The Immense and Immortal MST3K Website

Welcome to my shrine to Mystery Science Theater 3000, this is really weird, I have like 2 million hits and the last time I looked there was only 200 I think. I wonder what happened? Oh well, go see my MST3K sounds and pictures and when you're done with that go look at some of those links I have and until the next time we meet all I have to say to you is "You turkey!" Oh yeah e-mail and tell me what you think of my little page. "Live fast, die young, leave a fat bloated corpse." -Tom Servo

Did you hear!

Mystery Science Theater 3000 is going to do thirteen more shows in the '98 season for the Sci-fi Channel.

Go see my pictures!

Listen to the voices!

My Mystery Science Theater Links
Deal With it, Joyless ProleA good page with a lot of links to other pages.
Satellite NewsThe official MST3K Info Club page, very good.
The Website of LoveNews, calendars, links, basically a cool page.
The Official MST3K WebsiteThe official MST3K Website, it has pictures, sounds, movies, and lots of other stuff.
MST3K Audio stuffTons of audio files from the last couple seasons.
The Tom Servo Fan ClubLearn how to build your very own Tom Servo here.
Torgo's Home PageNot completly MST3K, but it's still a good page.
The Daktari Stool(tm)An excellant page with all kinds of stuff.
AADGKA! LinksThe most MST3K links you'll ever see.
MST3K Song IndexAlmost all the songs ever done on the show.
MST3K Purity TestTake the test, find out how big a fan you really are.
Joel's Gizmonic AntsiteKeep up with Joel's new projects including Statical Planets.
Deus ex Machina More link than you could ever need to look at.

You are theperson I've said, "Bite me!" to since this site opened, congratulations!
Mystery Science Theater 3000, its characters and situations are a copyright of Best Brains, Inc.

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