Animated Conversation

      Animated Conversation

      This page looks BEST when viewed with NETSCAPE.


      Thank you to all of you who have so patient with me. I know it's been a good long while since I've updated. It's funny how much less free time you get when you hit your junior year of college, and it only gets worse your senior year. I will be working on adding so much more to this site. An in-depth Lion King section is nearly completed... so stay tuned. If this is your first time here, Welcome! Rest assured it will only get better! (P.S. I just realized how screwy my site looks using IE- knowing that most of my visitors use this browser I will be making efforts to make it look like it should for you. Although, I wish to state that I DO NOT care for Microsoft at all, but what good is a site that can't be viewed?)


        Tara (The webmistress behind this little part of cyberspace)

        Surfing Notes: read this your first time here!

        Update Log
        Guestbook Email About ME!

        | | [ Disney Animation ] | | [ Don Bluth Animation ] | | [ Japanese Animation ] | |
        | | [ Computer Animation] | | [ Stop Motion Animation ] | | [ Links ] | | [ Credits ] | |

        This is version 4.0 (last updated 2/26/01) of my home page. I have personally checked all links, and all appear to be working as of this date. My previous home page here was humanely shot and put out of its misery!

        Total Pages: 39 and growing!

        I just won my first award! *sniff* Isn't it beautiful?

        I even won another one!
        Lynns Award for Website Excelence

          © 1996-2001