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This Prophecy site is designed to provide information regarding the world of prophecy and predictions.

Click on the above icon to view links to other pages which tackle the world of prophecy. They also tackle such topics as Earth Changes, the mysteries behind the pyramids, the lost cities of Atlantis and Lumuria, and a heap of facts about Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce.

This link provides further information regarding prophecy. It has a list of books that I have read and reviewed. Such books include the topics of Earth Changes, the mysteries behind the pyramids, the lost cities of Atlantis and Lumuria, and a heap of facts about Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce.

This link takes you to an essay I wrote on Prophecy. I designed this piece to make people reconsider the value of prophecy and predictions. It is a three thousand word essay made up of the knowledge I have gathered from all the sources listed in the references.

By pressing this button you will be transported to the references page of my prophecy essay. Here you will find a detailed list of all the books researched for the essay.

I hope this page will enlighten your mind to the possiblities of prophecy.



Click here to visit The official Prophecy and Prediction site.

At this site you will find a video called "Prophecy and Predictions", It is the best video in this field that I have seen. You can order it from the Prophecy and Prediction web site. It is detail in forcasted earth changes, the prophecies of Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce, it includes predictions by respected modern day prophects of Gordon-Michael Scallion and Edmond Harold. If insightful segments on the pyramids, Atlantis, Lemuria, mayan and the Hopi indians it really is must have video.

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