Megalion's Piece of Xenaverse
Welcome fellow Hardcore Nutballs!
Added Review of the Xena: TCG
Created new site to hold index all webrings that I manage - "Web Jewelry"
Created new "I survived the Rift" webring
Consolidated Zepgirl's Cupid wavs to one site
Working on Java program to speed up ICQ List updating process
Added Xena Online Resource Search Engine to this page
Updated Carls Jr page to include auction info
Updating Xenites on ICQ
Xenites on ICQ site is revamped though not updated
GABROC'ers on ICQ is revamped and updated
Added new site - "Autolycus (UNofficial Oracle of the Xenaverse)"
12/26/97 - Updates to pages on this site, some broken links fixed
12/20/97 - New Background/Color Scheme implemented on this site
Tributes to Hudson Leick homepage updated, new banner created
11/12/97 - Index of Sites Annotated Danielle Cormack Web Ring completed
As a service to my fellow Xenites, I've put together the following pages:
- Index of Megalion's 10 Xena/Hercules ICQ User Lists
For Xenites who love to chat and/or are on ICQ. If you don't already know what ICQ is you can learn more about it at their homepage. If you have it, here is where you can find lots of other Xenites to chat with on ICQ. Approx 200+ Xenites listed throughout these lists as of 11/12/97. I really recommend downloading ICQ as it is a GREAT way to keep in touch with your online friends without having to go to some site on the net to meet up with them!
- Xena Magic
This is my "gallery" of Xena images. I have been learning how to use Photoshop and you can find all kinds of thing here:
- Wallpaper (in various sizes) for use with Win95
- special images designed for use as the "required link to Geocities" for Xenite Geocities Webmasters
- scans of images from magazines that I have
- special web backgrounds for Xenite Webmasters based on my scans
- Megalion's Web Jewelry
A Complete Index of all the Webrings that I manage. Here you can find rings such as the Danielle Cormack ring, the Tributes to Hudson Leick ring, a couple xena fanfiction rings and etc.
Sites I created for other People:
I am always creating new sites to contribute to Xenaverse. You'll find them listed here when they're done! If you have some great stuff to put online but don't have the resources to do so, contact me and I'll be glad to help you out (time permitting).
- Autolycus (UNofficial Oracle of the Xenaverse)
Autolycus has written a number of wonderful theme song parodies in the name Xena & Hercules and many other characters. I have put in a lot of effort on creating special graphics to complement his songs so surf on in for a couple of eye-pleasing laughs!
- Voice of Cupid
This is a site that I created to host wav files made by Zepgirl (a dedicated Smithsonian). These wavs conflicted with the theme of her site so I volunteered to create another site so Xenites could benefit from her labor to create these wavs!
Pages on This Site:
- Carls Jr toys
Carls Jr had a promotional toy thing going in the summer of 97 for the upcoming animated Xena and Herc movie. I was able to buy a number of them for various Xenites and I had put together a status list for them so they could see where their toys were. It has ended of course, but I've left the pictures and descriptions up of the toys so others can see what they look like
- Index of Megalion's Xena/Hercules ICQ User Lists
See above for Desc or click on thru!
- Review of the Xena: Trading Card Game
I was one of the lucky ones who received a demo pack of the game in order to test the playability, the thoroughness of the instructions on how to play (I've never played a TCGame before), as well as the "historical accuracy" of the cards (are the elements of the game correctly used as we've seen on the show?). I've done my best here to give a basic summary of the game and relate important info about the game as well as propose what this could mean for Xena fandom!
Misc Other Xena Stuff:
I also contribute to Xenaverse as part of the XOR Team that maintains and updates the Xena Online Resources site.
Crossroads of the Xenaverse
Some sites I recommend, either cause I visit them a lot and consider them to be worthwhile or because they belong to a friend of mine!
BrendaEMT! - A good friend of mine whom I met via ICQ. The Lucky gal was one of the volunteers at Warrior Con!!!
Most of the images I have created and used in my pages of Xena and crew utilized screenshots and captures from:
All images are made solely for use on my pages, except where otherwise indicated. Unless I have specifically stated that you can download these images for use on your pages, permission is *not* given to do so.
Megalion's Den
Xenites have visited here since November 12, 1997
This page is hosted by
All unique Graphics on this page have been created Megalion (excluding banner and ring graphics)!