More sights of San Francisco
More Sights of San Francisco
Twin Peaks
One of the controversial sites right now is at Twin Peaks where
the lofty television antenna can be seen from everywhere. The plan is to put a digital antenna up the middle and the neighbors
are concerned about possible radiation; besides, they fear it
might topple in the advent of a severe earthquake. To the right of Sutro Tower is one of the Twin Peaks.
Lake Merced
Another source of controversy is Lake Merced. Once a busy
recreation center filled with sailboats, now deserted. This is
a reservoir and during the drought, more water was taken out than
was replaced. The neighborhood association is trying to get it
The Golden Gate Bridge

The Golden Gate Bridge seen from the ocean side and a view of
the Marin County hills west of the Bridge.
This flag flies,
flapping in the wind, at the head of Castro St. Many smaller
versions can be seen around the city.

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