The Abyss

Thank you for coming to the site. As some of you may know this is not my original page. Unfortantely that was lost to the mysterious mistake I made a few months ago. I doubt that my second efforts will stem from the same amount of enthuthiasm, and I suppose will not be of the same quality, but shit happens. Anyways, this page is not for any purpose, but simply fills the idle hours of the early day. And it's also for friends to view because I'd like to return the favour to the people who bother to labourously type out their html for the pages I go to. So uh, make yourself at home and have fun or something.

I guess the first thing to do would be to talk about my friends, because i suppose they're the only people who'd be looking at this page anyways. i guess most of you know that i'm starting Sevenoaks in September, but I'll be back in HK on the 23rd October. There'll be some serious fun then.
I would like to say a few things about my friends because they are the second best thing (next to the crap law enforcement) about HK for me. Chris has been there for me since the beginning of year10 when we were a mere (actually only i was) 13 years old. Oh how much has happened since then. But he is still the only person who I can say understands be completely. Jen and I have known each other since I saw her at the Stanley Ho swimming pool wearing that funny looking swimming cap, when I was 12. We've been through adolescent hell together (and sometimes not together). I've written hate entries in my pre-teenage diary, as she has me, and then we've laughed over them together later (much later). I've crushed on her boyfriend and then watched her crying in the toilets at Nite Life when I danced with him, heh heh. But despite all our major ups and downs, we are now SO close and I can't imagine her not being my friend. Ben, now in Singapore, IS the boyfriend of Jen's that I crushed on, but that's just funny now. I've known him since I was 11 and when we both wore braces. Ben you're just a wonderful guy, so here's a special pic for you. Maria, whom I've known since I was, um, 8 is amazing to me. We've never been best friends, but have always always been there together. We talk about shit, and it's like, 'been there, done that'. So that's just hella cool. Kate is my best friend from yr7, but we've known each other since we were 7. How cool. Plus she is the only person who's puke I have had to clear up. But because she's Kate that's cool, sort of. Oh, she's always the only person that I've eaten a whole tub of cookies and cream with. Which is definately something cool. AND, this is a page just for her: ALL THE JARED YOU COULD EVER NEED Smitty (Mike Smith to some) is the bloke that I wasn't supposed to kiss, but hell that's done with now and there have been SO many times when we've just sat and smoked and gotten drunk (well i have) on his balcony. Bri is the bestest friend, and also whom I have the strangest, almost non-existant history with. I have no other friends that I'm am this connected with that I got to know through the strange. I have no early memories of you and me. It's 'hella' cool. Also, he has the coolest car. God I wish I had his car. Although not many of my friends feel the same way as I do about cool cars, here is a link to Brian's page devoted to his Camaro Z28 Emilio lives 6 floors below me, and loves my bird. At least, he did before I asked him to look after her for the summer! He was the guy I called long-distance on daddy's phone card from Tai Pai airport during my 6 hour transfer after I missed my flight the night before. And we are also Smash-Brother buddies right mim? No one else recognised the true greatness of that game instantly. Mayank is also another games-buddy. We have wasted SO much time playing Shadow Warrior. The result of that time-wastage is no one else can claim that they know every secret of every level. We have advanced to supreme tactics and playage. It's just amazing. heh heh. Jose is my non-West Island guy. We have scrubbed countless cigerettes off each other and I am still waiting for him to meet me on the island. The number of times I have sat on that fucking train into the desert to see him are uncountable. Dammit get your country-ass to the concrete! Laura, you are just a blonde bimbo and I just love you so much. God we have to go get fucked together. Oh, and a shopping trolly. Um, I think i have more friends then I realise. I'm going to stop typing, but Cress, Dave, Charmaine (wanna go for a fag?), and all my other friends deserve uh, something cool.

For those of you who don't know me too well, I am a fan of Marilyn Manson and because there an common mis-conceptions about him, the band and their music, I would like the skeptical to quickly read this artical. Although i cannot remember what it is about, I will link you to it because i have a feeling it delves into the purpose of the man who calls himself Marilyn. Uh, yeah.
I was born in Hong Kong, I turn sweet sixteen on Spetember 8th, (oh and how fucking sweet it will be). I go to school in Sevenoaks, Kent, UK, but I've just finished doing my GCSE's in Hong Kong, as West Island school. Although I have a feeling that I've made the wrong decision to come here, there were many a reason why I felt the need to leave HK which I won't go on about. Those of you I love will know why. I hope.
I don't really have a purpose for this page, but seeing as it's supposed to be for me, and I guess about me, I think I will just express what I think about things and put links to them on this main page. I suppose I'll enjoy writing them because it will clarify what I feel about stuff but I don't really give a shit if vistors enjoy reading them. I doubt I would enjoy them. I know that many people won't agree with me, but this is my page and these are my ideas though it would be cool if anyone wants to challange them. My email is at the bottom.
So, uh, there we are. Or there you go, either one is fine.

The Stereotypical Guy Not written
Not written Not written
Not written Not written

For the official Marilyn Manson webpage, click HERE

Read my bedtime stories
Write a bedtime story

To write me an email click HERE

And uh, if you want to buy a movie or research anything about movies, click HERE