William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet

Welcome to Verona!

Okay, people so I've been on overload in updating. The GUESTBOOK IS FIXED!!! So, please sign it before you leave. I've added pages for Leonardo and Claire. They're pretty basic right now, but they'll get better with time. By the way, I want to thank Toni because this is what she e-mailed me:

I just finished watching ROMEO+JULIET for the first time when I wandered onto your page. :) I really like it :) the pictures you have captured the essence of the movie really well! :) I have to admit that I was quite skeptical about the whole premise of the movie-- Shakespeare set in a "modern" theme?! so, regardless of the good reports I heard about it, I never went to see it.... figured that the people who liked it just never really understood Shakespeare... :) I really don't mind so much now admitting that I was wrong. :) it is a fabulous movie. :) I really enjoyed your home page too. :) it is well constructed. :)

Once again, thanks Toni!

As you've probably guessed this is my page of info on William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet. This is the screen adaptation of Shakespeare's classic romantic tradgedy, starring Leonardo DiCaprio (The Basketball Diaries, What's Eating Gilbert Grape?) and Claire Danes (My So-Called Life, To Gillian on her 37th Birthday) as the doomed star cross'd lovers.


I've added a message board! People can discuss Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare, Leonardo DiCaprio, Claire Danes, and anything related to the movie. Go here:

The Romeo + Juliet Forum


Leonardo DiCaprio

This is a small page of information on Leonardo DiCaprio, a wonderful actor who portrayed Romeo in the film.

Claire Danes

This is a small page of information on Claire Danes, a talented young actress who portrayed Juliet in the film.


This is a page of links relating to Romeo and Juliet. It's really small at the moment, so if you have a link to add please e-mail it to me or check the page out.

The Plot

This is the overall story of Romeo + Juliet. It has spoilers so if you don't already know what happens and you don't want to know, don't go there. (unfinished)

Romeo + Juliet Pictures

This is my small, but steadily growing image gallery.

Romeo + Juliet Merchandise

This is a list of most of the merchandise available for Romeo + Juliet.

Romeo + Juliet News

News related to Romeo + Juliet, Leonardo DiCaprio, Claire Danes, and/or anything else having to do with the movie or play.

Well, I just got back from my Vacation to California, and while I was in L.A. I picked up some amazing R+J stuff read about it on

this page.

I also have a WEBRING!!! It's the one at the bottom of this page. If you have a Romeo + Juliet or related site, go


and join it!

Not only do I have a webring, but I belong to a few. Webrings are a great way to find sites with similar topics.

Here's where they are all located


<--!begin trophe veronne pour excellence-->

Le Trophé Veronne pour excellence!!!/ The Verona Award For Excellence!!!!!

Links to other sites on the Web

The official Romeo + Juliet site!
A Great Claire Danes site!
A fantastic Leonardo DiCaprio site!

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