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Capturing a Dream.


I shall tell you of William Wallace. Historians from England will say I am a liar, but history is written by those who have hanged heros. The king of Scotland had died without a son, and the king of England, a cruel pagan known as Edward the Long Shanks, claimed the throne of Scotland for himself. Scotland's nobles fought him, and fought each other over the crown. So Long Shanks invited them to talks of truce; no weapons, one page only. Among the farms of that shire was Malcom Wallace, a commoner with his own lands. He had two sons: John and William.

In the year of our lord 1314, patriots of Scotland, starving and outnumbered, charged the fields of Bannockburn. They fought like warrior poets. They fought like Scottsmen, and won their freedom.

A Tribute to Braveheart.

sword This is a web page is in dedication to what I consider to be the greatest movie ever. When I first saw Braveheart back in the days, I was a young person with no knowledge of what lay ahead. Now, I am somewhat older, but still have no idea of what lay ahead! That is not a bad thing though. While we all try to make our mark in life, we can pass the time with entertainment; time that would have been otherwise allotted to boredom or worry. I watch Braveheart and think about how my problems are trivial compared to what life may have been like 800 years ago. It reminds me that we all have come a long way. Even though we have a long way to go, that should not be the focal point of existence. Hence the axiom, the glass is half empty or the glass is half full.

This may seem pretty deep or approaching the edge of BS, to derive philosophy just from watching a movie. However you view it, that is for you to decide. I have already stated how I view it and this page kind of backs me up.

The content of this page will be mostly Braveheart. However, there will be other movies and music that I like, included. Hey, I had to chose some kind of theme. Anyway, I chose to forgo replication of a typical tribute page, by poking fun at the material of the movie with jokes, skits, and just flat out being weird. Some things I just straight up made up. Be forewarned that the target audience of this web page are those with a sense of humor and an open mind. There is no open profanity ('cause I would like to keep my allotted memory). So if you are under 18, narrow-minded, or someone that used to know me or thinks that they really do, please hit the back button on your browser. No need to risk any sort of "How could you?" syndrome. The rest of you should be cool. I hope you enjoy what I consider funny and light-hearted. Oh, and by the way, if you are offended by any of the content of this page, then too bad. I do not feel like worrying about what you think. I have better things to do. Besides, you are entitled to your opinion; whether it be foolhardy and misguided or educated and profound.

Tim Hoffman

Here is the beginning of what is yet to come. I have some Braveheart polaroids for you, with captions, that should prove to be somewhat enlightening. I will be back periodically to tweak and to add other features to this page for further entertainment. This will ensure that my page doesn't get deactivated too. So, bear with me during the interim, but at this time enjoy.

To Polaroid Album

Copyright 2006 -- Timothy R. Hoffman

Last updated 10/09/2006