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This is a brief list of episodes and those increasingly
humourous disclaimers that appear in the end credits that are a
test of eyesight and how good your VCR is if you want to read
Hercules Eps
Series One
Series Two
Series Three
Series Four
Series Five
Click here for a more in depth review of ALL the episodes.
Warrior Princess
writer:John Schulian
director:Bruce Seth Green
Iolaus is drawn to a strong woman, Xena, who's goal is to use him
to kill Hercules to improve her reputation as a warlord. Xena's
first appearence. Play spot the difference, as this Xena varies
quite a lot.
The Gauntlet
writer:Robert Bielak
director:Jack Perez
After disciplining one of her men, Darphus, for killing women and
children, he takes over her command-forcing Xena to exit through
the Gauntlet...she survives..and later hooks up with Hercules and
develops a new attitude as they defeat Darphus together. Some
nice touches of humour in Salmoneus' interaction with Xena. She
is much more recognisable as the Xena we know and love here. The
best of the 3 Herc appearances.
Unchained Heart
writer:John Schulian
director:Bruce Seth Green
Ares has risen Darphus from the dead, and Hercules, Xena, Iolaus
and Salmoneus pursue him. Xena and Hercules show their affection
for each other along the way. Xena doesn't really work as a
sidekick, and the love between her and Hercules is rather forced.
Sins of the Past
story:Robert Tapert
writer:RJ Stewart
director:Doug Lefler
In this the first episode we find Xena starting on her journey
alone and dealing with her evil past. Along the way, she finds a
friend, our spunky, pure-hearted Gabrielle. Xena defeats an old
acquaintance, warlord Draco, in a brilliant
staff-fighting/balancing on heads scene as he threatens to attack
her home village.
Chariots of War
story:Josh Becker & Jack Perez
writers:Adam Armus & Nora Kay Foster
director:Harley Cokeliss
After getting a glimpse of the family life she has NOT chosen,
Xena (and Gabrielle) save a village from an evil warlord with a
climatic chariot race battle. Gabrielle falls for the wrong man-
not for the last time.
writer:Steven L Sears
director:Bruce Seth Green
Xena must save Gabrielle from becoming the bride/sacrifice to
Morpheus, God of Dreams. She must travel through her own
dreamstate, fighting personal demons, to reach Gabby in time.
Meanwhile, Gabrielle fights for time and her survival. An
excellent episode that has lots af action and humour.
Cradle of Hope
writer:Terence Winter
director:Michael Levine
Xena and Gabrielle save a baby from a misguided King with the
help of Pandora (and her box!) We see Xena do her veiled dance
from the opening credits, and has a very funny climatic baby
throwing fight! Very Good!
No babies were harmed during the production of this motion
The Path Not Taken
writer:Julie Sherman
director:Stephen L Posey
Xena runs into an old flame, Marcus. She helps him turn to
"the good side". Unfortunately he is killed shortly
after. We hear Lucy/Xena's singing at Marcus' funeral, and very
nice it is too.
The Reckoning
writer:Peter Allan Fields
director:Charles Siebert
Xena is framed for murder as we get our first look at Ares, God
of War - who is determined to win her back. We also see
Gabrielle's talent for talk in this episode. Xena is almost
tempted by Ares and gets to punch Gabrielle!
The Titans
writer:R J Stewart
director:Eric Brevig
Gabrielle accidentally releases three titans - who once they find
she's NOT a god, aren't too friendly. Xena must return them to
their frozen state. Good giant effects, and another nearly love
affair for Gabrielle.
writer:R J Stewart
director:Stephen L Posey
Hera chains Prometheus so his gifts to man start
disappearing..(healing, fire, etc.) Hercules and Iolaus join in
to help Xena & Gabrielle set Prometheus free. Xena and Herc,
and Gabrielle and Iolaus do a bit of bonding.
Iolaus was harmed during the production of this motion picture.
However, the Green Egg Men went on to live long and prosperous
Death In Chains
story:Babs Greyhosky and Adam Armus & Nora Kay Foster
teleplay:Adam Armus & Nora Kay Foster
director:Charles Siebert
King Sysiphus captures Death (Hades' sister). While she's
chained, the suffering can not die. Hades asks Xena to help set
her free. Doomed romance for Gabrielle, again! Although this one
really is quite cute.(Gabrielle is wearing her Amazon outfit
here-was this one made later but shown first?)
No Jumbo Sized Cocktail Rats were harmed during the production of
this motion picture.
Hooves and Harlots
writer:Steven L Sears
director:Jace Alexander
Xena stops a war between the Amazons and the Centaurs. Gabrielle
becomes an Amazon Princess. A turning point for Gabrielle AND she
learns to fight with a staff.
No Males, Centaurs, or Amazons were harmed during the production
of this motion picture.
The Black Wolf
writer:Alan Jay Gleuckman
director:Mario Di Leo
Xena goes undercover as a dungeon prisoner to discover/save the
leader of a band of rebels. Salmoneus makes an appearence after
grabbing Gabrielle's tomatoes!
Beware of Greeks Bearing Gifts
story:Roy Thomas & Janis Hendler
teleplay:Adam Armus & Nora Kay Foster
director:T J Scott
Xena is summoned by Helen (of Troy) to help stop the Trojan War.
We meet Perdicus, Gabrielle's old fiancé.(boo,hiss!)
No oversized Polynesian-style Bamboo Horses were harmed during
the production of this motion picture. However, many wicker lawn
chairs gave their lives.
Athens City Academy of the Performing Bards
writer:R J Stewart & Steven L Sears
director:Jace Alexander
Gabrielle enters the Academy, where she competes against bards
like Homer, telling the tales of Xena. A bit of a bottle show,
light duties for Lucy Lawless.
The producers would like to acknowledge and pay tribute to
Stanley Kubrik, Kirk Douglas and all those who were involved with
the making of the film classic "SPARTACUS". Additional
thanks to Steve Reeves.
Fistful of Dinars
writer: Steven L Sears & R J Stewart
director:Josh Becker
Xena and Gabrielle, together with an assassin and Xena's old
fiancé, go on a treasure hunt for gold and ambrosia. Half
Indiana Jones, half Treasure of the Sierra Madre. Xena's ex-
fiance is an unlikely and unconvincing partner.
No Ambrosia was spilled, spoiled, or in any way harmed during the
production of this motion picture. (Thanks to the indefinite
shelf life of marshmallows.)
writer:Brenda Lilly
director:Michael Levine
Lucy Lawless does double duty, as Xena helps a King foil the
attempts on his daughter, Princess Diana's life, by switching
places with her..as they are exact doubles! Very funny to see
Xena as sweetie Diana and drippy Diana as a weepy Xena!
Neither Xena nor her remarkably coincidental identical twin,
Diana, were harmed during the production of this motion picture.
Mortal Beloved
writer:R J Stewart
director:Garth Maxwell
Xena travels to the underworld to help Marcus, as the underworld
is in chaos after Hades helmet is stolen. Look for Michael Hurst
(Iolaus) as Charon. A change in outfit, but Xena needs to chat to
the people from Speedo about a more suitable swimming cozzie.
No Winged Harpies were harmed or sent to a fiery grave during the
production of this motion picture.
Royal Couple Of Thieves
writer:Steven L Sears
director:John Cameron
Autolycus, The King of Thieves, & Xena join to retrieve the
most powerful weapon from evil hands. The weapon being....the Ark
of the Covenant! A very funny episode with the brilliant Bruce
Campbell guesting. Xena has to dance again and she and Autolycus
have a lovely teasing antagonism going.
No Ancient and Inflexible Rules governing moral behaviour were
harmed during the production of this motion picture.
The Prodigal
writer:Chris Manheim
director:John T Kretchmer
After getting spooked, Gabrielle takes a break by going to her
home village where they have hired a drunken warrior to protect
them. Another Lucy-light episode. We meet Gabrielle's sister
Lilla, who is no fan of the Warrior Princess.
Meleager the Mighty, the generally Tipsy and Carousing
Warrior-for-Hire, was not harmed during the production of this
motion picture.
Altared States
writer:Chris Manheim
Xena helps save a boy from being sacrificed by his father, who's
god has asked him to. A biblical theme - Abraham/Isaac. Hilarious
scene with Gabrielle and narcotic Nutbread! Also see the famous
opening fishing scene if you are a subtext fan.
No Unrelenting or Severely Punishing Deities were harmed during
the production of this motion picture.
Ties That Bind
writer:Adam Armus & Nora Kay Foster
director:Charles Siebert
Ares, God of War, poses as Xena's father to try and win her back.
Xena turns nasty for a while and almost duffs up Gabrielle, but
gets belted by Gabrielle with a pitchfork! Not sure about Xena's
motives in this one.
No Fathers, Spiritual or Biological, were harmed during the
production of this motion picture.
The Greater Good
writer:Steven L Sears
director:Gary Jones
After a poisonous dart seemingly kills Xena, Gabrielle must step
up in this extremely dramatic episode. Salmoneus makes his second
appearance, and who can forget Gabrielle:Warrior Princess! Much
great acting, especially by Renee O'Connor.
Excessive belching can cause brain damage and social ostracism.
Kids, please don't give in to peer pressure. Play it safe.
writer:R J Stewart
director:T J Scott
A new blond nemesis appears for Xena. Callisto's family was
killed by the old, evil Xena and is obsessed with making Xena
suffer. Joxer is introduced as the bumbling idiot,
warrior-wanna-be who even Gabrielle can beat.
Joxer's nose was not harmed during the production of this motion
picture. However, his crossbow was severely damaged.
writer:Peter Allan Fields
director:Stewart Main
Xena runs into her brother, and together they battle the warlord
that originally attacked their village where their brother,
Lyceus was killed & where Xena began her warrior life. The
guest star was obviously chosen for his similarity to Lucy
Lawless. Not much similarity between them and Lyceus though.(se
Remember Nothing.)
No Messenger Doves were harmed during the production of this
motion picture. However, several were reportedly missing in
action and search-and-rescue efforts are under way.
Is There A Doctor In The House?
writer:Patricia Manney
director:T J Scott
Xena shows her healing skills in this ER-like healing temple
amidst a war zone and ends up almost losing Gabrielle. Very
dramatic/moving episode. We also see Ephiny from Hooves &
Being that War is Hell, lots of people were harmed during the
production of this motion picture (but since television is a
dramatic medium of make believe, all casualties removed their
prosthetic make-up and went home unscathed).
Orphan of War
writer:Steven L Sears
director:Charles Siebert
Xena helps the Centaurs battle against their greatest evil.
During this, we meet Xena's 10 yr old son, Solan. Who she gave up
to the centaurs to raise. A moving ending scene featuring more
excellent acting from Lucy Lawless.
No Sleazy Warlords who deem it necessary to drink magical elixirs
that turn them into scaly centaurs were harmed during the
production of this motion picture.
Remember Nothing
story:Steven L Sears & Chris Manheim
teleplay:Chris Manheim
director:Anson Williams
The three faces of fate send Xena to a life where she never chose
the life of a warrior, Lyceus is still alive and the Warrior
Princess never existed...BUT only until she draws blood in anger.
Village girl Xena is an interesting sight, but poor old Gabrielle
is much worse off as an embittered slave. Old villains return in
this very good episode.
Xena's memory was not damaged or...what was I saying?
Giant Killer
writer:Terence Winter
director:Gary Jones
Xena & Gabrielle help David defeat Goliath. Unfortunately,
Goliath is an old friend of Xena's. The giant SFX are more
convincing than the centaurs at least.
No Bible myths or stories were irreparably mangled during the
production of this motion picture.
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
writer:Adam Armus & Nora Kay Foster
director:T J Scott
In a fun Halloween episode, Xena, Gabrielle and Joxer must stop
Bacchus, and his vampire-like women even if it means turning into
them. Groovy music.(This episode had the first place action hour
ratings ahead of Hercules and Deep Space Nine)
No Bloodsucking Bacchae were harmed during the production of this
motion picture. However, a few driads lost their heads.
Return of Callisto
writer:RJ Stewart
director: TJ Scott
Perdicus returns into Gabby's life and they marry. Callisto
escapes from prison and later seeks her revenge on Xena through
Gabrielle. We see another side to Gabrielle, and Xena's concern
for her friend. Very good episode.
Although Xena finally conquered her dark nemesis Callisto, it
took her weeks to get the sand out of her leather unmentionables.
Warrior, Princess, Tramp
writer:RJ Stewart
director:Josh Becker
Lucy as Xena again visits Lucy as Princess Diana with a new
twist, another look-a-like, Tramp; Meg! Joxer also appears as a
potential love for Meg, which naturally gets very confusing. More
laughs, and good acting from Lucy Lawless.
Neither Xena nor her remarkably coincidental identical twin,
Diana, were harmed during the production of this motion picture.
Meg, however, suffered minor injuries while preparing Aardvark
nuggets for King Lias.
Intimate Stranger
writer:Steven L Sears
director:Gary Jones
With the help of Ares and Xena's guilt, Callisto switches bodies
with Xena...leaving her in the underworld. Wonderful acting
seeing Lucy as Callisto and Hudson as Xena. In the end, Xena
triumphs but the bodies are still switched!
Argo was not harmed during the production of this motion picture.
However, she is undergoing intensive psycho-therapy to help her
work through her resentment and feelings of distrust towards
Ten Little Warlords
writer:Paul Robert Coyle
director:Charles Siebert
Xena (still in Callisto's body) helps Ares who has lost his
god-hood leaving people without control over their
anger..including Gabrielle. In the end, we finally have the
bodies switched back to normal, (but is that really Lucy Lawless
or a body double in the final scene?)
No one was harmed during the production of this motion picture.
However, Xena's ability to recover her body was severely impeded
by Lucy Lawless' unexpected mishap.
A Solstice Carol
writer:Chris Manheim
director:John T Kretchmer
Santa Claus, Jesus' birth and A Christmas Carol with a Xena twist
in this holiday episode. Xena and Gabrielle attempt to bring the
season's greetings to a kingdom ruled by a Scrooge like king,
where the annual winter solstice celebrations have been
forbidden. More accents from Lucy Lawless, lots of nice little
jokes, a donkey and a very attractive Hercules puppet.
Senticles was not harmed during the production of this motion
picture. However, several chimneys are in dire need of repair.
Xena Scrolls
story:Robert Sidney Melette
teleplay:Adam Armus & Nora Kay Foster
director:Charlie Haskell
This Indiana Jones spoof finds Xena, Gabrielle and Joxer's
descendants in the 1940's digging up the tomb of Ares, releasing
him and Xena as they fight it out. Lucy once again displays her
talent for accents, as her descendant, Mel (from South Carolina),
and Renee O'Connor is Janis Covington, an archaeologist. Great
fun. Executive producer Robert Tapert gets to play himself here.
No Hollywood producers were harmed during the production of this
motion picture.
Here She Comes..Miss Amphipolis
writer:Chris Manheim
director:Marina Sargenti
Salmoneus (who else?) is running a Miss Known World Pageant where
trouble is afoot. Xena goes undercover as a contestant to find
the villain. Very funny episode, watch out for Miss Artiphys and
Xena's new look.
No ribbons were harmed in the production of this motion picture.
However, several experienced severe motion sickness.
story:Robert Tapert
teleplay:RJ Stewart & Steven L Sears
director:Robert Tapert
Xena flashes back ten years to her encounter with Julius Caesar
which sparked her road down evil and shows us where she learned
pressure points and fighting skills. However, while she's
remembering, Gabrielle is taking her to a healer after a terrible
injury which ends in Xena's death. Xena's past explored again in
this teriffic story. (to be continued)
Julius Caesar was not harmed during the production of this motion
picture. However, the Producers deny responsibility for any
unfortunate acts of betrayal occurring soon thereafter.
The Quest
story:Chris Manheim & Steven L Sears & RJ Stewart
teleplay:Steven L Sears
director:Michael Levine
Gabrielle, while bringing Xena's body home to Amphipolis,
encounters the Amazons (with Ephiny) to find she is the new
Amazon queen. Meanwhile, Autolycus finds Xena's spirit inside
him. Together, they must steal Xena's body from the Amazons,
defeat an evil Amazon and reach Ambrosia to bring Xena back.
Absolutely fabulous episode featuring a great performance from
Renee O'Connor, really holding it all together. Lucy isn't in it
much, but this is a very dramatic and emotional episode.
Xena's body was not harmed during the production of this motion
picture. However, it took weeks for Autolycus to get his swagger
A Necessary Evil
writer:Paul Robert Coyle
director:Mark Beesley
The evil Amazon Velasca, from "Quest" has eaten some
Ambrosia, become a God, and is after Gabrielle's blood. Ephiny
appears again along with other Amazons. Xena gets Callisto (now
immortal since Herc's "Surprise" ep) to help them
defeat her. The third in this mini-arc of episodes is another
good one. How many times can Callisto really be brought back
The reputation of the Amazon Nation was not harmed despite
Velasca's overly radical adherence to an otherwise valid belief
A Day in the Life
writer:RJ Stewart
director:Michael Hurst
Directed by Michael Hurst, this is a look at Xena and Gabrielle's
day to day life. A treat for subtext fans, but all fans of the
humourous side of the series must have enjoyed this one. We see
Xena and Gabrielle in a very different mood; playful, bickering,
and in different situations. Baths, eels, pans, whips and and
interesting discussion on Xena's appeal to men!
Disclaimer:- No slippery eels were harmed during the production
of this motion picture despite their reputation as a fine
delicacy in select cultures of the known world.
For Him the Bell Tolls
writer:Adam Armus & Nora Kay Foster
director:Josh Becker
Joxer returns in an episode that involves a goddess and owes much
to the film The Court Jester. Not much Xena and Gabrielle has to
follow Joxer around. A so-so episode.
Disclaimer:- The producers wish to acknowledge the inspiration of
Danny Kaye and pay tribute to the classic motion picture, The
Court Jester.
The Execution
writer:Paul Robert Coyle
director:Garth Maxwell
Meleager the mighty returns and is accused of murder. Xena and
Gabrielle are at odds over his innocence and there is a little
friction. Slightly disappointing episode.
Disclaimer:By popular demand, 'The Executioner' will bring back
his comfortable lightweight cottonflax blend robe in a variety of
spring colours.
Blind Faith
writer:Adam Armus & Nora Kay Foster
director:Josh Becker
Gabrielle is kidnapped, Xena is blinded, but does she give up?
Not on your nelly! A comedic episode for Gabrielle-sort of, but
poor old Xena has a tough time what with being blinded and having
ANOTHER young warrior out to kill her.
Disclaimer:Once again Gabrielle's luck with men was harmed during
the production of this motion picture.
writer:RJ Stewart
director:Michael Levine
Better known as Odysseus to his Greek pals, Ulysses is a love
interest for Xena, while Gabrielle gets very seasick. Xena and
Gabrielle finally meet Poseidon and take to the seas.
Disclaimer: Despite Gabrielle's incessant hurling, Ulysses' ship
was not harmed during the prodution of this motion picture.
The Price
writer:Steven L Sears
director:Oley Sassone
Xena reverts to a more aggressive life to fight a battle against
a seemingly unstoppable and mysterious group called The Horde in
this dark but gripping episode.
Disclaimer: To show sympathy for the Horde, "Kaltaka"
was only served upon request during the production of this motion
Lost Mariner
writer:Steven L Sears
director:Garth Maxwell
Xena and Gabrielle take to the high seas once more. More
seasickness, doomed ships, pirates and Xena saving the day with
possibly her most outrageously gravity defying acrobatics yet.
Disclaimer:Cecrops' "joie de vivre" was not harmed
during the production of this motion picture.
A Comedy of Eros
writer:Chris Manheim
director:Charles Siebert
Cupid's young son shoots wild arrows and Xena, Gabrielle, Joxer
and Draco fall in love with unexpected people in this slightly
disappointing comic finale.
Disclaimer: No cherries were harmed in the production of this
motion picture