Hello, and welcome to my humble abode! My main hobby interest is the programme I do for my local Community Radio Station, Mellow 1557, so I have included quite a lot of detail about the station.

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Email me at: graham_vine@geocities.com |
Some of the Vine family history including a family tree centred on me. And why not have a look at Radio Mi Amigo?

PCs - I have assembled a few for family members and I write an article called PC Corner for my local parish magazine. If I can help, please feel free to ask! Click the wireless set to go to a little page of my radio interests, including an old mug-shot of me from the early 1970s!!! DIY - I built my own house in Essex, UK

Ever since the late 60s (1960s, that is...) I DJed
discos from time to time. Interested...? Music

Other technical stuff: CV equivalent numbers

All my HTML code is hand-crafted - you can tell that can't you?

For a really professional web-site, can I suggest Highway 57

While you're round these parts, why not call in on my neighbours?