The Stereotypical Guy

Although this is titled "The Stereotypical Guy," this is only for politically correct reasons, and so I won't have people saying to me, 'You are so narrowminded, you can't just generalise like that, my boyfriend is not like that..." Yeah yeah yeah. But I don't actually think that it's a really appropiate heading. I think that 'The Stereotypical Guy' is someone who we have come to accept as your 'average Joe.'
So who is Joe? The words, 'chick cruising', 'fuck she wants me', and 'I'm going to pull tonight', tend to slip into his vocabulary, or so he'd like to you think that they 'slipped in'. More, like they are conciously locked up inside him whilst in the presence of his 'woman'. You see, Joe likes women to believe he's different to all the other guys out there. He's not interested in getting down your pants, or a quick "fuck 'em and leave 'em" encounter. He's ready for a long-term, monogamous relationship with commitment and fidelity. He's the guy that melts your insides with tender endearments written in his own fair hand in a homemade card. He's the guy that makes all the others seem like bastards, and he's the guy who makes you feel genuinely sorry for every other poor bitch in the world who's not with him. He's...Mr. Right.
Don't believe it. The average guy is only interested in "getting some". The guys who mean what they say are the ones who ask you what's wrong, who sit down and listen or will take your advice - they actually come for it. They have individual, unique thoughts and notions. They don't write you soppy letters or cards, nor do they feel the need to hold your hand every waking minute that you're together. They don't go 'chick cruising' or look for the drunkest girl at a party. They have respect the girl they like, and want respect back from them.
Sleaziness reflects completely what a guy or girl even, is like. It says everything about their personality. It shows that they are shallow dicks that don't deserve anyone except their hand. It's the same with cheaters and liars. The first thing I do when I meet a new guy is watch how he's treating everyone else. You can learn so much about someone just from their behaviour towards other people. Because you could be those other people.
Unfortuantely I have noticed that most guys tend to be Joe. If you're lucky enough to meet someone who's not, even if it's not a sexual relationship, they're the best sorts. Don't be fooled.

24.10.99 I recieved an email today from a "Mr. Bob McBobbit" although I am hoping he will drop this blantent alias and introduce himself. He had read my artical recently and decided to write his own, which he entitled "The Antedote to The Stereotypical Guy." On finding his email in my mailbox, subjected "The Sterotypical Guy," I initially thought, "Oh shit here is one of those annoying and irritating outbursts from someone who thinks they are a big man.." But once I had read the first few lines of his email those feelings dissipated into ones of anticipation and humour. I immediately posted it on my site, because I think it contributes my objective of writing articals like "The Stereotypical Guy," which is is express my opinion. So enjoy it. Or maybe not.

"The Hypocrisy of the Woman"

The first item on our agenda for the complete demolition of the fallacies presented in this short but overwhelmingly misplaced article is what will now go down in the anals of history as "Short Skirt Syndrome". The pure stench of hypocrist wafts over to the reader as Miss Chow discusses the adverse sexual habits of the "Average Joe". By definition, the Average Joe will, in fact, be average, and will be made no less average by Miss Chow's ramblings. Short Skirt Syndrome only goes to prove that the basis of Joe's perceived attitude towards the opposite sex is based entirely on the actions of women - the short skirt being a prime example.
If the establishment demanded a skirt that came below the knee level, the uproar from the female end of the corridor would be a lot louder than the male. For, it cannot be denied, that short skirts are only good for one thing - allowing Joe to perve his way as far up the leg as possible. As such, women really are asking for it in the way they are treated by Joe.
Its incredible that by simply writing this article, Miss Chow did not venture to realise that she was in fact demonstrating some of the worst aspects of female nature - lack of logic, hypocrisy, opionation, female arrogance and determination to pass judgement in an area they, lets face it, know and understand fuck all about. You can't blame Joe for his natural sexual desires and instincts, bred out of millions of years of history where the aggressive female is pursued by the altogether keener male. And, truth be told, women blatently find it flattering to be on the receiving end of sexual attentions, nomatter how "sleazy" they may be, and indeed would be annoyed and downright depressed if nobody showed an interest. But oh no, in Miss Chow's extra special world with flowers and magic frogs with funny little hats, a bloke becomes a bastard upon the sending of a Valentines card. This fact does not affect the woman's count up and bragging of the quantity of Valentines card of course.
At the end of the article, Miss Chow mentions the fact that the relationship with someone who has broken free of the Joe stereotype is often not sexual. The reason for this, is that any such bloke will be a rampant homosexual, and indeed, if Miss Chow wishes to find true love with a person such as she describes in such exquisite detail, she will require a first class BA ticket to the Isle Of Lesbos.

Bob McBobbit (yeah right)

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