 Ariel |
ifhuman.wav |
"If I become human, I'll never be with my father or sisters again." |
37K |
whatisit.wav |
"What? What is it?" |
16K |
loveyou.wav |
"I love you, daddy." |
63K |
partworld.wav |
"Wish I could be part of that world." |
55K |
wonderful.wav |
"Have you ever seen anything so wonderful in your entire life?"
Flounder: "Wow, cool!" |
54K |
thankyou.wav |
"Ah, I'm sorry. I gotta go. Thank you, Scuttle."
Scuttle: "Anytime, sweety!" |
62K |
ahhh.wav |
"Ahh...."  |
118K |
 Eric |
agirl.wav |
"A... a girl... rescued me. She was... singing. She had the most beautiful voice."  |
104K |
real.wav |
"I'm telling you Grim, she was real! I'm going to find that girl, and I'm going to marry her."  |
52K |
 Sebastion |
kissgirl.wav |
"Go on, and kiss the girl." |
30K |
listen.wav |
"Ariel, listen to me." |
27K |
undersea.wav |
"Under the sea. Under the sea. Darling, it's better, down where it's wetter. Take it from me." |
103K |
please.wav |
"Ariel, please. Will you get your head out of the clouds and back in the water where it belongs?"  |
59K |
 Scuttle |
portbow.wav |
"Mermaid off the port bow." |
35K |
slobbery.wav |
"I don't know. He looks kind of hairy, and slobbery to me."
Ariel: "Not that one. The one playing the snarfblat."  |
93K |
 Flounder |
whoa.wav |
"This shark chased us. Yeah... Yeah... And we tried to, but we couldn't... And he grrrrrr... And, and we whoa! Ahhh, and then we were safe."  |
107K |
 Triton |
lovehim.wav |
"She really does love him. Doesn't she Sabastion?"  |
51K |
safe.wav |
"Well, keep looking. Leave no shell unturned, no coral unexplored. Let no one in the kingdom sleep untill she is safe at home."  |
88K |
 Ursula |
undoing.wav |
"Flotsam! Jetsam! I want you to keep an extra close watch on this pretty little daughter of his. She may be the key to Triton's undoing."  |
134K |
hook.wav |
"Triton's daughter will be mine, and then I will make him writhe! I'll see him wriggle like a worm on a hook! "  |
84K |
 The Chef |
fight.wav |
"Come out you little pip squeak, and fight like a man!"  |
63K |
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