One-Ninety-Six Productions

If you don't like it......TOUGH!!!!

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Well I figured it was about time to update this page, there isn't going to be many changes, but just don't mind if things aren't finished. I will be adding new stuff, as well as updating old stuff. Well anyways just read on.

Well We have undergone a name change. We were Urban Enterprises, (we still kind of are). This is not only for my movies, but it also is for humor and stuff like that. You'll find things on here like jokes, personal stuff about me, and most importantly stuff about my movies. I am trying to come up with a new movie to start on, but it does take time to get everything in order. Listed below are sections. Each section contains different information. (novel concept huh?!) I don't mean to sound like you don't know this, but I know alot of you on here are from Monmouth Regoinal High School (where I graduated from....unfortunately). I have made a section for the movie Flamers, which was canceled right befor we were supposed to start filming. Everything should be pretty much self explanitory, so I will let you snoop around. Oh, and if you get a chance....please sign my guestbook.

10/8/99 New News!!!! Well Flamers is pretty much out of the picture, but a new movie is in the works for 196. With a fresh new crew, and a new movie idea. Three scenes are done so far, and no Title has been given as of yet, but the crew members are well on the way of being made. If anyone is interested in being in the movie, or even if you are in a band and would like to play a song or two for the movie just e-mail me at and I will try and set something up from there. But if you are to lazy to type in the e-mail adress, goto the bottom of the page and click the address.

Click here to read all about Flamers

Robert Urban....Executive Producer, One-Ninety-Six Productions

Please take no offense to this picture. I'm not really in a gang, I just like doing this!

My favorite movies

My musical inspirations

A couple more pics of me

All that you want, or don't want to know about me

Acknowledgment to my loyal fans

A Few Jokes That Are Funny As Hell

I am proud to announce that we have our psyciatric hotline now up and functional. Please click here and follow the instructions to get the help that you need.

Sign Guestbook
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Links to other sites on the Web

BRAMTON online
View Askew Productions
The World Of Cosmoes, take a look this page is pretty cool
The Beastie Boys "Like Ma Bell they got the ill comunication"
Psycho's page. A site for more descrpitive and creative writing or some bullshit like that
This is my friend Susan's page. Don't belive everything she says about me

Thank You Drive Through!

Please take a number, and someone will be with you momentarilly

Now serving #1

Click here for a one of a kind song

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