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Top Gun
    Goose: Jester's dead. Yee Haw!
    Goose: The Defense Department regrets to inform you that your sons are dead because they were stupid.
    Viper: Good morning gentlemen. The temperature is 110 degrees.
    Goose: Holy shit, it's Viper!
    Maverick and Goose improving foreign relations:

    Maverick: Greetings.
    Goose: Watch the birdie.. (takes polaroid)

    geez I crack myself up.

    Commander: You screw up just this much, you'll be flyin' a cargo plane full of rubber dog shit outta Honk Kong.
    Maverick: Cougar you got MIG one. I'm goin' after MIG two.
    Charlie: Excuse me Lieutenant. Is there something wrong?
    Maverick: Yes maam. The data on the MIG is innacurate.
    Charlie: How's that Lieutenant?
    Maverick: Well I just happend to see a MIG 28 do...
    Goose: We... we.
    Maverick: Sorry Goose We happended to see a MIG 28 do a 4G negative dive.
    Charlie: Where did you see this?
    Maverick: That's classified.
    Charlie: That's what?
    Maverick: That's classified. I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.
    Charlie: So Lieutenant, where exactly were you?
    Maverick: Well we...
    Goose: Thank you.
    Maverick: ...started up on his six when we pulled through the clouds and then I moved in above him.
    Charlie: Well if you were directly above him, how could you see him?
    Maverick: Because I was inverted.
    Iceman: (while coughing)
    Goose: No, he was man. It was a really great move. He was inverted.
    Charlie: You were in a 4G inverted dive with a MIG 28?
    Maverick: Yes maam.
    Charlie: At what range?
    Maverick: About two meters.
    Goose: Well it was actually about one and a half, I think it was one and a half... I've got a great polaroid of it, he's right there. It must be one and a half.
    Maverick: It was a nice picture...
    Charlie: Ah, Lieutenant. What were you doing there?
    Goose: Communicating.
    Maverick: Communicating. Keeping up foreign relations. You know. Giving him the bird..
    Instructor: The clock is ticking, and as of now we are keeping score.
    Maverick: I feel the need...
    Maverick & Goose: The need for speed!
    Mrs. Goose: Hey Goose you big stud!
    Goose: That's me honey!
    Mrs. Goose: Take me to bed, or loose me forever!
    Goose: Show me the way home, honey.
    Maverick: This is what I call a "target rich environment."
    Goose: OK Mav, let's turn and burn!
    Maverick: No, actually I've only done this twice.
    Charlie: Oh? How'd you do?
    Maverick: Crashed and burned on the first one. It wasn't pretty.
    Charlie: The second?
    Maverick: I don't know, I'll tell you tomorrow. But it's lookin' good so far.
    Maverick: OK Buddy, what's on your mind?
    Maverick, Goose and the boys do "You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling"

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      Created and Maintained by Gary West. Credits   
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