The Elysium Fields
A unique Oracle of oddities only found in the layer of the Underworld where
the deserving souls travel to. Explore the erthereal links and enjoy your stay!

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I've had
since 1/2/98!
(Which was not when this page was created, I was just too lazy to install a counter, dammnit!)
Visit my new
page! It's cool....
(Board RMS Titanic here)
See the movie--it's wonderful!
Gems Only Found Here!!
Zaan's Poetry! Awesome poems by my friend, Zaan Bester, from South Africa!
A page all about yours truly!
A page full of my OPINIONS on several topics including life, love, why Hanson should die, Drivers Ed, my generation and their attitude problems, politicians and much more!
Poetry from classic and modern authors both including Poe, Tennyson and Lord Byron, plus the chance for YOU to submit your greatest works!
The lyrics to some of my favorite songs by Fiona Apple, U2, Meredith Brooks, Jewel, Garbage and more!
The four elements--earth, air, water and fire--combine to create LIFE.
The Oracle of Links at your service!
My Friends' Pages--Check Them Out!
Welcome to...COCYTUS! The ninth level of Hell in Dante's "Inferno" and the ingenious page of my best
friend, RYDD. Full of interesting surprises--info on Yaks, Monty Python, MST3K and much more!
The Spiritual Links
Special help in interpretating your deepest dreams!
An interesting TAROT site. Free readings of your future through this spiritual
fortune telling device that has been around for decades.
A delightful little site with DAILY HOROSCOPES and information on your ZODIAC SIGNS!
The Visual Entertainment Links
HOLLYWOOD ONLINE! Your guide to almost every movie created! Great multimedia and more!
"Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou Romeo?" Right here! A truly stunning ROMEO + JULIET site!
A great site on the movie THE FIFTH ELEMENT. Check it out and be amazed!
XENA:Warrior Princess....need I say more?
The Music Links
The music lover's ULTIMATE GUIDE to any and all music and artists out there!
The official web site to the uncomparable femme rocker FIONA APPLE!
The Indescribable Links
A nifty site about ORBITZ, the space-age drink with the colorful floating
orbs in it. Fine holiday entertainment!

This is a picture of my friend Tyler's favorite movie, "Judge Dredd"
Bullets and images found at Icon Bazaar!
Selected background images from Infinite Fish!
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