Questionnaire Results

Here are the results of my Connery questionnaire as of March 19, 1998.


The number listed after the actor/film indicates the number of votes it has recieved.

Favorite Connery Film

My comments: Bravo for Robin and Marian and Highlander! Personally, I'd reccomend The Grest Train Robbery. I never thought I'd run into someone whose favorite would be Zardoz...

Least Favorite Connery Film

My comments: Now come on guys, they're not all good. Good call on Highlander 2, but I wonder how many have actually seen Lets Make Up... I can't believe anyone can totally dislike The Man Who Would Be King!

Favorite (non-Sean) Film

My comments: There are some good flicks listed here, though you guys need to see Jerry Maguire and On the Waterfront! Only a couple repeats...

Favorite Actor (other than Sean)--by first name

My comments: There's a pretty good range of talent listed here, ranging from the amusingly absurd Bruce Campbell to the legendary Marlon Brando.

Favorite Bond

My comments: So far, almost everyone has picked Sean as their favorite Bond, with only one single vote for Roger Moore! Uh... I NEVER thought anyone would pick George Lazenby...

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