
Leo Boggs - 05/20/99 05:10:56
My Email:licadsplit2000@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Ohio
Where did you hear about my page?: surfed in to et a peek at those legs
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: the rest of the story
Legs looked fine show us more
- 05/07/99 12:53:10
- 05/07/99 12:37:53
- 04/25/99 17:26:18
- 04/24/99 01:57:37
- 04/14/99 21:41:09
Mark - 04/14/99 12:13:12
My Email:postman18@altavista.net
cuziwt2 - 04/03/99 06:18:30
My Email:cuziwt2@webtv.net
Where are you from?: fl
Where did you hear about my page?: surfin
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: pntyhse
claude - 04/01/99 16:10:23
My Email:cla114@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Milan, Italy
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: feet in white pantyhose(slightly soiled)
I'm interested in buying your used pantyhose. Is it possible. Thanks
Victor - 03/24/99 21:25:34
My Email:KEEPER31@webtv.net
Where are you from?: wisconsin
Where did you hear about my page?: surfing
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: pantyhose
I would like to see more pictures of women showing off their legs in dresses. You have a great web site THANK YOU!!!
YALIN - 03/15/99 17:12:25
My Email:yalinh@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Istanbul/Turkiye
Where did you hear about my page?: feet ring
send me your picture please.
i enjoy your feets and panty baby.
i kiss your panty, i kiss you..
mckkkk :)) bye.
- 02/26/99 12:42:48
- 02/04/99 14:26:52
My URL:http://www.prodidy.net
My Email:mstinky@hotmail.com
Josh - 02/01/99 19:06:29
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~dalnetcp/aops/jr.gif
My Email:super_fly_acid@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Greenville SC
Where did you hear about my page?: A Friend Told Me It Was His *Shrugs*
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: hmm.. Sexy on women i guess
- 01/30/99 03:55:49
Jareth - 01/29/99 03:36:47
My Email:jareth76@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: South Carolina
Where did you hear about my page?: browsing
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: feet
- 01/24/99 08:03:59
joseph mata - 01/15/99 00:23:32
My Email:josephmata@usa.net
Where are you from?: egypt
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: feet
i like your feet i want to kiss kiss your feet
- 01/06/99 20:08:40
- 12/29/98 14:03:59
- 12/29/98 14:03:50
- 12/26/98 08:02:13
pierre - 12/12/98 12:57:51
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~club_leglover
My Email:leglover@bigfoot.com
Where are you from?: Germany
Where did you hear about my page?: links
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: i like feet in stockings without shoes
my name is Pierre ,and i a`m the leader of a german foot-club.
you can take a look on my side.
and now about your side.
lovely side...
nice feets ....i wish you good luck for your side.
- 11/27/98 19:24:54
christopher galeone - 11/18/98 03:51:34
My Email:cgaleone@motown.lmco.com
Where are you from?: new jersey
Where did you hear about my page?: mens magazines
- 11/16/98 04:38:07
- 11/14/98 18:03:10
- 11/11/98 18:52:04
- 11/09/98 01:43:56
- 10/24/98 03:07:22
My Email:dave.tisdell@the-spa.com
Where are you from?: massachusetts
Where did you hear about my page?: leg show
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: all of it
nice site,i'll definitely visit again
10/23/98 09:43:16
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
- 10/23/98 07:55:06
Tim - 10/21/98 21:16:10
My Email:tiggy00@aol.com
Where are you from?: Waterloo, On
Where did you hear about my page?: Just Browsing
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Pantyhose
Your very beautiful!!
paul - 10/20/98 05:28:59
My Email:paul677031
Where are you from?: Boise Idaho
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: feet, heels, hose
I love this site!!! How can I bye some of your stuff?? Please email me and tell me more about you. I never thought I would find someone with the same tatse in feet and shoes as me it is nice to know you are out there. Bye hope to here from you.
Chet Parker - 10/14/98 21:10:23
My Email:BosPlrStyl@aol.com
Where are you from?: Montgomery AL
Where did you hear about my page?: links page
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: feet in pantyhose
This is a very sexy site!!!!!
- 10/07/98 13:39:54
Rob 20 - 10/06/98 04:06:44
My Email:robkoller@aasdcat.com
Where are you from?: PA
Where did you hear about my page?: Looking for Hot fetish sites
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: I really love girls who wear pantyhose and skirts
Wow, very inciting! Must distribute more of these awsome teasing photos! Maybe you can email me some of your choice, preferably with just pantyhose and no other garments on:):)
Your foot fetish Admirer,
- 10/04/98 23:10:57
Nadel - 10/04/98 09:37:21
My URL:/westhollywood/stonewall/7468/home.html
My Email:collants@lycosmail.com
Where are you from?: Italy
Where did you hear about my page?: I like pantyhose
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: I like pantyhose
Good Page
- 09/30/98 09:08:01
Cindy - 09/28/98 13:24:36 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy My Email:cinth@usa.net comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Mike Piscitelli Sr. - 09/01/98 04:51:01
My Email:jrp11233@erols.com
Where are you from?: Phila,Pa
Where did you hear about my page?: surfing
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: barefooted
hello! what i live about feet is women long toes and high arch. love to lick feet and suck there toes. YYYYUUUUUMMMMMMMM!
- 08/30/98 23:46:12
- 08/24/98 23:00:42
Tomek - 07/27/98 17:03:27
My Email:tomasz-kolonko@bs-net.com
Where are you from?: Germany
Where did you hear about my page?: I found it at search-machine
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: stockings and platformheels
I really enjoyed your site. It`s great!!!
But I wish to see more stocking feet with face. Could you make my wish true?
yours Tomek
Tero Ilovaara - 07/17/98 19:48:48
My Email:teroi00@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Finland
Where did you hear about my page?: www.sexyfeet.com
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: goddess
I wanna be your slave and do everything you command
If you know any this kind of services in TURKU,FINLAND let me know
DAVID - 07/09/98 00:47:34
My Email:bradleyboys@exit109,com
Where are you from?: bradley beach n.j
Where did you hear about my page?: LEG SHOW
I would love to see you wear the things I send you . So my online experince can start.
Chip - 07/05/98 19:33:24
My Email:chipgaylor@home.com
Where are you from?: San Diego
Where did you hear about my page?: Leg Show
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: stockings/garters/pantyhose
Hi Lorie,
I just got here so I still have to check out everything real close - looks like a lot of fun! It is nice that you enjoy sharing and that makes me want to play all the more. Maybe I'll send you an outfit or something like I saw up there if I get to know yo
guys a little more and feel comfortable. Thanks again for a neat websit. If I may be of any service to you, please let me know. I work two jobs right now so I don't have scads of time but I try to reciprocate when I can
Ashley - 07/03/98 15:07:42
Where are you from?: Toronto
Where did you hear about my page?: Surfing
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Legs in sheer pantyhose
I love your site! I would love to see a series starting out with your "pantyhose drawer", with you hold up a pair deciding which ones to put on, and then a series of pictures showing you sliding the sexy hose up your senuous legs.
I love wearing ph as well, especially sheer. I am unable to shave my legs, but I like to wear a very sheer pair of ph (Dim) over top of an ultra sheer pair of ph (Givenchy). This hides my leg hair while appearing that I only have on one pair.
Louis - 06/27/98 16:56:17
My Email:mellow@cconnect.net
Where are you from?: Philadelphia
Where did you hear about my page?: Internet browsing
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: ass + feet in pantyhose + stockings
I understand that their is sex called foot sex. Do you stimulate men with that... That turns me on... do you like virgins? I want to keep in contact with you and Vanessa. If you feel comfortable calling me... call me at
Louis - 06/27/98 16:54:32
My Email:mellow@cconnect.net
Where are you from?: Philadelphia
Where did you hear about my page?: Internet browsing
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: ass + feet in pantyhose + stockings
I understand that their is sex called foot sex. Do you stimulate men with that... That turns me on... do you like virgins? I want to keep in contact with you and Vanessa. If you feel comfortable calling me... call me at 252-464-0593... thank you
Jack - 06/10/98 02:17:01
My Email:bojack@webtv.net
Where are you from?: Chicago Bull country
Where did you hear about my page?: Van
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Legs Pantyhose
I would love to see you and Vanesa in 6 inch spikes with black hose line going down the back. Colors red or black.I feel either of you would look fantastic.
John Hill - 05/18/98 22:28:55
My Email:johncat@freewwweb.com
Where are you from?: Houston
Where did you hear about my page?: Amateurs X-TRA
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Face
Your face is to pretty to hide, even though the
rest of you is nice!
Paul - 05/07/98 22:34:27
My Email:paul@cartwright1.demon.co.uk
Where are you from?: UK
Where did you hear about my page?: Searching
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Your incredible figure and legs
You are beautiful!
You have such an incredible figure, I can't wait to see some more pictures of you, would you post some of your face?
De Man - 05/06/98 20:17:06
Where are you from?: N.Y.
Where did you hear about my page?: Browsing
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: legs and feet
I love to see women feet shake. Also I love the smell of them. If they are crossed at the ankles and yhe woman is shake them, it drives me wild.
Demajor - 05/06/98 20:14:03
Where are you from?: N.Y.
Where did you hear about my page?: Browsing
Steve - 04/24/98 10:48:48
My Email:smassey9@blueskyweb.com
Where are you from?: michigan
Where did you hear about my page?: just surfed in
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: pantyhose
hello i`m a 34 year old male,and love to se women in pantyhose and skirt,dress.i also like towear pantyhose and skirt,dresses they feel very good on me to .someday i will have a scanner and will send pics,thenyou will se that men look good in hose and dre
ses to.
Walter Everling - 04/23/98 07:39:31
My Email:everling@gte.net
Where are you from?: Everett, WA
Where did you hear about my page?: browsing on the web
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: spiked high heels, sheer pantyhose, feet
Lori, enjoyed your pictures . I Would like to see more pictures of white, red, and black high heeled pumps modeled along with sheer pantyhose worn. Interested in buying used pair of size 12 4" high heeled pumps in black, red, or white and also used smell
sheer suntan, black, or white stockings and pantyhose. I like the feel of nylons. Sometimes I like to wear pantyhose and try on heels. Sure would love to have your used pair of stockings and pantyhose...they would be sexy and naturally smelly. I do fa
tisize of taking heels off of a woman and having her feet massage my face, between my legs, and chest.
And then remove her nylons and lick her feet and suck on her toes.
Walter Everling - 04/23/98 07:10:38
My Email:everling@gte.net
Where are you from?: Everett, WA
Where did you hear about my page?: by chance on the web
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: spiked high heels, sheer pantyhose, feet
Would like to see more pictures of white, red, and
black high heeled pumps modeled along with sheer pantyhose worn.
Lou - 04/22/98 04:57:48
My Email:ljnine@primenet.com
Where are you from?: Phoenix, AZ
Where did you hear about my page?: surfing on yahoo
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: footjobs!
Wonderful site. Very sexy. Thanks for putting it up.
- 04/19/98 13:29:34
- 04/19/98 13:27:43
Penis - 04/16/98 16:47:41
Where are you from?: New York
Where did you hear about my page?: While having sex
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: breats & vagina
Put blonde sxy babes so men can admire there pusse
and sweaty breasts.
Mike - 04/12/98 08:30:36
My Email:Clevm@aol.com
Where are you from?: Phoenix, AZ
Where did you hear about my page?: She's got legs
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: both as well as other parts
Great web site.............good pics.
You ladies look fantastic!!!
- 04/03/98 01:20:42
Janek - 04/01/98 21:05:10
My Email:ed.mazur@mail.ee
Where are you from?: Estonia
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Feet, legs, pantyhose, foot fetish acts...
- 03/25/98 22:56:42
Pantyhosed - 03/22/98 04:17:45
My Email:big-ben@frostproof.net
Where are you from?: central, FL.
Where did you hear about my page?: searching PANTYHOSE
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: PANTYHOSE
I love your pantyhosed legs!!!
I have loved pantyhose since I was about 12, I`m 33 now and think pantyhose are the sexiest things ever made. I wish I had a understanding woman who at least liked pantyhose! her or me or both wearing them.!
- 03/20/98 01:08:53
Danny - 03/19/98 03:52:07
My Email:DannyDoc@aol.com
Where are you from?: Warwick, NY
Where did you hear about my page?: Surfing
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Stocking feet
Maybe you can help me. I am recently divorced and I would love to meet women who would appreciate my leg and stocking fetish. I am rich, handsome and available. Love your photos.
- 03/15/98 18:22:25
- 03/09/98 21:26:09
My Email:zigazug@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: sav,ga
Where did you hear about my page?: leg show
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: hosiery..ahhhh
now,if we could only see ginger spice on this site m in the proper apparal...
sid - 03/05/98 20:48:57
My URL:http://www.anto.com
My Email:opp@unix.com
Where are you from?: japan
Where did you hear about my page?: freind
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: pantyhose
hi there
love ya
- 02/27/98 08:34:02
chris - 02/26/98 22:23:45
My Email:zigazug@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: sav,ga
Where did you hear about my page?: legshow
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: hose
wow,too bad the link here was in a library
- 02/24/98 00:16:38
justin lane - 02/12/98 00:48:03
My Email:justinlane@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Conover, North Carolina
Where did you hear about my page?: Just came across it.
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: I love to see you barefoot in pantyhose, or without pantyhose, your feet are beautiful.
I think you have the most beautiful feet of any woman I've ever seen. I think feet are very attractive, and love it when woman wear sandals all the time. Keep up the good work!
justin lane - 02/12/98 00:45:54
My URL:http://www.hotmail.com
My Email:justinlane@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Conover, North Carolina
Where did you hear about my page?: Just came across it.
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: I love to see you barefoot in pantyhose, or without pantyhose, your feet are beautiful.
I think you have the most beautiful feet of any woman I've ever seen. I think feet are very attractive, and love it when woman wear sandals all the time. Keep up the good work!
train-master - 02/08/98 19:09:59
Where are you from?: in.
Where did you hear about my page?: found it
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: everything
i love all your pics, and your friends pics. you bunch of foxy ladies.
John - 02/04/98 23:46:00
My Email:Justwin@juno.com
Where are you from?: Baltimore
Where did you hear about my page?: Thru Bears Page
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Pantyhose, Heels (4")
I will be dreaming about you tonight!
- 02/02/98 22:07:58
- 01/30/98 04:39:44
tony - 01/20/98 23:52:38
My Email:hoseboy@mailexcite.com
Where are you from?: pa
Where did you hear about my page?: leg show magazine
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: pantyhose
you are both beautiful, i cant wait to visit again. i would love to receive email from either of you. great job.
- 01/17/98 10:07:48
Ulf Ferngren - 01/17/98 00:17:55
My Email:ulf.ferngren@strangnas.mail.telia.com
Where are you from?: Sweden
Where did you hear about my page?: I found it when i was looking for pages whith foot-fetish
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Feet
I love your feet, they are great.
Andie - 01/13/98 08:36:58
My Email:asandber@elo.helsinki.fi
Where are you from?: Finland
Where did you hear about my page?: Just by browsing
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: pantyhose+stockings
Keep up the good work!!!
- 01/12/98 22:54:10
Karin Kawasaki - 12/27/97 23:29:32
My URL:http://www.karinkawasaki.com
My Email:me@karinkawasaki.com
Where are you from?: San Francisco
Where did you hear about my page?: Just surfed in.
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: hahahah
Check out my website sometime....
- 12/23/97 14:44:39
JC - 12/17/97 01:31:57
Where are you from?: Mn
Where did you hear about my page?: LEG SHOW
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Pantyhose
You have BEAUTIFUL legs and Feet, thank you
for the opportunity to view them. I hope to see more .
RUSTY - 12/15/97 09:37:09
My Email:101673.1021@compuserve.com
Where are you from?: Scotland
Where did you hear about my page?: Lynns links
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: The full works
Vanessa's definetly best in white.
Günter - 12/04/97 12:47:36
My URL:http://www.cww.de
My Email:luxlux@cww.de
Where are you from?: germany
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: naylons
I like wemen whisout underweare, only naylons under her dress
Jim - 12/02/97 09:19:11
My Email:jfrobinson@aol.com
Where are you from?: Long Beach, CA
Where did you hear about my page?: Magazine
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Bare feet closeups
I'd love to download some photos..is that possible? Thanks sexy toes
davo - 11/24/97 02:01:13
My Email:davo77@inreach.com
Where are you from?: CA
Where did you hear about my page?: cyberslut's columm
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: red toenails inside fishnet inside 4" mules
Thanks for the memories, you can set your toes on my face anytime darling
briscoe2 - 11/21/97 00:23:14
My Email:briscoe2@skyhigh.com
Where are you from?: NJ
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: legs in pantyhose were you can see your feet.
- 11/13/97 09:12:36
roselan - 10/31/97 16:59:12
wayne - 10/28/97 06:02:01
My Email:suprman@webtv.net
Where are you from?: atlanta
Where did you hear about my page?: links
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: pantyhose on feet
keep up the excellent work!!
- 10/27/97 22:54:27
Brian - 10/27/97 05:33:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/fashionavenue/3165
My Email:bri_anne@geocities.com
Where are you from?: St. louis Mo
Where did you hear about my page?: Seeked on pantyhose
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: pantyhose, legs,
Stop by my web site and what i like
thanks! your site is great
- 10/24/97 07:04:37
- 10/23/97 02:24:04
thys - 10/16/97 07:05:11
My Email:thys@tiw.co.za
Where are you from?: south africa
Where did you hear about my page?: surfing internet
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: feet,legs,bums.unshaven
this page is fantastic. I love it.
michael - 10/11/97 05:20:34
My Email:coffbear@aol.com
Where are you from?: living inTx. from Indy
Where did you hear about my page?: via sexy peds
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: i love cute soft feet in various shades
Very lovely. I love every angle. The pics get me hot and very excited. i love the way straps compliment your perfectly shaped feet. From toe,ankle,calf,knees and thighs i adore. I love eating honey while feeling silky soft feet petting me as well. Thank y
u. Always, bear
Mike - 10/10/97 00:57:25
My Email:Wolffie.anon@KinkyContacts.com
Where are you from?: Illinois
Where did you hear about my page?: Searched for "Sexy Legs" on Yahoo
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Thigh highs with lace trim
Pretty nifty site for true leg men.... I really like the feeling of the lace and silky nylon on my head when I am doing the favor for the lady...!
Sascha - 10/07/97 22:34:10
My URL:http://home.t-online.de/home/dollichon/dolli1.htm
My Email:dollichon@-t-online.de
Where are you from?: Osnabrueck, West Germany
Where did you hear about my page?: links
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Soles, coming off nylons
very good work
Sascha - 10/07/97 22:21:33
My URL:http://home.t-online.de/home/dolli1.htm
My Email:dollichon@t-online.de
Where are you from?: Osnabrueck, West Germany
Where did you hear about my page?: I did came from a link
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: taking off nylons
bert - 09/30/97 17:30:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Baja/5836
My Email:bertd@geocities.com
Where are you from?: MN - USA
Where did you hear about my page?: Biancas
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: pantyhose & short skirts
Great pics & nice page(s) - alot of work
You mentioned liking the feels of the pantyhose on other legs (girls) too, how about on a guy. I'm straight but, like to wear womens clothes - I Love the feel of pantyhose - especially under a short leather miniskirt and high heels.
KJ - 09/30/97 15:47:18
Where are you from?: SC
Where did you hear about my page?: Surfing
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: CuteFeet and All they Can Do
Thanks for posting her pics. She was thrilled.
So was I. This page is ***** 5 STAR.
- 09/27/97 04:26:18
mike davis - 09/25/97 04:21:17
My Email:hfff@flash.net
Where are you from?: austin, tx
Where did you hear about my page?: surfing
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: pantyhose
I lust for shapely legs in pantyhose.
Mike - 09/24/97 04:38:09
My Email:jmn3kft@worldnet.att.net
Where are you from?: All over. Now living in Erie, PA
Where did you hear about my page?: Link from millhouse.thenet.net/~1
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Gorgeous feet, (like yours) in dark pantyhose.
You have very shapely feet that don't appear large. I love petite women with petite feet. I guess I appreciate petite women due to the fact that I'm 6'3" with size 13 feet. It has nothing to do with control due to my size, I just think that due to the sma
l size of petite women that you can kiss and suck all over and start all over again, with them still remembering where you gave them pleasure 10 minutes before. I think it's convesely true for tall women. Don't get me wrong I love all reasonably good look
ng women. But remember the old adage-"Good things come in small packages." By the way, if you do reply to me, how tall are you and what size is your gorgeous feet? This is the first time I've ever written something like this. Kind of enjoyed it.
Take care,
Mike - 09/24/97 04:38:06
My Email:jmn3kft@worldnet.att.net
Where are you from?: All over. Now living in Erie, PA
Where did you hear about my page?: Link from millhouse.thenet.net/~1
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Gorgeous feet, (like yours) in dark pantyhose.
You have very shapely feet that don't appear large. I love petite women with petite feet. I guess I appreciate petite women due to the fact that I'm 6'3" with size 13 feet. It has nothing to do with control due to my size, I just think that due to the sma
l size of petite women that you can kiss and suck all over and start all over again, with them still remembering where you gave them pleasure 10 minutes before. I think it's convesely true for tall women. Don't get me wrong I love all reasonably good look
ng women. But remember the old adage-"Good things come in small packages." By the way, if you do reply to me, how tall are you and what size is your gorgeous feet? This is the first time I've ever written something like this. Kind of enjoyed it.
Take care,
L.P. - 09/23/97 19:04:27
My Email:lasantha@emirates.net.ae
Where are you from?: SRI LANKA
Where did you hear about my page?: Just browsed
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Feet (on platforms)
Wow, beautiful feet, specially on platforms.
Keep going, goo luck.
Jim - 09/23/97 12:31:50
My Email:EuroSearch@aol.com
Where are you from?: Germany
Where did you hear about my page?: by Kim's sexy peds
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: legs in pantyhose & hoserie
Great legs, great photos
MIKE MATTINGLY - 09/20/97 09:44:28
Where are you from?: LOUISIANA
Where did you hear about my page?: NAUGHTYLINX
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: STOCKINGED FEET AND CROTCH SHOTS
ROB - 09/18/97 19:26:25
Where are you from?: NEW YORK
Where did you hear about my page?: SEARCHING
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: PANTYHOSE!!!
- 09/17/97 23:32:12
Roger - 09/17/97 16:52:07
My Email:RogueSnake@aol.com
Where are you from?: Louisville, KY
Where did you hear about my page?: Geocities Search
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Nylon Feet and Pantyhose
Nice page! Some lovely pics!
- 09/16/97 14:59:19
Mike - 09/12/97 05:44:37
My Email:kioon@aol.com
Where are you from?: PA
Where did you hear about my page?: Found it through search
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: toenails, the site of a set of women's lips hidden behind the sheer material i love ripping off of someone
JD - 09/08/97 17:23:21
My Email:JDster@onion.com
Where are you from?: Chicago
Where did you hear about my page?: link
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: RHT stockings
michael - 09/07/97 17:06:23
My Email:m.anema@juno.com
Where are you from?: denver colorado
Where did you hear about my page?: geo cities search
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: pantyhosed feet and legs i just like the way pantyhose makes a woman look sexy.
your page was great i have alot of videos(home movies) and pictures iwant to trade with people bbut i'm not sure how to get them on the computer
you can email
- 09/06/97 04:03:23
Ed Tomassi - 09/06/97 01:48:20
My Email:edtom375@courant.infi.net
Where are you from?: Connecticut
Where did you hear about my page?: browsing
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: pantyhose
- 09/05/97 07:19:31
J - 09/02/97 21:23:57
My Email:sldscpl@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Sweden
Where did you hear about my page?: The web ring
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Soles, foot discipline
I like the idea of girls using the smell of their feet to get attention.
Don Hardy - 08/31/97 04:43:50
My Email:terraform@mindspring.com
Where are you from?: North Dakota, now Georgia
Where did you hear about my page?: link
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: heels, nylons hose, panty girdles, light bondage
Dear Lorie,
I sent you another e-mail, let me know if you got it?
Jacob Marlo - 08/30/97 07:41:19
My Email:cauhl@postoffice.worldnet.att.net
Where are you from?: New York
Where did you hear about my page?: I was just looking around
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: anything and everything
I enjoyed your page very much and from just the brgining I could tell you were going to or thinking of going to collage. It just kind of has that crazy young attitude I have come to expect from people of that age. Have fun in what you do and continue to
pgrade your page. Oh and I know someone that can help you with your computer problems.
Jacob Marlo
- 08/29/97 14:16:58
jerry - 08/29/97 08:56:33
My Email:re
Drew - 08/29/97 07:07:17
My Email:thedrew2@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Phoenix,AZ
Where did you hear about my page?: looking for legs!
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Legs!
I would love to see more
or do I have to beg?
- 08/29/97 05:02:14
Keith - 08/29/97 04:21:02
My Email:keith43@erinet.com
Where are you from?: Ohio
Where did you hear about my page?: searched stockinged feet
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: stockinged feet
I love stockinged feet. You and Kim have some beuties..
Keith Speakman - 08/29/97 04:14:18
My Email:keith43@erinet.com
Where are you from?: Ohio
Where did you hear about my page?: searched stockinged feet
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: stockinged feet
you and kim have beautiful toes. i loved the the pictures of both of yours stockinged feet. I would love to suck on them.
Dave - 08/28/97 03:02:57 GMT
My Email:planar2@aol.com
Where are you from?: St.Louis
Where did you hear about my page? : Nighthawks Foot links
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Stockinged feet, soles, toes and high heels.
Great legs!
Gary - 08/27/97 20:04:08 GMT
My URL:http://www.adan.kingston.net
My Email:storyman@adan.kingston.net
Where are you from?: Kingston, Ontario
Where did you hear about my page? : by surfing geocities web site under panty
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: I just love pantyhose..Period.
I am a male who has struggled for years with the fact that I like to wear a garment which society considers for women only. I started wearing pantyhose when I was 15. I'm now 38. Although I never wore on a daily basis, and still don't...that doesn't mea
that I don't want to. There are circumstances beyond my control that permits me not to.
eduard - 08/26/97 20:58:07 GMT
My Email:ed.saint@smns.squil
Where are you from?: UK
Where did you hear about my page? : Internet Only
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: long red polished toenails in open toes High Heels
Very nice site
Glenn Elliott - 08/26/97 18:15:37 GMT
My Email:belliott@snet.net
Where are you from?: Ct
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Thighhighs
Your legs are very sexy I love women wearing thighhighs. I don't know something about the way
they feel drives me crazy.
joe t - 08/25/97 15:54:39 GMT
My Email:jtardi@nectech.com
Where are you from?: chicago
Where did you hear about my page? : browsing for hose/heels
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: their sexiness
great place to watch & appreciate some really nice legs & hosiery photos. hopefully, another guy who likes to dress will contact me
??????? - 08/23/97 09:00:43 GMT
My Email:teash@skyenet.net
Where are you from?: Indiana
Where did you hear about my page? : Validate
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: I like to see nude pantyhose with someone naked in it. Or very silky pantyhose
I am 18 years old. I love wearing pantyhose. Your legs are very sexy. Gosh are they.My girlfriend never wears pantyhose or skirts (both of which I love) I finally told her my fetish and she thought I was a freak but We are still together. Sometimes while
e have sex she wears them for me. And once I got to wear them.
lee peck - 08/22/97 06:31:09 GMT
My Email:rlee150@aol.com
Where are you from?: Penna
Where did you hear about my page? : searching for pantyhose
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: pantyhose,heels
I enjoyed your pics. Ienjoy pantyhose in all ways possible.
Steve Bradshaw - 08/22/97 05:28:53 GMT
My Email:seb42@aol.com
Where are you from?: Philadelphia
Where did you hear about my page? : "You've got Legs" Links
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: I love stockings and Pantyhose. High Heels and anklets are also very sexy!!!
You have a page that definetely gives me what I am looking for:-)) You and your friend have beautiful legs. I would also be interested in purchasing used stockings, shoes, and panties if you are selling. Thanks!
Mark - 08/22/97 00:30:17 GMT
Where are you from?: Houston, Tx.
Where did you hear about my page? : Linx page
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Heels and Stocking
Your pictures are so real and erotic, I was blown
away... I found myself trying to will the pages to load faster. You and your friends have beautiful legs, so long and beautiful. Thank you very much, for indulging me. :)
morris - 08/21/97 21:44:14 GMT
My Email:mjohn61135
Where are you from?: new york
Where did you hear about my page? : jennifers/homepage
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: reinforced toe
great website, i would love to see more reinforced toe shots from you
Rick & Rosanne - 08/21/97 13:08:29 GMT
My Email:rickrose@hotmail.com
Where did you hear about my page? : excite
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: red painted toes, pantyhose
Lorie I just got your shoes and pantyhose words cant describe how wonderful your smells are I cant wait till Rosanne gets home we will have a F___ fest whith your shoes , Pantyhose & Video. Love Ya Rick
- 08/21/97 01:25:15 GMT
- 08/20/97 14:36:33 GMT
jase - 08/20/97 12:26:41 GMT
My Email:jsmith9889@aol.com
Where are you from?: new zealand
Where did you hear about my page? : can't remmber the link, sorry
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: stockinged feet
wow! didn't know there were so many like me.
just love your feet. ooooh!
Dave - 08/20/97 04:58:37 GMT
My Email:DrBtex@aol.com
Where are you from?: Tx.
Where did you hear about my page? : jUST FOUNDit
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Bare Soles
Your pics don't do your feet justice. Maybe thats why ya need better hardware.Maybe I can help?
swoop - 08/20/97 01:04:49 GMT
My Email:none
Where are you from?: oregon
Where did you hear about my page? : surfin
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: the whole thing
could you do some pedal pumping pictures?
Kevin C. Robertson - 08/18/97 03:34:05 GMT
My Email:kevin.robertson1@ramstein.af.mil
Where are you from?: Kaisersluatern Germany
Where did you hear about my page? : just surfing
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: all is good
There's nothing like a Great pair of Leggs
Alex - 08/17/97 07:55:32 GMT
My Email:AAPOL777
Where are you from?: nyc
Where did you hear about my page? : www
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: ALL f STUFF
Rob Talos - 08/16/97 05:14:07 GMT
My Email:talos@aracnet.net
Where are you from?: Toronto, Canada
Where did you hear about my page? : Webcrawler
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: legs
read mt email!
Aki - 08/15/97 22:18:28 GMT
My Email:aki.heikki@sicom.fi
Where are you from?: Finland
Where did you hear about my page? : I found it
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: lydra pantyhose
It was so nice to see your pictures !!
- 08/12/97 02:06:23 GMT
- 08/07/97 13:38:35 GMT
Fernando - 08/07/97 00:43:56 GMT
My Email:tontoelquelolea@mediaweb.es
Where are you from?: Spain
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: pantyhose
I´d like to see you wearing pantyhose and having a bath with them on
Tom - 08/06/97 22:44:49 GMT
My Email:gingrich@aol.com
Where are you from?: Germany
Where did you hear about my page? : Yahoo
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: pantyhose
Clair - 08/05/97 18:46:40 GMT
My URL:http://rhowe0508@aol.com
My Email:Rhowe0508
Where are you from?: Philly
Where did you hear about my page? : while at a nudie bar
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: miniskirt,stockings,and heels
you did a good job on this site....e-mail me sometime
Sean - 08/05/97 00:27:33 GMT
My Email:Deranged@webtv.net
Where are you from?: UT
Where did you hear about my page? : You
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: You in pantyhose
Well dear I got your video and couldn't stop watching it. It is one of the most sensuous videos I have seen in a while and hope that you aren't having too hard of a time keeping it in stock. You are a very sexy woman and I look forward to the sequal.
Feetlover - 08/03/97 14:09:35 GMT
My Email:frenter@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Italy
Where did you hear about my page? : Links from Sexy Peds
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: ...I love Ladies' feet...
Hi, I'm from Italy searching for Ladies' feet to
lick and kiss.
Se ci sono piedini femminili italiani...contattatemi...non aspetto altro.
Stew - 08/02/97 02:47:24 GMT
My URL:http://?
My Email:jivory7997@aol.com
Where are you from?: England
Where did you hear about my page? : Links
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Pantyhose/legs
I love pantyhose on women and I think your page is fantastic. You wear them very well. Thank you for a great page.
Bill Volkmann - 08/01/97 17:39:09 GMT
My Email:udub75@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Napa, CA
Where did you hear about my page? : search engine
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: panties, pantyhose
I love seeing women in panties and/or pantyhose and worship women's lingerie. I wear them all the time.
denis mcmahon - 08/01/97 10:58:53 GMT
Where are you from?: boston,ma.
Where did you hear about my page? : found it
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: painted toe nails
Sean - 08/01/97 04:44:35 GMT
My Email:You know
Where are you from?: Ut
Where did you hear about my page? : You
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: You in pantyhose
Thanks for the memories and look forward to mor new ones. Great new pics, just wish I could access them all. Will luv ya forever for being so sexy and filling this world with your beauty.
Steve Knaus - 07/31/97 04:12:15 GMT
My Email:n9patsmk@aol.com
Where are you from?: originally from GreenBay, WI...now live in Golden, CO
Where did you hear about my page? : browsing around
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Pantyhose
I really like your page and all the pics!!! I hope to order some items from you soon!!
tim - 07/28/97 18:46:30 GMT
My Email:coffeytea@webtv.net
Where are you from?: southern california
Where did you hear about my page? : random search
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: high heels, stockings
You sure do have beautiful legs. I really enjoyed looking at them
Kirk - 07/26/97 01:27:41 GMT
My Email:flash013@gte.net
Where are you from?: Lexington,KY
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Feet In Pantyhose.
I am offering to scan pics free of charge to any woman if interested please e-mail me. Lorie, your feet are the best I have seen in a long time, and I wish I were there to take care of your feet for you.
BR - 07/24/97 16:15:04 GMT
My Email:phuser@webtv.net
Where are you from?: California
Where did you hear about my page? : Legg's
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Long legs in hose
Good sight. Enjoy wearing pantyhose. What brand
and style of pantyhose do you enjoy wearing.
BR - 07/24/97 16:14:00 GMT
My Email:phuser@webtv.net
Where are you from?: California
Where did you hear about my page? : Legg's
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Long legs in hose
Good sight. Enjoy wearing pantyhose. What brand and style of pantyhose do you enjoy wearing.
AdoroPes - 07/22/97 09:10:38 GMT
My URL:/SouthBeach/9540/english.html
My Email:adoropes@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Brazil
Where did you hear about my page? : Word of Mouth
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: smelly feet
Great page!!! I'd love to have a smelly sock and sandal high heels of yours. I'd like to know girls that like to seduce a man with their smelly feet.
- 07/20/97 03:45:50 GMT
My Email:Tknipp@metronet.de
Where are you from?: Germany
Where did you hear about my page? : Geocities
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Very beutiful
You have wonderful Legs in Pantyhose !!!!!!!
Simo Porkola - 07/18/97 06:03:43 GMT
My Email:simo.porkola@kokkola.kpnet.fi
Where are you from?: Kokkola, Finland
Where did you hear about my page? : Lycos
o you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Pantyhose
Stephen - 07/14/97 02:13:54 GMT
My Email:porl@dreamscape.com
Where are you from?: Van Buren, Ny
Where did you hear about my page? : A link
What do you most like to see Fee
, pantyhose etc.: Pantyhose
Lorie, Your legs are Very Lovely, wish we could see more...I am sure just as lovely. Ever think of
playing with pies..or pudding?
Sean - 07/13/97 06:09:52 GMT
My Email:Deranged@webtv.net
Where are you from?: Utah
Where did you hear about my page? : came right to it on my first try
What do you most lik
to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Pantyhose
Great new pics. Why have you cut out the whole pictures though? I liked to see your beautiful ass in pantyhose. Oh well, I will like you no matter how much I can see. see you later<
Rosanne - 07/12/97 21:14:42 GMT
My Email:rickrose@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: TX
Where did you hear about my page? : Your Banner
What do you most like to see Feet, p
ntyhose etc.: Long legs in pantyhose
Hi Lorie we just got your tape I was going to wait till Rick got home to watch it but couldn't wait I watched about 10 min of it and I had to search high and low for my vibrator I was so w
t it was no problem about being late it was well worth the wait let me know if you make another video. If you ever want to visit TX I would love to show you around and show you off (LOL):). Email me and lets chat I am Bi also. Love & Wet Kisses Rosanne <
AdoroPes - 07/11/97 05:44:16 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/9540/english.html
My Email:adoropes@hotmail.co
Where are you from?: Brazil
Where did you hear about my page? : You told me on IRC
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Feet in sandals high heels
I loved your site.... I'd like to
know girls that
like when a man smell their feet!!! :). I'm 21...
Cesar - 07/11/97 04:33:09 GMT
My Email:epopeya@impsat1.com.ar
Where are you from?: Argentina
Where did you hear about my page? : irc
What do you most like to see Feet,
antyhose etc.: Barefeet
Your feet are truly gorgeous!!!
I would love to see guys under them.
I would love to see me!!!!
dave - 07/09/97 17:21:57 GMT
My Email:nashbeer@mindspring.com
Where are you from?: n.j.
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: pantyhose
Comments:i love your pantyhose feet and am waiting for your used smelly pantyhose
Sean - 07/09/97 05:02:33 GMT
My Email:Deranged@webtv.net
Where are you from?: Earth
Where did you hear about my page? : Came right to it
What do you most like to see Feet,
antyhose etc.: You.
Love looking at your legs. Can't wait for the video.
Nanci - 07/07/97 06:21:57 GMT
My Email:Tockey@webtv.net
Where are you from?: Lake Katrine, New York
Where did you hear about my page? : L'eggs Entertainment forum
What do you
most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Pantyhose (see comments)
Hi Lorie;
I would like to see you pose in very nude, very sheer, pantyhose, with a pair of platform sandals and a very short skirt ( no panties ).
Your gal pal in pantyhose;
PaJo - 07/06/97 20:24:56 GMT
Where are you from?: UK
Where did you hear about my page? : Leggs Forum
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Pantyhosed & Stockinged Legs with some high Heel Pics.
Really nice site,I hope you develop it futher.
- 07/06/97 14:55:14 GMT
John - 07/05/97 13:16:23 GMT
My Email:jcc1776
Where are you from?: Boston
Where did you hear about my page? : leggs forum
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: pantyh
I just love,stockings,and pantyhose. I love to wear them,and i do
all the time,lov the feeling.
Xavi - 07/05/97 08:19:44 GMT
My Email:upskirt@gratismail.com
Where are you from?: Spain
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: pantyhose, paintes, upskirt, fantas
es ...
Siento no poder expresarme en ingles, pero ciertamente aún no lo domino suficientemente.
Realmente veo como te excita ser fotografiada en medias, a mí me sucede lo mismo cuando noto que alguna señora me oberva cuando me quito la ropa o me masturbo delante de ella ...
He de decir que estás francamente buena.
- 07/04/97 15:58:10 GMT
sigit - 07/03/97 10:12:18 GMT
My URL:http://www.hotmail.com
My Email:sigit@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Indonesia
Where did you hear
about my page? : Web Spot
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Feet
Loly's feet is quite beatiful, but no so focus!!! Please improve you camera !!!
martin - 07/03/97 03:24:52 GMT
My Email:bcat13@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: texas el paso
Where did you hear about my page? : surfing
What do you most like to see Fee
, pantyhose etc.: pantyhose
i loved your homepage.. i just love women who wear pantyhose and it gives me an errection when they look very good.. thank you......
ken - 07/02/97 22:16:31 GMT
Where are you from?: IA
Where did you hear about my page? : AOL
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: PANTYHOSE!!!
WWW - 07/02/97 14:23:52 GMT
My Email:echow3@voyager.net
Where are you from?: Michigan
Where did you hear about my page? : another link index
What do you most like to see Fe
t, pantyhose etc.: reinforced heel and toe stockinged feet close up esp. with soles wrinkled
very nice
- 07/02/97 12:06:45 GMT
Reinforced Toe - 07/02/97 09:12:12 GMT
My Email:Reinfor@aol.com
Where did you hear about my page? : AFFS
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Reinforced Toes, Silk Sto
kings, The bunching up of the stockings. Slits up the back. Cuban Heals
Please keep me updated on your page.
A request.
Could you take a couple of snaps of your feet in silk stockings with the reinforced toes, and Cuban heels, and kick around in a tub of water?????
Donn - 07/01/97 23:28:11 GMT
My Email:BONORCHARD@aol.com
Where are you from?: Ct.
Where did you hear about my page? : Cyberlegs
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose
etc.: Feet in well worn Pantyhose and Stockings
Lorie love your'e legs and feet would love to sniff your'e hot sweaty smelly stocking feet
Rick - 07/01/97 07:12:19 GMT
My Email:rickrose
Where are you from?: TN
Where did you hear about my page? : Sexy Peds
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Red polish
d toes pantyhose
Great page Lorie I just got your video it is better than your page I am sending the money for your other video tommrow. Please let me know if I send extra money can you send it overnight I cant wait to see more o
you. You are a very bautiful woman and have a dream body, legs & feet.
Sasha - 06/30/97 09:47:16 GMT
My Email:voss@roadrun.de
Where are you from?: Dusseldorf, Germany
Where did you hear about my page? : link
What do you most like to see Feet, pan
yhose etc.: pantyhose
Your legs are HOTTT!!!!!!
Tomy Tan - 06/30/97 09:30:51 GMT
My Email:tomy.girl@juno.com
Where are you from?: CA., USA
Where did you hear about my page? : Leggs forum
What do you most like to see Feet
pantyhose etc.: Legs and feet in nylons
I will email you soon. Glad to see your website!
Sean - 06/29/97 00:55:36 GMT
My Email:Deranged@webtv.net
Where are you from?: you know
Where did you hear about my page? : Came right to it.
Lori, Thoug
t I'd sign you guestbook this time around. Still dreamen of you and you sexy legs, can't wait to get the video.
Paulo - 06/28/97 10:36:54 GMT
My Email:fcr497@concentric.net
Where are you from?: Omaha
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: feet, pantyhose, socks
I would love to see more pictures! The ones you
got are great. Keep it up. Send a catalog,
DJ - 06/28/97 07:34:06 GMT
My Email:trishaji@sonet.net
Where are you from?: Alabama
Where did you hear about my page? : Leggs
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose e
c.: leggs
Hi great page,great pictures,would like to talk to you.Later DJ. p.s. e-mail me ok,later
Trisha Jimmy - 06/28/97 07:23:43 GMT
My Email:trishaji@sonet.net
Where are you from?: Alabama
Where did you hear about my page? : www.leggs.com
What do you most like to see
Feet, pantyhose etc.: Leggs
Hi Lorie, I just saw your picture,you"ve got leggs great picture.Found your page off leggs e-mail, I would like to talk to you,your page looks great,later Trisha
Brian - 06/27/97 22:24:56 GMT
My Email:bb_man@msn.com
Where are you from?: Toronto
Where did you hear about my page? : Pantyhose Connection
What do you most like to see Feet, p
ntyhose etc.: Pantyhose & more Pantyhose
Hi Lorie. Seeing your legs in pantyhose is truly a dazzling site!!
Manuel - 06/27/97 21:45:33 GMT
My Email:puricelli@logic.it
Where are you from?: Milano
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.: Domination, feet, shoes, ......
Howard - 06/27/97 04:17:23 GMT
My Email:HowardDuc@aol.com
Where are you from?: El Paso, TX
Where did you hear about my page? : Ash's Page
What do you most like to see Feet,
antyhose etc.: Feet
Hello Lorie,
Loved your samples, do you have some with the
Cuban heel type stockings?, I like these type
the most. See you again, umm tasty.
dennis - 06/27/97 00:20:39 GMT
My Email:ddl1960@aol.com
Where are you from?: mo.
Where did you hear about my page? : adultexpo
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc
: feet/painted nails
Ron - 06/26/97 17:55:40 GMT
My Email:ron19@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: TX
Where did you hear about my page? : SexyPeds
What do you most like to see Feet, pantyhose etc.
Pantyhose reinforced toe
What can I say Iyou keep me up all night. Very Very Very good site you get 5 hard cocks as a raiting