Welcome to the Jewel Staite Homepage. I created this page out of a great
respect for this young actress, and to aid in her presence on the Internet.
I also wanted to create a good webpage for people to be able to find a
lot of info in one place, but also links to other pages with excellent
information. I hope you enjoy this page, and I hope you will e-mail me
if you have anything that you think needs adding.

Okay, so I need to do this a little more often, but hey, I try! :-).
I still need questions, so if you have one, e-mail
for my site as one of the Jewel Staite Now! Top 3 sites!
Last Updated : 11/4/97
Heh, I am back :-)
Changed the page design
Cleaned some things up
If you have any new pictures, I would appreciate if you would E-mail them
to me at jewelhp@rocketmail.com.
My Guestbook View
My Guestbook

Disclaimer: This webpage is not official and the views or ideas expressed
on this page are not necessarily the views of Jewel Staite or the Staite
I belive in an independant Scotland