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How do people apply Built Environment?

Architects and engineers use solar resource information to help design passive solar and daylight features for buildings. Solar resource information includes data on how much solar radiation and illuminance are available for different window orientations, and how they vary.

What does this homepage include?

This homepage mainly based on the topic on Solar Radiation and Daylighting.
The sun is important in building design for several reasons. It is the source of natural lighting; the heat from its rays may be utilised to advantage or give rise to severe discomfort through overheating; and its penetration into buildings, at least in northern latitudes, is a strongly felt need for many people. Until recently the health-giving properties of the sun's rays were thought important but medical opinion has changed considerably on this issue and in addition the germicidal effects of sunshine in interiors are not now considered significant in relation to modern cleaning methods.

Another aspect of building design which is strongly affected by the sun is the shading of areas round buildings which can affect both the vegetation and the human enjoyment of adjacent open spaces.

                                             bulletorbit.gif (2717 bytes) Solar Radiation

                                             bulletorbit.gif (2717 bytes) Daylighting

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