Last update:00-04-24

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buttongreen.gif (1527 bytes)   Examples

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Solar shading

The sun angle in summer solstice (22 June) at 9:00am is 63 degrees at 83
degrees east. The sun angle in winter (22 Dec) at 10:00am is 40 degrees at 145
degrees east. The louvers on east facade are 200mm spaced 150mm apart.

The sun angle in summer solstice at 4:00pm is 35 degrees at 75
degrees west. The sun angle in winter solstice at 3:00pm is 40 degrees at 145
degrees west. The louvers on west facade are100mm spaced 100mm apart.
The louvers on south facade is 50mm spaced at 500mm apart.

solardig2.gif (25015 bytes)

Two angles as  and  aw describe the shading geometry. These angles determine the
amount of shading of south-facing windows at solar noon throughout the year. If the sun
elevation at solar noon is greater than as (summer), then the window is completely
shaded. If the sun elevation at solar noon is less than as but greater than aw
(spring and fall), then the window is partially shaded. If the sun elevation at solar noon
is less than aw (winter), then the window is completely unshaded.

bulletorbit.gif (2717 bytes)  Sun angle determination

bulletorbit.gif (2717 bytes)  Sun Position Calculation

bulletorbit.gif (2717 bytes)  Window overhang design

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