Rising Star Entertainment


Yoga Flow


Lynn Paula

Yoga Flow is a full and balanced Vini Yoga workout video led by Lynn Paula. Vini Yoga emphasizes stability and fluidity rather then forcing oneself into contorted positions. Since each person is different, it takes into consideration the individual’s structure and condition, giving maximum benefits with minimum risks. It respects individual needs by appropriate application of postures, breath, meditation and relaxation.

It is particularly suited to learning at home, offering variations for many of the postures so that each student can comfortably and safely reach his or her own level, while still gaining all of yoga’s benefits.

Lynn has been practicing yoga since 1968. She has studied all the major traditions and has been teaching since 1983. She is a body worker, a yoga therapist and anatomist. As a teacher she has combined all these disciplines to help people improve their athletic conditioning and prevent or overcome injury.

Lynn has studied with the great masters of yoga in India, America and around the world; including Desikachar, son of the famous sage Krishnamacharya.

She has also appeared on ABC’s popular Good Morning America profiling Vini Yoga.

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Video and Film Production

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