SyndiCon '97 in Baltimore
Well, here they are. The first sampling of pictures from the
convention. When I add the next batch, maybe I'll switch to thumbnails,
but while I don't have that many, I'm usingthe main pic. Hope everyone
enjoys them.

After seeing the Action Masters perform, BlueHawk and I got our picture
taken with a couple of the Action Masters.

Patches (aka Cap'n Skippy) presents the Harem t-shirt to Peter.

A big smile from Peter Wingfield.

A few Harem members prepare in Camp Highlander for the contest...

...which arrives very soon. Too bad they didn't win. :(

Stan Kirsch arrives. [What more needs to be said. :)]

Stan smiles as he signs an autograph. It's amazing that any of
them could keep this cheerful after all those people.

Stan drinks his Bud and enjoys the concert.

A very different looking Adrian Paul dances on stage with Elizabeth Gracen.

Yes, we all survived the con! I think a lot of us would liked it to have
kept going, too. Check back on this picture later. I will be linking it
to an image map to identify everyone in it.
Well, that's what I've got scanned in so far. What do you think? Drop me
a line and let me know what you think of what I've got going here so far.