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song.wav (237K)
(a 25 second clip from the song: "That Thing You Do.")
nameband.wav (43K)
Lenny (Steve Zahn): Oh, let's just call us the band you're about to hear.
brokearm.wav (40K)
Lenny: Asshole just broke his arm. (laughing)
mkrecord.wav (39K)
Guy Patterson (Tom Everette Scott): Hey, what do you guys think about that? Faye Dolan (Liv Taylor): What? Guy Patterson: Mayby we should make a record.
rejected.wav (116K)
Lenny: Yeh, He's got a very pretty girlfriend doesn't he? Chrissy Thomkins (Sarah Koskoff): Is it serious do you know? Lenny: Very Serious. I'm single. Chrissy: What about the bass player? Lenny: He's married.
on_radio.wav (36K)
First Manager: And how would you like to hear "That Thing You Do" on the radio?
camper.wav (105K)
Lenny: What are you? crazy! A man in a really nice camper wants to put our song on the radio. Gimmie a pen. I'm signing, your signing, we're all signing.
the_lurch.wav (95K)
Mr Patterson (Holmes Osborne Jr): Well mamma, your son who loves you just left us in the lurch. Darlene, you just got promoted. Darlene Patterson (Dawn Maxey): You mean you're gonna start paying me. Mr Patterson: I didn't say that!
dontstink.wav (42K)
Mr White (Tom Hanks): It's very important you don't stink today. Lenny: Hey, I make no gaurantees.
blueribbon.wav (89K)
Lenny: Oh, I'm not here with these fellas. I got a pigging competition over at the livestock pavilion and I am gonna win that blue ribbon.
no_7.wav (29K)
Mr White: You got the number seven record in the country.
go_fish.wav (89K)
Lenny: You got any 3s? (makes noise as if frustrated) Well it Look's like Lenny's going fishin'.
big_fan.wav (68K)
Guy Patterson: (directed to his hero: Dell Paxton) But, I liston to your records and I think you're great. (takes a breath) You are my biggest fan!
tv_today.wav (117K)
(phone rings)
Mr White: Good morning Guy, we have a crisis here. Your bass player has disappeared and you are still in bed. Jusy calling to tell you get your patootie down to the television studio. Your gonna be on TV today!
spartacus.wav (86K)
Lenny: Hey, skitch, How did we get here? Guy: I led you here sir for I am Spartcus.
Copyright © 1997, 1998 MovieWavs. All rights reserved.
Created and Maintained by Gary
West. Credits
All sounds on the The MovieWavs Page or linked from The MovieWavs Page
retain their original copyright as owned by their respective movie production
companies. All sound files are for educational, research, criticism, or
review for movie purchase purposes. The MovieWavs Page holds no liability
from misuse of these sound files. Some of the wav file contained on the
MovieWavs Page may not be suitable for young children.