Welcome to the Space Odyssey 2001 digital disco club.
No Cotton
100% PoLyEsTeR
Waka waka guitars
Trumpets blazing
funky base lines
organs pumping disco vibes
styling groves
and disco shoes
Dancing all night
Every night
The 70's hit movie Saterday Night Fever was unexpectedly popular, there is no doubt that the grovin' Space Oddyessey 2001 dance scenes and inceadble music by the BEE GEES played an huge role in the films success. The BEE GEES where all brothers like the 'Jackson Five' whose great voices created an amazing harmony of music perfection; with Barry Gibb generally taking the melody, Robin G the bottom, and Maurice G on the top. ( No sexual referance intended: ) They where sensational.
The BEE GEES were heavily influenced by the Beatles and have a majority of songs which are certainly not disco; but with the HUGE success of the "Saturday Night Fever" sound track and the biggest selling LP of all time, " Staying Alive" the BEE GEES found themselves being unwilling victems of the 'disco backlash' that followed soon afterwards. I think this is pritty funny, seeing as the BEE GEES were never really a disco group. "ha!"
Something else which I think is prittey funny is the BEE GEES had an album called, ' A kick In The Head Is Worth Eight In The Pants'. incidently this album was not a great success.: )
'When asked in 1988 by Rolling Stone magazine to comment on " Stayin' Alive", which is to this day the best selling single ever, selling over 30 million copies.(not bad) Had been selected as one of the 100 top singles of the previous 25 years. The BEE GEES sent a note that alluded to their own mixed feelings about disco and the era of their greatest succes: " We'd like to dress it up in a white suit and gold chains and set it on fire".'-David Wild Rolling Stone
Get with it.
Disco Lingo
EMANATE: The act of moving toward a designated spot or person without really seeming to move. An effortless glide, emanating is best accomplished by beaming your energy in a non-verbal, non-violent, non-threatening way, and going with the flow of that energy, helped along by the disco beat. (Isn't that helpful?)
STUDIO 54: The ultimate chic hangout, where the sheer beauty of the beautiful people assembled therein is enough to blind you.
BOOGIE: Dancing in its lowest form, most usually at a rock concert, to the music of the Grateful Dead.
AMBIANCE: The sum total of the music, mood, mist, and people at a particular disco.
FUNKY: 1) The kind of rhythm and blues designed to cause one to break out in cold sweats. 2) The collected aroma of the disco-- with sweat, tears, makeup, hairspray, and perfume mingling with the moisture of bodies all gasping for breath in the darkness.
HEAVY: 1) A person who tries to start a serious conversation at a disco. 2) The subject of the conversation (in descending order of heaviness: parents, inflation, the Middle East, rock & roll, and yesterday's homework).
SOCK IT TO ME, OUTASITE, OH WOW, GROOVY, MINDBLOWING, BUMMER, BAD TRIP, RIGHT-ON, NEAT, CRAZY, FAR-OUT: Some words to be avoided at the disco, no matter how much the mood to say them may grab you.
special thanks to the disco lingo page
Welcome to the
The Disco Download Depot
sound wavs and movies for all your groving needs
( I love this song)
Thanks to www.beegees.net
Disco Ball (Mpeg)
Thanks to disco web
wav. music possible thanks to the Seventies Dance Music page
"It's now pretty well established that disco didn't suck, and neither do the Bee Gees." -David Wild for Rolling Stone Magazine (May 29, 1997)
The Space Oddyssey 2001 Digital Disco Club is proud to feature...
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member of the Space Odyssey 2001 Digital Disco Club
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Digital Disco Club Promotion Page,( with moving disco ball!)
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member of the Space Odyssey 2001 Digital Disco Club
( a grovin' page)
( a very cool page)
( A very funky page)
( a grovin' page)
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(my friends page)
( Yeah, visit this one!: )
Thankyou for visiting the Space Oddyssey 2001 Digital Disco Club.
Keep checking up on this page for the arrival of the huge
Space Odyssey 2001 Digital Disco picture page.
Stare at this image forever and soon will emerge a
3D image of Travola dancing the tango; no really!
for more information on this amazing printing process send large amounts of cash to...
Mail the President of the Space Odyssey 2001 digital disco club by clicking on the lava lamp above.
Simply mail the url of your page to the president and put a link to this site on your page. Imediatly after he has recived your mail he will go to your page and including that you said lots of nice stuff about him in your mail: ) and he finds a link to the Space Odyssey 2001 Digital Disco Club on your site. He will imediatly put a prominant link to your site on this page including the bold typing - member of the Space Odyssey 2001 Digital Disco Club!
Oh, and incase your wondering, it's absolutely free!: )
Digital Disco Club Promotion Page,( with moving disco ball!)
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If you have a problem with anything on this page, ie. I have taken it from your page and you are unhappy about it feel free to mail me and tell me so and the item will be removed imediatly.