Heya! This is Liz, and somehow you've managed to find The Back Page! This is a Newsies page, but I've still got a lot of work to do. I've got some ideas, but need a little time to work them out. In the mean time, check out what I've got already, read the What's Up posts, SIGN THE GUESTBOOK, and email me with any comments! (That should keep you busy for awhile! *grin*)
Newsies Fan Fic Directory -- like Newsies fan fic? (and who doesn't?!) Well, I've finally got the fan fic directory about half way off the ground with the help of me pal Bit. Check it out, and don't forget to submit your own URLs!
Homework Helps -- I know a lot of people are doing school writing assignments on the newsies. Need references? I'm hoping you can find some here!
And Starring... -- Pick a movie...any movie...then recast the leads using the actors from Newsies!
Seventeen Article -- An old article from a Seventeen magazine. Inclues pictures and interviews with Christian Bale, Max Casella, Shon Greenblatt, and David Moscow!
If you're interested, here's some stuff about me.
My Pointless Survey -- Take it, please?!
Trial of the Century-- This story is actually a writing assignment for World Cultures 101. Why is it on a Newsies page? Read it and see if you recognize one of the characters! (BTW~ I got an A+ on this paper!!!)
Episode In Brooklyn-- A genuine Newsies story! It's the first one I wrote (well, the first one I finished anyways!), and it may be the first in a trilogy.
D4: A Newsie Adventure, By MG and me -- Yep, you heard right! I'm not going to try to explain this one. Just read it!
As Yet Untitled -- I can't tell you what this one is about, because I don't know yet myself. I think it's going to be a fairy tale. Of sorts. I love those, don't you? Anyway, I'll be adding to this as often as I can. There isn't much there right now, but you can look anyway.
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