This page was created by me, Ryan Stewart. I created this page so that I would have something to do in my spare time, and because I have the upmost respect for Jewel Staite. But also, so that I can contribute to Jewel's presence on the web. To accomplish this, I also created the Jewel Staite FAQ, a source of information for those who have limited internet time, or simply like FAQ's. About me My name is Ryan Stewart, I am 15 and I live in Green River, Wyoming. I like to mess with computers, and making webpages comes naturally to me. I play football, soccer, and am active in the Speech/Debate team. (For those of you that know anything about that, I do Student Congress). If you want you can visit my homepage at http://wolf.sw2.k12.wy.us/~stewarr/index.html. I like to hike, in the Wind Rivers mostly, but sometimes in th Tetons with my friend Stuble, and our scout troop. I want to go to college at Yale, and become a lawyer, and eventually a politician. My major goal in life is to become president of the United States (so vote for me :-)! My favorite thing to do is hang out with my friends Stuble and Pitts and just get Crazy. My bio
Jewel's Bio~Jewel's
Filmo~Contacting Jewel~Jewel
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