Your Title

Haywood Comprehensive School

Edwards Lane, Bestwood Est, Nottingham, UK

Did you attend this school from 1980 - 1985

If you did or you know someone that did please read on.

We are trying to get a school reunion together for later on this year.

Do you remember names like:

(Maria Day) that was me of course, Amanda & Karen Spencer, Joanna Lachowicz, Joanne Burton, Rebecca Green, Andrea Morman, Karina Smith, Samantha Cavis, Michelle Kitchen, Marie Davis, Sharon Odell, Miriam Lowe, Karen Roberts, Sara Trimbell, Allison Burrows, Vanessa Knight, Lousie Walton, Lisa Pigott, Jenny Wilbraham, Carmel Flynn, Carol Wood, Lisa Bridle, Wendy Brookes x 2, Tara Mansell, Debbie Coleman, Debbie Walsh, Lisa Healey, Julie Turton, Tara Handcock, Elaine Gibbs, Paul Foster, Paul Stevenson, Andrew Foulds, Adrian Stone, Ian Moore, Simon Carter, Shaun Whyatt, Gary Neal, John Drury, Ricky Oliver, Kevin & Graham Brown, Michael Barrett, Philip Bates, Roydon Holt, Darrel Redmond, Andrew White, Ralph Hammond, Keith Chewlan, Paul Chung, Martin Reid, Paul Bovington, Clive Ellis, Brendan Ward, Ian Haughton, Darren Archer, Dean & Daryl Naylor, Jason Roper, Peter Redmile, Ian Turnbull

Come on think hard where you there when Mrs Wells retired ? or were you in Mr Crayton's form class ? Miss Sketchley's German class ? Miss Allsop's French class ? Mr Oakes' English class ? Mr Maddon's / Mr Jones' Maths class ? Mr Price's Music class ? Miss Danby's Cookery class ? Mr Foster's Religous Studies class ? Mr Degar's Engineering Science class ? Miss Frost's History class ? Miss Bateman's Recreation class ?

Well if you know where any of these people are please email me with some details or better still ask them too.

Thanks for all your help so far, I'm sure this is going to be a success !