Naia's 5th Anniversary Special!
Founded late-July/early-August 1997 at this very location!

I know I don't usually celebrate page anniversaries,
but one day I noticed my fifth was coming up and couldn't believe it myself!
This is a big enough anniversary to warrant a special, don't you agree?
So here it is, complete with trivia and a contest you can enter!
For those of you who have been with me all along,
I'd like to thank you for your support. For those who have found
me since, this is your chance to know where it all began :-) .
I had no idea what I'd even put on a web page when
I first came online. I just knew I wanted one, and that I didn't
want to bore people with some dinky page about myself. I was running
a club at the time called Backstabber Preservation Society (a fan club
where Khyron's fans made up names and pretended to be T'sentrati. . . think
Starfleet, but with no budget :-P ), and Naia Zifu was my name for the
club. I'd invented a family and backstory for her, which I thought
much more interesting than my real life, so in late July of '97 I registered
this as her own personal page.
By early August, the first (primitive) version of
this page was up. . . and yes, it was honestly one page at the beginning!
It was written entirely in character, with no mention of my real self whatsoever,
leading many people to either think Naia was real, or that I was deluded
and really thought I was her :-P . Its first incarnation had a horrid
bright-blue BG, a tiny biography of Naia-chan, and exactly three small
sections on her interests: Khyron, "Gargoyles", and Pizzicato Five.
There were very few pics, and the ones there were, were tiny for space
(Geocities gave out like 2MB then, if I remember). Slowly I added
content to both her bio and her interest sections, and it expanded to two
pages. Then came Max's shrine, the first real shrine of the page,
attributed to Katherine, whom I treated as if we were totally separate
people. That was an illusion that would last. . . *thinks* a couple
of years, I think. . . until I got sick of explaining it to people and
started putting up my own profile as well. Eventually, this page
will feature little else but shrines, once I get off my lazy bum and enshrine
the "Gargoyles" characters I like most. I'm also considering mini-shrines
to some characters I like, but know too little about or have too few pics
of to make a full shrine.
Meaningless Trivia
Did you know that. . .
The name Naia Zifu came from a very unorthodox Scrabble game we used to
play; anything counted so long as you could invent a pronunciation!
I gathered possibles from that game, and Alex helped me decide the best
name. *hugs him in gratitude*
But I was on a long car trip when I wrote Naia's history, and didn't
have the name list with me, so when I gave her a family on a whim, I
invented theirs by writing down random letters (hence the long, odd
Naia's appearance is an idealized version of myself; I based her face on
mine (to the point of drawing with a mirror), but gave her the blue hair
I've always wanted and a more ideal body type. I'm more squeamish
about being seen in glasses, however :-P .
When I try to dye my real hair blue, it always turns green instead :-(
. (Anyone know a good quality deep-blue wig in Naia's style, or how
to make one?)
At one point I'd assigned "Robotech" voice-actors to Naia's family.
Quelt'san would've sounded like Zor Prime, while Kaeisuan would've sounded
like Max. (Maybe I should've told Cam Clarke that the time I wrote
Although Naia's Nifty T'sentrati Web Page began five years ago, my fics
page is about a year younger, when the cult fame of my first fic inflated
my ego into wanting one.
Though I've been writing forever in one way or another, the first fic I
put online was "Pretty T'sentrati Sailor Naia", based on a joke about how
Quelt'san liked to see (and play with) Naia in a Mercury costume.
At the time I wrote PTSN, the only real BSSM I'd seen was a R movie fansub
a friend gave me. . . but you probably could guess that just by reading,
since I think it really shows :-P .
I'm infamous for taking bad, obscure in-jokes too far! The joke with
Taiki and Koduck came from a PBEM I used to run, from some quest Kunzite
wanted to go on, but never did. I joked he should take the Lights
for the novelty of three people named Kou looking for Koduck, and it's
persisted ever since.
Honestly, I don't care much about RT or BSSM anymore, as shows. It's
just my affection (obsession!) for certain characters that keeps my interest.
My secret for writing good fics is that I don't write about any characters
1) I don't own most or (preferably) all the series for, in case I have
to reference, and 2) whose mind and soul I don't feel I can get into (for
more realism).
My favourite thing to do in fics and drawings is to play with
characters' physical appearances. Mostly I have valid reasons, like to
show changes or inner turmoil a character is going through, but playing
with looks is fun for me, too, both fictional and IRL :-) .
Well, that's lost its novelty for the moment, so I'll
end it here. But if any trivia buffs would like more, do tell, and
I'll see what I can think up. Now on to. . . *thinks*
a quiz!
How Well Do You Know Naia?
Naia's eyes are: a) blue b) green c) grey d) who can tell with
the aqua tint you draw her in?
Her height at full size is: a) 6m b) 10m c) 12m d) big
enough to squish me underfoot
Her husband's name is: a) Khyron b) Kaeisuan c) Quelt'san d)
who cares? she should leave him for Magdomilla, anyway!
Her favourite colour is: a) green b) violet c) dark blue
d) what colour is her hair again?
The type of ship she commanded was: a) Nupetiet-Vernitzs b) Queadol-Magdomilla
c) Thuverl-Salan d) O_O who can remember names like this?
Her favourite genre of movie is: a) romance b) action c) low-budget
science-fiction d) something with cheddar
Her feelings on humans are: a) likes them b) lukewarm c) dislikes
most of them d) improves a bit over time
Her job on Earth is: a) cosmetologist b) teacher c) journalist
d) T'sentrati rights activist
The town she runs in SITC is: a) Paranka b) Sesannu c) Baza
Godai d) T'sen-Mot (or at least, she was for creating it. . .)
*promptly gets beaten for saying so*
In FF, Naia (surprisingly) declared Nyankomago a: a) mother b) friend
c) sister d) no longer a micronian
If you haven't caught on yet, the most correct answer
to each is "c", so give yourself ten points for each. The next-best
(or sometimes joke :-P ) answer is "d", so give yourself five points for
each one of those. The closer you get to 100, the better. Anyone
who honestly knows the most correct answer to all the questions without
cheating, send an e-mail to brag! You're now officially in my good
favour :-) .
Want more questions? Just e-mail and I'll
see what I can come up with.
Here For the Contest?
Well, you should be! And tell all your friends
to enter, too! I want lots of entries!
What kind of contest is it, you ask? Well,
I'll tell you. . . but not here. For ease of bookmarking (to reference
the rules and such, I've given the contest its own page. Click
here for all the details!
Don't want to enter the contest? Then what
are you still doing here? Go home!