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Number 5 (the robot): Weeeee!
Number 5: (Knocking on gas pump) Need input. Input.
Stefanie (Ally Sheedy): Come on. Walk this way. March! Heal! Giddiup! Uh Forward! Number 5: Forward. Stepahnie: Forward. forward. come forward. That's good. That's really good.
Number 5: Malfunction. Need input. Stefanie: Input. That's Information. Liston I am full of it.
Stefanie: Oregon. Number 5: Oregon. Stefanie: Home of the Beaver. Famous for Cherries. Number 5: Beavers! Cherries! Input. Stefanie: I'm giving you great Input. Number 5: More Input. More Input.
Number 5: Ooooh! Animal, Mammal, Skunk. Vessel, container, drinking glass. Pasta, samolina, spaghetti. Liquid, spaghetti sauce. Stefanie: Hey look, this may be considered hillarious where you come from but here it's considered rude. Number 5: Oooooh! Plants, fruit, oranges, apples, lemons, limes.
Number 5: Table Cloth. Stefanie: No, no not my dishes. Oh thank God. Number 5: Brekfast table american contemporary. Stefanie: No no, oh oh my china. Number 5: Numerous fragments. Some large. Some small.
Number 5: Come on Stef, lighten up. Let's give it a whirl.
Stefanie: God I am so stupid. Number 5: Stupid, foolish, gullible, doltish, dumbbell, laimbrain. Stefanie: Shutup! Number 5: Shutup, silence, hush, sit on it, can it. Stefanie: Boy am I the jerk of the world you're just programmed. Number 5: Jerk of the world, turkey, idiot, pain in the ass.
Stefanie: Say something. Number 5: Beautiful Stefanie.
Stefanie: How much is a contraption like that worth anyway? Howard (Crosby's Boss): Worth? Oh, I don't know a few hundred dollars maybe.
Stefanie: Their gonna give you a tuneup. Number 5: Tuneup? Input. Stefanie: You know, take you apart, find out which screw is loose. Number 5: Apart, undone, dismantle, disect, disassemble. Stefanie: Right.
Number 5: Error! Grasshopper is disassemble. Reassemble! Stefanie: Huh? Number 5: Reassemble. Stefanie: I can't reassemble him. You squashed him. He's dead. Number 5: Dead? Stefanie: Right, dead, as a doornail. Number 5: Reassemble Stefanie. Reassemble. Stefanie: I know you don't understand. But, when you're dead, you're dead. That's just the way it is.
Number 5: Squash... dead... disassemble... dead Disassemble!!! Dead!!! Stefanie: Hey, slow down. Number 5: No disassemble!
Number 5: Not malfunction Stefanie. Number 5 is alive.
Ben (Fisher Stevens): As we are fond of saying in my country "Market Place makes dull home for rodents". Crosby (Steve Guttenberg): Where are you from anyway. Ben: Bakersfield originally. Crosby: No, I mean your ancestors. Ben: Oh them. Pittsburg.
Ben: Girly. Girly come quick. Girly danger Come on.
Number 5: No, no disassemble. Stefanie: Oh Number 5, Don't be scared. Just wait here a second; I'll be right back.
Crosby: It's a machien. It doesn't get scared. It doesn't get happy. It doesn't get sad. Crosby and Ben: It just runs programs.
Ben: Bye bye goofy woman. I enjoyed repeatedly throwing you to the ground. Huh huh.
Number 5: Number 5 furious, livid, perturbed. Driver: Hold it right there. Oh ow ah Number 5: Colt 45, semi-automatic. Playdough! Driver: What do we do now? Ben: I don't know about you but I am planning to scream and run.
(gunshot) Number 5: Say pilgrim that liked to have parted my hair. If you wanna play rough I can sure oblige ya.
Number 5: Frankie, you broke the unwritten law. You ratted on your friends. When you do that Frankie, you're enemies don't respect you. You got no friends no more. You got nobody Frankie.
Scroder (army guy): Howard we are gonna have to put up some road blocks and I'm gonna need some hewies. Howard: Some what?. Scroder: Helecopters Howard, Jesus Christ. Howard: I thought they were choppers. Scroder: Well now they're called hewies. Howard: Well why wasn't I notified?
Number 5: Escape robot fights for his life. Film at eleven.
Number 5: (whistle) Hey laser lips you're momma was a snowblower.
Number 5: Yes, beautiful stars better see.
Number 5: And resemble, look like, butterfly, bird, mapleleaf. Crosby: Where? Holy Shit! Number 5: No shit. Where see shit?
Stefanie: What are you going to do now. Dr Crosby: I don't know yet uh. My dad left me a few acres up in Montana. I hear it's beautiful there this time of year. Number 5: Great idea! I say we cruise on up there and check it out. Hi honey I'm home.
(sound of seat being thrown out of van followed by engine starting) Johnny 5 (his self-given new name): Yo!
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Created and Maintained by Gary
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