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John F. Kennedy Jr.
An Unofficial Web Site

In Memory of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr.

This site was the first online shrine to JFK Jr., created in March of 1997. Due to several problems regarding copyrights on the photographs featured on the site, it was shut down on April 5, 1999.

Since the events of July 16th, 1999, numerous people have been e-mailing this site's webmaster requesting for information on John, and requesting for a forum where they can share their feelings. This site has thus been re-opened.

Please sign the message board if you want to share your thoughts and feelings on this tragedy. Let us all join together in prayer for John, his wife Carolyn, and her sister, Lauren.

General Information:

Date of Birth: November 25, 1960

Place of Birth: Washington, D.C.

Date of Death: July 16, 1999

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 187 lbs.

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Brown

Civil Status: Married to Carolyn Bessette on September 21, 1996

Father: John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States of America

Mother: Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy-Onassis

Sister: Caroline Kennedy-Schlossberg

College Education: Brown University, BA in History - 1983

Post-Graduate Education: New York University Law School - 1989

Clerkship at the Justice Department, Washington D.C.

Internship at Manatt, Phelps, Rothenberg and Philips, Los Angeles, CA

Last Occupation: Editor-in-chief, George Magazine, founded in 1995

Previous Occupation: Manhattan Assistant District Attorney

Chat about the event here.

For a look at some images from John's life, proceed to the gallery.

Please remember to pray for John, Carolyn and Lauren Bessette.

You may send your letters of condolence c/o The Office of Senator Edward Kennedy, 315 Russell Senate Office Building, U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C., 20510.

Visitor Number:

Post a Message on The Message Board

Please just ignore anyone who is using the message board for "amusement purposes". These people need your prayers, not your angry responses. Please do not turn the message board into an area for flame wars. It's very disrespectful to the memory of these three individuals, and it is not what this site was intended for. Thank you.