Technical Information

This page is to inform those curious few that might actually care how this page was constructed and with what. I've decided to take a very straight-forward approach to this page, and I've opted to leave out most fancy Java-based enhancments.

I run this site on a Packard Bell 486 with Windows 3.1. My modem's speed is 33.6 Kbps and I've judged this page to download quickly enough with this in mind, i.e., if you've got a considerably slower modem, well... Basically, I've got a major POS*.

The actual page construction was accomplished via Netscape Editor 3.0 Gold. This is a very simple, point and click, cut and paste method. I'm not terribly adept at HTML intricacies, so if you're looking for advice in this regard, I may not be able to help you, but I'll try.

All images were scanned on my Mustek Paragon 1200SP flatbed color scanner.

Images manipulated with Adobe Photoshop, a nice little graphics editor. It's capable of countless functions, many of which I have yet to discover.

More as I think of it.

*POS = Piece Of S***

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All original material, content, design and concept Copyright © Dante Starr, 1997, 1998.