been walking in the footsteps, Of society lies.... I don't like what I
see no more, Sometimes I wish I was blind... Sometimes I wait forever to
stand out in the rain. So no-one sees me crying, trying to wash away the
pain.... Don't you know it's never too late... Right now we gotta Keep
The Faith. ----- Keep
the faith, Keep the faith(1991)
The problem in Malaysia... or is this happening to the world already???
It was a darn great Saturday night and I was IRC-ing (cyber-chatting). And out of the blue I had this urge to chat with some fans of Gunners... so I typed in the main channel : any GN'R fans 4 a chat?
And guess what I got??? Nope not bunch of gunner fans MSG nor DCC-ing me... but some nasty comments from all (ermm... if not all... 90% I suppose..) of them. 'GN'R sucks', 'GN'R sissies', 'Axl Rose is an asshole' , 'Slash is gone n so is GN'R', 'GN'R is history'.... want me to go on?????
It wasn't a pleasant sight, trust me. But somehow it got me thinking... the phrase 'Guns N' Roses' no longer a symbol of coolness, music, guitar skill and glory like what it suppose to be years ago. Is it because Slash is gone?? Because these guys haven't been active enough currently?? Because alternative music is catching on fast?? Because rock n' roll is dead?? Because all the fans are loosing faith in Axl and band??
I attended a local band competition lately and out of the 20-over bands, only 1 single band played GN'R song (November Rain). The rest?? Don't ask me... sound to me like some alternative or grunge shit I think. Is time really wearing the Gunners off already? Here I want to thank the 4 guys who performed November Rain and a salute to them.
So what is your say?? What do you think?? E-mail me and send me your comments, hate-mail (if you disagree with me), or suggestions to me and I will feature it in my 'Visitors' Page' section.
Alternative culture is about being different, just like everybody else.
-Scott Showalter
There are two types of bad music in today's music scene:
people who don't play real instruments
and people who don't really know how to play their instruments.
-Dan Smith
Alternative music...alternative to what?
-Billy Joel
If alternative bands would spend less time on making themselves look HIDEOUS,
and devote that time instead to their instruments, they could possibly
join the ranks
of true musicians instead of having to disparage virtuosity in order to
justify their own existences, and console themselves over their lack of
-Leigh Anne
Quotes provided by Daniel Smith. Thanks Dan.
damn me when I speak a piece of my mind, 'cause silence isn't golden when
I'm holding it inside. 'cause I've been where I have been and I've seen
what I have seen... I put the pen to the paper 'cause its all apart of
me.... -------Don't Damn Me, Use You Illusion
1 (1991)