This homepage is a tribute to my favourite singer/songwriter/producer of all times, RICHARD MARX.
I have been a fan since 1990 when I first heard his hit single 'RIGHT HERE WAITING' and over the years, I have had the opportunity to see him in concerts and interviews. Having seen and heard all his concerts and interviews, I have come to know that he is not just a singer, but a caring, kind, sensitive and a very down-to-earth person. I have collected many pics during these few years, which are very dear to me and which I would like to share with you.
Concert reviews (Ravinia and Dayton)
Richard's liner notes on "Slipping
Away" and "Thanks To
(Greatest Hits Asian release)
Repeat Offenders (ROers) in Singapore
Lyrics (includes lyrics of his latest songs from Greatest Hits)
Check out my article on Richard in ROCKnPOP. Just click on the link below.
The World's fastest growing
on-line music database.
For your information, Majid also runs a Richard Marx Mailing List and daily digest. If you are interested, please email him.
If you wish to join the Richard Marx Fan Club, please write to .the President, Gerri Karr for details
All pictures on my webpage are copyright reserved...You may keep them in your private collection but please do not have them on your homepage.
I love feedback. If you have any
suggestions/comments, please
Please sign my Guestbook
This webpage is put up by Dolly. with the kind assistance of Nicole.
A big thank you to the people who have provided me with info, pics and links to their websites and everyone who has assisted me to make this homepage possible.
DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial Richard Marx homepage. Should any info be found inaccurate, please do not hold it against me. If any copyright laws have been infringed, please do email me about it.
Last updated on 14th August, 1999
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